#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define logPrint CLogPrint::global() CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork(CClaimTrie* base) : CClaimTrieCacheBase(base) { expirationHeight = nNextHeight; } int CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::expirationTime() const { if (expirationHeight < base->nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight) return CClaimTrieCacheBase::expirationTime(); return base->nExtendedClaimExpirationTime; } bool CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::incrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo, claimUndoType& expireUndo, insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo, supportUndoType& expireSupportUndo, takeoverUndoType& takeoverUndo) { if (CClaimTrieCacheBase::incrementBlock(insertUndo, expireUndo, insertSupportUndo, expireSupportUndo, takeoverUndo)) { expirationHeight = nNextHeight; return true; } return false; } bool CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::decrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo, claimUndoType& expireUndo, insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo, supportUndoType& expireSupportUndo) { if (CClaimTrieCacheBase::decrementBlock(insertUndo, expireUndo, insertSupportUndo, expireSupportUndo)) { expirationHeight = nNextHeight; return true; } return false; } void CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::initializeIncrement() { // we could do this in the constructor, but that would not allow for multiple increments in a row (as done in unit tests) if (nNextHeight != base->nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight) return; forkForExpirationChange(true); } bool CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::finalizeDecrement(takeoverUndoType& takeoverUndo) { auto ret = CClaimTrieCacheBase::finalizeDecrement(takeoverUndo); if (ret && nNextHeight == base->nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight) forkForExpirationChange(false); return ret; } bool CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::forkForExpirationChange(bool increment) { ensureTransacting(); /* If increment is True, we have forked to extend the expiration time, thus items in the expiration queue will have their expiration extended by "new expiration time - original expiration time" If increment is False, we are decremented a block to reverse the fork. Thus items in the expiration queue will have their expiration extension removed. */ auto height = nNextHeight; int extension = base->nExtendedClaimExpirationTime - base->nOriginalClaimExpirationTime; if (!increment) { height += extension; extension *= -1; } db << "UPDATE claims SET expirationHeight = expirationHeight + ? WHERE expirationHeight >= ?" << extension << height; db << "UPDATE supports SET expirationHeight = expirationHeight + ? WHERE expirationHeight >= ?" << extension << height; return true; } CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork(CClaimTrie* base) : CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork(base) { db.define("NORMALIZED", [this](const std::string& str) { return normalizeClaimName(str, true); }); } bool CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::shouldNormalize() const { return nNextHeight > base->nNormalizedNameForkHeight; } std::string CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::normalizeClaimName(const std::string& name, bool force) const { if (!force && !shouldNormalize()) return name; static std::locale utf8; static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { static boost::locale::localization_backend_manager manager = boost::locale::localization_backend_manager::global(); manager.select("icu"); static boost::locale::generator curLocale(manager); utf8 = curLocale("en_US.UTF8"); initialized = true; } std::string normalized; try { // Check if it is a valid utf-8 string. If not, it will throw a // boost::locale::conv::conversion_error exception which we catch later normalized = boost::locale::conv::to_utf(name, "UTF-8", boost::locale::conv::stop); if (normalized.empty()) return name; // these methods supposedly only use the "UTF8" portion of the locale object: normalized = boost::locale::normalize(normalized, boost::locale::norm_nfd, utf8); normalized = boost::locale::fold_case(normalized, utf8); } catch (const boost::locale::conv::conversion_error& e) { return name; } catch (const std::bad_cast& e) { logPrint << "CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::" << __func__ << "() is invalid or dependencies are missing: " << e.what() << Clog::endl; throw; } catch (const std::exception& e) { // TODO: change to use ... with current_exception() in c++11 logPrint << "CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::" << __func__ << "() had an unexpected exception: " << e.what() << Clog::endl; return name; } return normalized; } bool CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::normalizeAllNamesInTrieIfNecessary(takeoverUndoType& takeoverUndo) { ensureTransacting(); // make the new nodes db << "INSERT INTO nodes(name) SELECT NORMALIZED(name) AS nn FROM claims WHERE nn != nodeName " "AND validHeight <= ?1 AND expirationHeight > ?1 ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET hash = NULL" << nNextHeight; db << "UPDATE nodes SET hash = NULL WHERE name IN " "(SELECT NORMALIZED(name) AS nn FROM supports WHERE nn != nodeName " "AND validHeight <= ?1 AND expirationHeight > ?1)" << nNextHeight; // update the claims and supports db << "UPDATE claims SET nodeName = NORMALIZED(name) WHERE validHeight <= ?1 AND expirationHeight > ?1" << nNextHeight; db << "UPDATE supports SET nodeName = NORMALIZED(name) WHERE validHeight <= ?1 AND expirationHeight > ?1" << nNextHeight; // remove the old nodes auto query = db << "SELECT name, IFNULL(takeoverHeight, 0), takeoverID FROM nodes WHERE name NOT IN " "(SELECT nodeName FROM claims WHERE validHeight <= ?1 AND expirationHeight > ?1)"; for (auto&& row: query) { std::string name; int takeoverHeight; std::unique_ptr takeoverID; row >> name >> takeoverHeight >> takeoverID; if (name.empty()) continue; // preserve our root node if (takeoverHeight > 0) takeoverUndo.emplace_back(name, std::make_pair(takeoverHeight, takeoverID ? *takeoverID : CUint160())); // we need to let the tree structure method do the actual node delete: db << "UPDATE nodes SET hash = NULL WHERE name = ?" << name; } db << "UPDATE nodes SET hash = NULL WHERE takeoverHeight IS NULL"; // work around a bug in the old implementation: db << "UPDATE claims SET validHeight = ?1 " // force a takeover on these "WHERE blockHeight < ?1 AND validHeight > ?1 AND nodeName != name" << nNextHeight; return true; } bool CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::unnormalizeAllNamesInTrieIfNecessary() { ensureTransacting(); db << "INSERT INTO nodes(name) SELECT name FROM claims WHERE name != nodeName " "AND validHeight < ?1 AND expirationHeight > ?1 ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET hash = NULL" << nNextHeight; db << "UPDATE nodes SET hash = NULL WHERE name IN " "(SELECT name FROM supports WHERE name != nodeName UNION " "SELECT nodeName FROM supports WHERE name != nodeName UNION " "SELECT nodeName FROM claims WHERE name != nodeName)"; db << "UPDATE claims SET nodeName = name"; db << "UPDATE supports SET nodeName = name"; // we need to let the tree structure method do the actual node delete db << "UPDATE nodes SET hash = NULL WHERE name NOT IN " "(SELECT name FROM claims)"; return true; } bool CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::incrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo, claimUndoType& expireUndo, insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo, supportUndoType& expireSupportUndo, takeoverUndoType& takeoverUndo) { if (nNextHeight == base->nNormalizedNameForkHeight) normalizeAllNamesInTrieIfNecessary(takeoverUndo); return CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::incrementBlock(insertUndo, expireUndo, insertSupportUndo, expireSupportUndo, takeoverUndo); } bool CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::decrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo, claimUndoType& expireUndo, insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo, supportUndoType& expireSupportUndo) { auto ret = CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::decrementBlock(insertUndo, expireUndo, insertSupportUndo, expireSupportUndo); if (ret && nNextHeight == base->nNormalizedNameForkHeight) unnormalizeAllNamesInTrieIfNecessary(); return ret; } bool CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::getProofForName(const std::string& name, const CUint160& claim, CClaimTrieProof& proof) { return CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::getProofForName(normalizeClaimName(name), claim, proof); } bool CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::getInfoForName(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim, int offsetHeight) const { return CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::getInfoForName(normalizeClaimName(name), claim, offsetHeight); } CClaimSupportToName CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::getClaimsForName(const std::string& name) const { return CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::getClaimsForName(normalizeClaimName(name)); } int CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::getDelayForName(const std::string& name, const CUint160& claimId) const { return CClaimTrieCacheExpirationFork::getDelayForName(normalizeClaimName(name), claimId); } std::string CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::adjustNameForValidHeight(const std::string& name, int validHeight) const { return normalizeClaimName(name, validHeight > base->nNormalizedNameForkHeight); } CClaimTrieCacheHashFork::CClaimTrieCacheHashFork(CClaimTrie* base) : CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork(base) { } static const auto leafHash = CUint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"); static const auto emptyHash = CUint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003"); CUint256 ComputeMerkleRoot(std::vector hashes) { while (hashes.size() > 1) { if (hashes.size() & 1) hashes.push_back(hashes.back()); for (std::size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < hashes.size(); i += 2) hashes[j++] = Hash(hashes[i].begin(), hashes[i].end(), hashes[i+1].begin(), hashes[i+1].end()); hashes.resize(hashes.size() / 