// Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

#include <key.h>

#include <arith_uint256.h>
#include <crypto/common.h>
#include <crypto/hmac_sha512.h>
#include <random.h>

#include <secp256k1.h>
#include <secp256k1_recovery.h>

static secp256k1_context* secp256k1_context_sign = nullptr;

/** These functions are taken from the libsecp256k1 distribution and are very ugly. */

 * This parses a format loosely based on a DER encoding of the ECPrivateKey type from
 * section C.4 of SEC 1 <http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf>, with the following caveats:
 * * The octet-length of the SEQUENCE must be encoded as 1 or 2 octets. It is not
 *   required to be encoded as one octet if it is less than 256, as DER would require.
 * * The octet-length of the SEQUENCE must not be greater than the remaining
 *   length of the key encoding, but need not match it (i.e. the encoding may contain
 *   junk after the encoded SEQUENCE).
 * * The privateKey OCTET STRING is zero-filled on the left to 32 octets.
 * * Anything after the encoding of the privateKey OCTET STRING is ignored, whether
 *   or not it is validly encoded DER.
 * out32 must point to an output buffer of length at least 32 bytes.
static int ec_privkey_import_der(const secp256k1_context* ctx, unsigned char *out32, const unsigned char *privkey, size_t privkeylen) {
    const unsigned char *end = privkey + privkeylen;
    memset(out32, 0, 32);
    /* sequence header */
    if (end - privkey < 1 || *privkey != 0x30u) {
        return 0;
    /* sequence length constructor */
    if (end - privkey < 1 || !(*privkey & 0x80u)) {
        return 0;
    ptrdiff_t lenb = *privkey & ~0x80u; privkey++;
    if (lenb < 1 || lenb > 2) {
        return 0;
    if (end - privkey < lenb) {
        return 0;
    /* sequence length */
    ptrdiff_t len = privkey[lenb-1] | (lenb > 1 ? privkey[lenb-2] << 8 : 0u);
    privkey += lenb;
    if (end - privkey < len) {
        return 0;
    /* sequence element 0: version number (=1) */
    if (end - privkey < 3 || privkey[0] != 0x02u || privkey[1] != 0x01u || privkey[2] != 0x01u) {
        return 0;
    privkey += 3;
    /* sequence element 1: octet string, up to 32 bytes */
    if (end - privkey < 2 || privkey[0] != 0x04u) {
        return 0;
    ptrdiff_t oslen = privkey[1];
    privkey += 2;
    if (oslen > 32 || end - privkey < oslen) {
        return 0;
    memcpy(out32 + (32 - oslen), privkey, oslen);
    if (!secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(ctx, out32)) {
        memset(out32, 0, 32);
        return 0;
    return 1;

 * This serializes to a DER encoding of the ECPrivateKey type from section C.4 of SEC 1
 * <http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf>. The optional parameters and publicKey fields are
 * included.
 * privkey must point to an output buffer of length at least CKey::PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE bytes.
 * privkeylen must initially be set to the size of the privkey buffer. Upon return it
 * will be set to the number of bytes used in the buffer.
 * key32 must point to a 32-byte raw private key.
static int ec_privkey_export_der(const secp256k1_context *ctx, unsigned char *privkey, size_t *privkeylen, const unsigned char *key32, bool compressed) {
    assert(*privkeylen >= CKey::PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE);
    secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
    size_t pubkeylen = 0;
    if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(ctx, &pubkey, key32)) {
        *privkeylen = 0;
        return 0;
    if (compressed) {
        static const unsigned char begin[] = {
        static const unsigned char middle[] = {
        unsigned char *ptr = privkey;
        memcpy(ptr, begin, sizeof(begin)); ptr += sizeof(begin);
        memcpy(ptr, key32, 32); ptr += 32;
        memcpy(ptr, middle, sizeof(middle)); ptr += sizeof(middle);
        pubkeylen = CPubKey::COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE;
        secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(ctx, ptr, &pubkeylen, &pubkey, SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED);
        ptr += pubkeylen;
        *privkeylen = ptr - privkey;
        assert(*privkeylen == CKey::COMPRESSED_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE);
    } else {
        static const unsigned char begin[] = {
        static const unsigned char middle[] = {
        unsigned char *ptr = privkey;
        memcpy(ptr, begin, sizeof(begin)); ptr += sizeof(begin);
        memcpy(ptr, key32, 32); ptr += 32;
        memcpy(ptr, middle, sizeof(middle)); ptr += sizeof(middle);
        pubkeylen = CPubKey::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE;
        secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(ctx, ptr, &pubkeylen, &pubkey, SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED);
        ptr += pubkeylen;
        *privkeylen = ptr - privkey;
        assert(*privkeylen == CKey::PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE);
    return 1;

