// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "uint256.h" #include #include "version.h" BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(uint256_tests) const unsigned char R1Array[] = "\x9c\x52\x4a\xdb\xcf\x56\x11\x12\x2b\x29\x12\x5e\x5d\x35\xd2\xd2" "\x22\x81\xaa\xb5\x33\xf0\x08\x32\xd5\x56\xb1\xf9\xea\xe5\x1d\x7d"; const char R1ArrayHex[] = "7D1DE5EAF9B156D53208F033B5AA8122D2d2355d5e12292b121156cfdb4a529c"; const double R1Ldouble = 0.4887374590559308955; // R1L equals roughly R1Ldouble * 2^256 const double R1Sdouble = 0.7096329412477836074; const uint256 R1L = uint256(std::vector(R1Array,R1Array+32)); const uint160 R1S = uint160(std::vector(R1Array,R1Array+20)); const uint64_t R1LLow64 = 0x121156cfdb4a529cULL; const unsigned char R2Array[] = "\x70\x32\x1d\x7c\x47\xa5\x6b\x40\x26\x7e\x0a\xc3\xa6\x9c\xb6\xbf" "\x13\x30\x47\xa3\x19\x2d\xda\x71\x49\x13\x72\xf0\xb4\xca\x81\xd7"; const uint256 R2L = uint256(std::vector(R2Array,R2Array+32)); const uint160 R2S = uint160(std::vector(R2Array,R2Array+20)); const char R1LplusR2L[] = "549FB09FEA236A1EA3E31D4D58F1B1369288D204211CA751527CFC175767850C"; const unsigned char ZeroArray[] = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; const uint256 ZeroL = uint256(std::vector(ZeroArray,ZeroArray+32)); const uint160 ZeroS = uint160(std::vector(ZeroArray,ZeroArray+20)); const unsigned char OneArray[] = "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; const uint256 OneL = uint256(std::vector(OneArray,OneArray+32)); const uint160 OneS = uint160(std::vector(OneArray,OneArray+20)); const unsigned char MaxArray[] = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"; const uint256 MaxL = uint256(std::vector(MaxArray,MaxArray+32)); const uint160 MaxS = uint160(std::vector(MaxArray,MaxArray+20)); const uint256 HalfL = (OneL << 255); const uint160 HalfS = (OneS << 159); std::string ArrayToString(const unsigned char A[], unsigned int width) { std::stringstream Stream; Stream << std::hex; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { Stream<): BOOST_CHECK(R1L.ToString() == ArrayToString(R1Array,32)); BOOST_CHECK(R1S.ToString() == ArrayToString(R1Array,20)); BOOST_CHECK(R2L.ToString() == ArrayToString(R2Array,32)); BOOST_CHECK(R2S.ToString() == ArrayToString(R2Array,20)); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL.ToString() == ArrayToString(ZeroArray,32)); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS.ToString() == ArrayToString(ZeroArray,20)); BOOST_CHECK(OneL.ToString() == ArrayToString(OneArray,32)); BOOST_CHECK(OneS.ToString() == ArrayToString(OneArray,20)); BOOST_CHECK(MaxL.ToString() == ArrayToString(MaxArray,32)); BOOST_CHECK(MaxS.ToString() == ArrayToString(MaxArray,20)); BOOST_CHECK(OneL.ToString() != ArrayToString(ZeroArray,32)); BOOST_CHECK(OneS.ToString() != ArrayToString(ZeroArray,20)); // == and != BOOST_CHECK(R1L != R2L && R1S != R2S); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL != OneL && ZeroS != OneS); BOOST_CHECK(OneL != ZeroL && OneS != ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(MaxL != ZeroL && MaxS != ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(~MaxL == ZeroL && ~MaxS == ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK( ((R1L ^ R2L) ^ R1L) == R2L); BOOST_CHECK( ((R1S ^ R2S) ^ R1S) == R2S); uint64_t Tmp64 = 0xc4dab720d9c7acaaULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL != (OneL << i)); BOOST_CHECK((OneL << i) != ZeroL); BOOST_CHECK(R1L != (R1L ^ (OneL << i))); BOOST_CHECK(((uint256(Tmp64) ^ (OneL << i) ) != Tmp64 )); } BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL == (OneL << 256)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 160; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS != (OneS << i)); BOOST_CHECK((OneS << i) != ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(R1S != (R1S ^ (OneS << i))); BOOST_CHECK(((uint160(Tmp64) ^ (OneS << i) ) != Tmp64 )); } BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS == (OneS << 256)); // String Constructor and Copy Constructor BOOST_CHECK(uint256("0x"+R1L.ToString()) == R1L); BOOST_CHECK(uint256("0x"+R2L.ToString()) == R2L); BOOST_CHECK(uint256("0x"+ZeroL.ToString()) == ZeroL); BOOST_CHECK(uint256("0x"+OneL.ToString()) == OneL); BOOST_CHECK(uint256("0x"+MaxL.ToString()) == MaxL); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(R1L.ToString()) == R1L); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(" 0x"+R1L.ToString()+" ") == R1L); BOOST_CHECK(uint256("") == ZeroL); BOOST_CHECK(R1L == uint256(R1ArrayHex)); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(R1L) == R1L); BOOST_CHECK((uint256(R1L^R2L)^R2L) == R1L); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(ZeroL) == ZeroL); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(OneL) == OneL); BOOST_CHECK(uint160("0x"+R1S.ToString()) == R1S); BOOST_CHECK(uint160("0x"+R2S.ToString()) == R2S); BOOST_CHECK(uint160("0x"+ZeroS.ToString()) == ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(uint160("0x"+OneS.ToString()) == OneS); BOOST_CHECK(uint160("0x"+MaxS.ToString()) == MaxS); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(R1S.ToString()) == R1S); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(" 0x"+R1S.ToString()+" ") == R1S); BOOST_CHECK(uint160("") == ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(R1S == uint160(R1ArrayHex)); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(R1S) == R1S); BOOST_CHECK((uint160(R1S^R2S)^R2S) == R1S); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(ZeroS) == ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(OneS) == OneS); // uint64_t constructor BOOST_CHECK( (R1L & uint256("0xffffffffffffffff")) == uint256(R1LLow64)); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL == uint256(0)); BOOST_CHECK(OneL == uint256(1)); BOOST_CHECK(uint256("0xffffffffffffffff") = uint256(0xffffffffffffffffULL)); BOOST_CHECK( (R1S & uint160("0xffffffffffffffff")) == uint160(R1LLow64)); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS == uint160(0)); BOOST_CHECK(OneS == uint160(1)); BOOST_CHECK(uint160("0xffffffffffffffff") = uint160(0xffffffffffffffffULL)); // Assignment (from base_uint) uint256 tmpL = ~ZeroL; BOOST_CHECK(tmpL == ~ZeroL); tmpL = ~OneL; BOOST_CHECK(tmpL == ~OneL); tmpL = ~R1L; BOOST_CHECK(tmpL == ~R1L); tmpL = ~R2L; BOOST_CHECK(tmpL == ~R2L); tmpL = ~MaxL; BOOST_CHECK(tmpL == ~MaxL); uint160 tmpS = ~ZeroS; BOOST_CHECK(tmpS == ~ZeroS); tmpS = ~OneS; BOOST_CHECK(tmpS == ~OneS); tmpS = ~R1S; BOOST_CHECK(tmpS == ~R1S); tmpS = ~R2S; BOOST_CHECK(tmpS == ~R2S); tmpS = ~MaxS; BOOST_CHECK(tmpS == ~MaxS); // Wrong length must throw exception. BOOST_CHECK_THROW(uint256(std::vector(OneArray,OneArray+31)), uint_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(uint256(std::vector(OneArray,OneArray+20)), uint_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(uint160(std::vector(OneArray,OneArray+32)), uint_error); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(uint160(std::vector(OneArray,OneArray+19)), uint_error); } void shiftArrayRight(unsigned char* to, const unsigned char* from, unsigned int arrayLength, unsigned int bitsToShift) { for (unsigned int T=0; T < arrayLength; ++T) { unsigned int F = (T+bitsToShift/8); if (F < arrayLength) to[T] = from[F] >> (bitsToShift%8); else to[T] = 0; if (F + 1 < arrayLength) to[T] |= from[(F+1)] << (8-bitsToShift%8); } } void shiftArrayLeft(unsigned char* to, const unsigned char* from, unsigned int arrayLength, unsigned int bitsToShift) { for (unsigned int T=0; T < arrayLength; ++T) { if (T >= bitsToShift/8) { unsigned int F = T-bitsToShift/8; to[T] = from[F] << (bitsToShift%8); if (T >= bitsToShift/8+1) to[T] |= from[F-1] >> (8-bitsToShift%8); } else { to[T] = 0; } } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( shifts ) { // "<<" ">>" "<<=" ">>=" unsigned char TmpArray[32]; uint256 