#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

Run Regression Test Suite

This module calls down into individual test cases via subprocess. It will
forward all unrecognized arguments onto the individual test scripts, other

    - `-extended`: run the "extended" test suite in addition to the basic one.
    - `-win`: signal that this is running in a Windows environment, and we
      should run the tests.
    - `--coverage`: this generates a basic coverage report for the RPC

For a description of arguments recognized by test scripts, see


import os
import time
import shutil
import sys
import subprocess
import tempfile
import re

from tests_config import *

#If imported values are not defined then set to zero (or disabled)
if not vars().has_key('ENABLE_WALLET'):
if not vars().has_key('ENABLE_BITCOIND'):
if not vars().has_key('ENABLE_UTILS'):
if not vars().has_key('ENABLE_ZMQ'):


#Create a set to store arguments and create the passOn string
opts = set()
passOn = ""
p = re.compile("^--")

bold = ("","")
if (os.name == 'posix'):
    bold = ('\033[0m', '\033[1m')

for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    if arg == '--coverage':
    elif (p.match(arg) or arg == "-h"):
        passOn += " " + arg

#Set env vars
buildDir = BUILDDIR
if "BITCOIND" not in os.environ:
    os.environ["BITCOIND"] = buildDir + '/src/bitcoind' + EXEEXT
if "BITCOINCLI" not in os.environ:
    os.environ["BITCOINCLI"] = buildDir + '/src/bitcoin-cli' + EXEEXT

#Disable Windows tests by default
if EXEEXT == ".exe" and "-win" not in opts:
    print "Win tests currently disabled.  Use -win option to enable"

testScripts = [
    'txn_doublespend.py --mineblock',
testScriptsExt = [
    'txn_clone.py --mineblock',
#    'rpcbind_test.py', #temporary, bug in libevent, see #6655

#Enable ZMQ tests
if ENABLE_ZMQ == 1:

def runtests():
    coverage = None

        coverage = RPCCoverage()
        print("Initializing coverage directory at %s\n" % coverage.dir)

    if(ENABLE_WALLET == 1 and ENABLE_UTILS == 1 and ENABLE_BITCOIND == 1):
        rpcTestDir = buildDir + '/qa/rpc-tests/'
        run_extended = '-extended' in opts
        cov_flag = coverage.flag if coverage else ''
        flags = " --srcdir %s/src %s %s" % (buildDir, cov_flag, passOn)

        #Run Tests
        for i in range(len(testScripts)):
            if (len(opts) == 0
                    or (len(opts) == 1 and "-win" in opts )
                    or run_extended
                    or testScripts[i] in opts
                    or re.sub(".py$", "", testScripts[i]) in opts ):

                print("Running testscript %s%s%s ..." % (bold[1], testScripts[i], bold[0]))
                time0 = time.time()
                    rpcTestDir + testScripts[i] + flags, shell=True)
                print("Duration: %s s\n" % (int(time.time() - time0)))

                # exit if help is called so we print just one set of
                # instructions
                p = re.compile(" -h| --help")
                if p.match(passOn):

        # Run Extended Tests
        for i in range(len(testScriptsExt)):
            if (run_extended or testScriptsExt[i] in opts
                    or re.sub(".py$", "", testScriptsExt[i]) in opts):

                    "Running 2nd level testscript "
                    + "%s%s%s ..." % (bold[1], testScriptsExt[i], bold[0]))
                time0 = time.time()
                    rpcTestDir + testScriptsExt[i] + flags, shell=True)
                print("Duration: %s s\n" % (int(time.time() - time0)))

        if coverage:

            print("Cleaning up coverage data")

        print "No rpc tests to run. Wallet, utils, and bitcoind must all be enabled"

class RPCCoverage(object):
    Coverage reporting utilities for pull-tester.

    Coverage calculation works by having each test script subprocess write
    coverage files into a particular directory. These files contain the RPC
    commands invoked during testing, as well as a complete listing of RPC
    commands per `bitcoin-cli help` (`rpc_interface.txt`).

    After all tests complete, the commands run are combined and diff'd against
    the complete list to calculate uncovered RPC commands.

    See also: qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/coverage.py

    def __init__(self):
        self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="coverage")
        self.flag = '--coveragedir %s' % self.dir

    def report_rpc_coverage(self):
        Print out RPC commands that were unexercised by tests.

        uncovered = self._get_uncovered_rpc_commands()

        if uncovered:
            print("Uncovered RPC commands:")
            print("".join(("  - %s\n" % i) for i in sorted(uncovered)))
            print("All RPC commands covered.")

    def cleanup(self):
        return shutil.rmtree(self.dir)

    def _get_uncovered_rpc_commands(self):
        Return a set of currently untested RPC commands.

        # This is shared from `qa/rpc-tests/test-framework/coverage.py`
        REFERENCE_FILENAME = 'rpc_interface.txt'
        COVERAGE_FILE_PREFIX = 'coverage.'

        coverage_ref_filename = os.path.join(self.dir, REFERENCE_FILENAME)
        coverage_filenames = set()
        all_cmds = set()
        covered_cmds = set()

        if not os.path.isfile(coverage_ref_filename):
            raise RuntimeError("No coverage reference found")

        with open(coverage_ref_filename, 'r') as f:
            all_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()])

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.dir):
            for filename in files:
                if filename.startswith(COVERAGE_FILE_PREFIX):
                    coverage_filenames.add(os.path.join(root, filename))

        for filename in coverage_filenames:
            with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                covered_cmds.update([i.strip() for i in f.readlines()])

        return all_cmds - covered_cmds

if __name__ == '__main__':