bool CKey::Check(const unsigned char *vch) {
    return secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(secp256k1_context_sign, vch);

void CKey::MakeNewKey(bool fCompressedIn) {
    do {
        GetStrongRandBytes(keydata.data(), keydata.size());
    } while (!Check(keydata.data()));
    fValid = true;
    fCompressed = fCompressedIn;

CPrivKey CKey::GetPrivKey() const {
    CPrivKey privkey;
    int ret;
    size_t privkeylen;
    privkeylen = PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE;
    ret = ec_privkey_export_der(secp256k1_context_sign, privkey.data(), &privkeylen, begin(), fCompressed);
    return privkey;

CPubKey CKey::GetPubKey() const {
    secp256k1_pubkey pubkey;
    size_t clen = CPubKey::PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE;
    CPubKey result;
    int ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(secp256k1_context_sign, &pubkey, begin());
    secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*)result.begin(), &clen, &pubkey, fCompressed ? SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED : SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED);
    assert(result.size() == clen);
    return result;

// Check that the sig has a low R value and will be less than 71 bytes
bool SigHasLowR(const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature* sig)
    unsigned char compact_sig[64];
    secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_compact(secp256k1_context_sign, compact_sig, sig);

    // In DER serialization, all values are interpreted as big-endian, signed integers. The highest bit in the integer indicates
    // its signed-ness; 0 is positive, 1 is negative. When the value is interpreted as a negative integer, it must be converted
    // to a positive value by prepending a 0x00 byte so that the highest bit is 0. We can avoid this prepending by ensuring that
    // our highest bit is always 0, and thus we must check that the first byte is less than 0x80.
    return compact_sig[0] < 0x80;

bool CKey::Sign(const uint256 &hash, std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig, bool grind, uint32_t test_case) const {
    if (!fValid)
        return false;
    size_t nSigLen = CPubKey::SIGNATURE_SIZE;
    unsigned char extra_entropy[32] = {0};
    WriteLE32(extra_entropy, test_case);
    secp256k1_ecdsa_signature sig;
    uint32_t counter = 0;
    int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(secp256k1_context_sign, &sig, hash.begin(), begin(), secp256k1_nonce_function_rfc6979, (!grind && test_case) ? extra_entropy : nullptr);

    // Grind for low R
    while (ret && !SigHasLowR(&sig) && grind) {
        WriteLE32(extra_entropy, ++counter);
        ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign(secp256k1_context_sign, &sig, hash.begin(), begin(), secp256k1_nonce_function_rfc6979, extra_entropy);
    secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_der(secp256k1_context_sign, vchSig.data(), &nSigLen, &sig);
    return true;

bool CKey::VerifyPubKey(const CPubKey& pubkey) const {
    if (pubkey.IsCompressed() != fCompressed) {
        return false;
    unsigned char rnd[8];
    std::string str = "Bitcoin key verification\n";
    GetRandBytes(rnd, sizeof(rnd));
    uint256 hash;
    CHash256().Write((unsigned char*)str.data(), str.size()).Write(rnd, sizeof(rnd)).Finalize(hash.begin());
    std::vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
    Sign(hash, vchSig);
    return pubkey.Verify(hash, vchSig);

bool CKey::SignCompact(const uint256 &hash, std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig) const {
    if (!fValid)
        return false;
    int rec = -1;
    secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature sig;
    int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(secp256k1_context_sign, &sig, hash.begin(), begin(), secp256k1_nonce_function_rfc6979, nullptr);
    ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_serialize_compact(secp256k1_context_sign, &vchSig[1], &rec, &sig);
    assert(rec != -1);
    vchSig[0] = 27 + rec + (fCompressed ? 4 : 0);
    return true;