TmpL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { shiftArrayLeft(TmpArray, OneArray, 32, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+32)) == (OneL << i)); TmpL = OneL; TmpL <<= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (OneL << i)); BOOST_CHECK((HalfL >> (255-i)) == (OneL << i)); TmpL = HalfL; TmpL >>= (255-i); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (OneL << i)); shiftArrayLeft(TmpArray, R1Array, 32, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+32)) == (R1L << i)); TmpL = R1L; TmpL <<= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (R1L << i)); shiftArrayRight(TmpArray, R1Array, 32, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+32)) == (R1L >> i)); TmpL = R1L; TmpL >>= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (R1L >> i)); shiftArrayLeft(TmpArray, MaxArray, 32, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+32)) == (MaxL << i)); TmpL = MaxL; TmpL <<= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (MaxL << i)); shiftArrayRight(TmpArray, MaxArray, 32, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint256(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+32)) == (MaxL >> i)); TmpL = MaxL; TmpL >>= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (MaxL >> i)); } uint256 c1L = uint256(0x0123456789abcdefULL); uint256 c2L = c1L << 128; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK((c1L << i) == (c2L >> (128-i))); } for (unsigned int i = 128; i < 256; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK((c1L << i) == (c2L << (i-128))); } uint160 TmpS; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 160; ++i) { shiftArrayLeft(TmpArray, OneArray, 20, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+20)) == (OneS << i)); TmpS = OneS; TmpS <<= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (OneS << i)); BOOST_CHECK((HalfS >> (159-i)) == (OneS << i)); TmpS = HalfS; TmpS >>= (159-i); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (OneS << i)); shiftArrayLeft(TmpArray, R1Array, 20, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+20)) == (R1S << i)); TmpS = R1S; TmpS <<= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (R1S << i)); shiftArrayRight(TmpArray, R1Array, 20, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+20)) == (R1S >> i)); TmpS = R1S; TmpS >>= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (R1S >> i)); shiftArrayLeft(TmpArray, MaxArray, 20, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+20)) == (MaxS << i)); TmpS = MaxS; TmpS <<= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (MaxS << i)); shiftArrayRight(TmpArray, MaxArray, 20, i); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+20)) == (MaxS >> i)); TmpS = MaxS; TmpS >>= i; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (MaxS >> i)); } uint160 c1S = uint160(0x0123456789abcdefULL); uint160 c2S = c1S << 80; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 80; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK((c1S << i) == (c2S >> (80-i))); } for (unsigned int i = 80; i < 160; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK((c1S << i) == (c2S << (i-80))); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( unaryOperators ) // ! ~ - { BOOST_CHECK(!ZeroL); BOOST_CHECK(!ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(!(!OneL));BOOST_CHECK(!(!OneS)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(!(!