2); } return hashes.empty() ? CUint256{} : hashes[0]; } CUint256 CClaimTrieCacheHashFork::computeNodeHash(const std::string& name, int takeoverHeight) { if (nNextHeight < base->nAllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight) return CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::computeNodeHash(name, takeoverHeight); std::vector childHashes; childHashQuery << name >> [&childHashes](std::string name, CUint256 hash) { childHashes.push_back(std::move(hash)); }; childHashQuery++; std::vector claimHashes; //if (takeoverHeight > 0) { for (auto &&row: claimHashQuery << nNextHeight << name) { CTxOutPoint p; row >> p.hash >> p.n; claimHashes.push_back(getValueHash(p, takeoverHeight)); } claimHashQuery++; //} auto left = childHashes.empty() ? leafHash : ComputeMerkleRoot(std::move(childHashes)); auto right = claimHashes.empty() ? emptyHash : ComputeMerkleRoot(std::move(claimHashes)); return Hash(left.begin(), left.end(), right.begin(), right.end()); } std::vector ComputeMerklePath(const std::vector& hashes, uint32_t idx) { uint32_t count = 0; int matchlevel = -1; bool matchh = false; CUint256 inner[32], h; const uint32_t one = 1; std::vector res; const auto iterateInner = [&](int& level) { for (; !(count & (one << level)); level++) { const auto& ihash = inner[level]; if (matchh) { res.push_back(ihash); } else if (matchlevel == level) { res.push_back(h); matchh = true; } h = Hash(ihash.begin(), ihash.end(), h.begin(), h.end()); } }; while (count < hashes.size()) { h = hashes[count]; matchh = count == idx; count++; int level = 0; iterateInner(level); // Store the resulting hash at inner position level. inner[level] = h; if (matchh) matchlevel = level; } int level = 0; while (!(count & (one << level))) level++; h = inner[level]; matchh = matchlevel == level; while (count != (one << level)) { // If we reach this point, h is an inner value that is not the top. if (matchh) res.push_back(h); h = Hash(h.begin(), h.end(), h.begin(), h.end()); // Increment count to the value it would have if two entries at this count += (one << level); level++; iterateInner(level); } return res; } bool CClaimTrieCacheHashFork::getProofForName(const std::string& name, const CUint160& claim, CClaimTrieProof& proof) { if (nNextHeight < base->nAllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight) return CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::getProofForName(name, claim, proof); auto fillPairs = [&proof](const std::vector& hashes, uint32_t idx) { auto partials = ComputeMerklePath(hashes, idx); for (int i = partials.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) proof.pairs.emplace_back((idx >> i) & 1, partials[i]); }; // cache the parent nodes getMerkleHash(); proof = CClaimTrieProof(); for (auto&& row: db << proofClaimQuery << name) { std::string key; int takeoverHeight; row >> key >> takeoverHeight; uint32_t nextCurrentIdx = 0; std::vector childHashes; for (auto&& child : childHashQuery << key) { std::string childKey; CUint256 childHash; child >> childKey >> childHash; if (name.find(childKey) == 0) nextCurrentIdx = uint32_t(childHashes.size()); childHashes.push_back(childHash); } childHashQuery++; std::vector claimHashes; uint32_t claimIdx = 0; for (auto&& child: claimHashQuery << nNextHeight << key) { CTxOutPoint childOutPoint; CUint160 childClaimID; child >> childOutPoint.hash >> childOutPoint.n >> childClaimID; if (childClaimID == claim && key == name) { claimIdx = uint32_t(claimHashes.size()); proof.outPoint = childOutPoint; proof.hasValue = true; } claimHashes.push_back(getValueHash(childOutPoint, takeoverHeight)); } claimHashQuery++; // I am on a node; I need a hash(children, claims) // if I am the last node on the list, it will be hash(children, x) // else it will be hash(x, claims) if (key == name) { proof.nHeightOfLastTakeover = takeoverHeight; auto hash = childHashes.empty() ? leafHash : ComputeMerkleRoot(std::move(childHashes)); proof.pairs.emplace_back(true, hash); if (!claimHashes.empty()) fillPairs(claimHashes, claimIdx); } else { auto hash = claimHashes.empty() ? emptyHash : ComputeMerkleRoot(std::move(claimHashes)); proof.pairs.emplace_back(false, hash); if (!childHashes.empty()) fillPairs(childHashes, nextCurrentIdx); } } std::reverse(proof.pairs.begin(), proof.pairs.end()); return true; } void CClaimTrieCacheHashFork::initializeIncrement() { CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::initializeIncrement(); // we could do this in the constructor, but that would not allow for multiple increments in a row (as done in unit tests) if (nNextHeight == base->nAllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight - 1) { ensureTransacting(); db << "UPDATE nodes SET hash = NULL"; } } bool CClaimTrieCacheHashFork::finalizeDecrement(takeoverUndoType& takeoverUndo) { auto ret = CClaimTrieCacheNormalizationFork::finalizeDecrement(takeoverUndo); if (ret && nNextHeight == base->nAllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight - 1) { ensureTransacting(); db << "UPDATE nodes SET hash = NULL"; } return ret; } bool CClaimTrieCacheHashFork::allowSupportMetadata() const { return nNextHeight >= base->nAllClaimsInMerkleForkHeight; }