bool CKey::Load(const CPrivKey &privkey, const CPubKey &vchPubKey, bool fSkipCheck=false) {
    if (!ec_privkey_import_der(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*)begin(), privkey.data(), privkey.size()))
        return false;
    fCompressed = vchPubKey.IsCompressed();
    fValid = true;

    if (fSkipCheck)
        return true;

    return VerifyPubKey(vchPubKey);

bool CKey::Derive(CKey& keyChild, ChainCode &ccChild, unsigned int nChild, const ChainCode& cc) const {
    std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator<unsigned char>> vout(64);
    if ((nChild >> 31) == 0) {
        CPubKey pubkey = GetPubKey();
        assert(pubkey.size() == CPubKey::COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
        BIP32Hash(cc, nChild, *pubkey.begin(), pubkey.begin()+1, vout.data());
    } else {
        assert(size() == 32);
        BIP32Hash(cc, nChild, 0, begin(), vout.data());
    memcpy(ccChild.begin(), vout.data()+32, 32);
    memcpy((unsigned char*)keyChild.begin(), begin(), 32);
    bool ret = secp256k1_ec_privkey_tweak_add(secp256k1_context_sign, (unsigned char*)keyChild.begin(), vout.data());
    keyChild.fCompressed = true;
    keyChild.fValid = ret;
    return ret;

bool CExtKey::Derive(CExtKey &out, unsigned int _nChild) const {
    out.nDepth = nDepth + 1;
    CKeyID id = key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    memcpy(&out.vchFingerprint[0], &id, 4);
    out.nChild = _nChild;
    return key.Derive(out.key, out.chaincode, _nChild, chaincode);

void CExtKey::SetSeed(const unsigned char *seed, unsigned int nSeedLen) {
    static const unsigned char hashkey[] = {'B','i','t','c','o','i','n',' ','s','e','e','d'};
    std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator<unsigned char>> vout(64);
    CHMAC_SHA512(hashkey, sizeof(hashkey)).Write(seed, nSeedLen).Finalize(vout.data());
    key.Set(vout.data(), vout.data() + 32, true);
    memcpy(chaincode.begin(), vout.data() + 32, 32);
    nDepth = 0;
    nChild = 0;
    memset(vchFingerprint, 0, sizeof(vchFingerprint));

CExtPubKey CExtKey::Neuter() const {
    CExtPubKey ret;
    ret.nDepth = nDepth;
    memcpy(&ret.vchFingerprint[0], &vchFingerprint[0], 4);
    ret.nChild = nChild;
    ret.pubkey = key.GetPubKey();
    ret.chaincode = chaincode;
    return ret;

void CExtKey::Encode(unsigned char code[BIP32_EXTKEY_SIZE]) const {
    code[0] = nDepth;
    memcpy(code+1, vchFingerprint, 4);
    code[5] = (nChild >> 24) & 0xFF; code[6] = (nChild >> 16) & 0xFF;
    code[7] = (nChild >>  8) & 0xFF; code[8] = (nChild >>  0) & 0xFF;
    memcpy(code+9, chaincode.begin(), 32);
    code[41] = 0;
    assert(key.size() == 32);
    memcpy(code+42, key.begin(), 32);

void CExtKey::Decode(const unsigned char code[BIP32_EXTKEY_SIZE]) {
    nDepth = code[0];
    memcpy(vchFingerprint, code+1, 4);
    nChild = (code[5] << 24) | (code[6] << 16) | (code[7] << 8) | code[8];
    memcpy(chaincode.begin(), code+9, 32);
    key.Set(code+42, code+BIP32_EXTKEY_SIZE, true);

bool ECC_InitSanityCheck() {
    CKey key;
    CPubKey pubkey = key.GetPubKey();
    return key.VerifyPubKey(pubkey);

void ECC_Start() {
    assert(secp256k1_context_sign == nullptr);

    secp256k1_context *ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN);
    assert(ctx != nullptr);

        // Pass in a random blinding seed to the secp256k1 context.
        std::vector<unsigned char, secure_allocator<unsigned char>> vseed(32);
        GetRandBytes(vseed.data(), 32);
        bool ret = secp256k1_context_randomize(ctx, vseed.data());

    secp256k1_context_sign = ctx;

void ECC_Stop() {
    secp256k1_context *ctx = secp256k1_context_sign;
    secp256k1_context_sign = nullptr;

    if (ctx) {