(OneL<(TmpArray,TmpArray+32)) == (~R1L)); BOOST_CHECK(uint160(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+20)) == (~R1S)); BOOST_CHECK(-ZeroL == ZeroL); BOOST_CHECK(-ZeroS == ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(-R1L == (~R1L)+1); BOOST_CHECK(-R1S == (~R1S)+1); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(-(OneL<(TmpArray,TmpArray+32)) == (_A_##L _OP_ _B_##L)); \ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { TmpArray[i] = _A_##Array[i] _OP_ _B_##Array[i]; } \ BOOST_CHECK(uint160(std::vector(TmpArray,TmpArray+20)) == (_A_##S _OP_ _B_##S)); #define CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(_A_,_B_,_OP_) \ TmpL = _A_##L; TmpL _OP_##= _B_##L; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (_A_##L _OP_ _B_##L)); \ TmpS = _A_##S; TmpS _OP_##= _B_##S; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (_A_##S _OP_ _B_##S)); BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( bitwiseOperators ) { unsigned char TmpArray[32]; CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,R2,|) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,R2,^) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,R2,&) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,Zero,|) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,Zero,^) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,Zero,&) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,Max,|) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,Max,^) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,Max,&) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(Zero,R1,|) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(Zero,R1,^) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(Zero,R1,&) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(Max,R1,|) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(Max,R1,^) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(Max,R1,&) uint256 TmpL; uint160 TmpS; CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,R2,|) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,R2,^) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,R2,&) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,Zero,|) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,Zero,^) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,Zero,&) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,Max,|) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,Max,^) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(R1,Max,&) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(Zero,R1,|) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(Zero,R1,^) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(Zero,R1,&) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(Max,R1,|) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(Max,R1,^) CHECKASSIGNMENTOPERATOR(Max,R1,&) uint64_t Tmp64 = 0xe1db685c9a0b47a2ULL; TmpL = R1L; TmpL |= Tmp64; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (R1L | uint256(Tmp64))); TmpS = R1S; TmpS |= Tmp64; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (R1S | uint160(Tmp64))); TmpL = R1L; TmpL |= 0; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == R1L); TmpS = R1S; TmpS |= 0; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == R1S); TmpL ^= 0; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == R1L); TmpS ^= 0; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == R1S); TmpL ^= Tmp64; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (R1L ^ uint256(Tmp64))); TmpS ^= Tmp64; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (R1S ^ uint160(Tmp64))); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( comparison ) // <= >= < > { uint256 TmpL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { TmpL= OneL<< i; BOOST_CHECK( TmpL >= ZeroL && TmpL > ZeroL && ZeroL < TmpL && ZeroL <= TmpL); BOOST_CHECK( TmpL >= 0 && TmpL > 0 && 0 < TmpL && 0 <= TmpL); TmpL |= R1L; BOOST_CHECK( TmpL >= R1L ); BOOST_CHECK( (TmpL == R1L) != (TmpL > R1L)); BOOST_CHECK( (TmpL == R1L) || !( TmpL <= R1L)); BOOST_CHECK( R1L <= TmpL ); BOOST_CHECK( (R1L == TmpL) != (R1L < TmpL)); BOOST_CHECK( (TmpL == R1L) || !( R1L >= TmpL)); BOOST_CHECK(! (TmpL < R1L)); BOOST_CHECK(! (R1L > TmpL)); } uint160 TmpS; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 160; ++i) { TmpS= OneS<< i; BOOST_CHECK( TmpS >= ZeroS && TmpS > ZeroS && ZeroS < TmpS && ZeroS <= TmpS); BOOST_CHECK( TmpS >= 0 && TmpS > 0 && 0 < TmpS && 0 <= TmpS); TmpS |= R1S; BOOST_CHECK( TmpS >= R1S ); BOOST_CHECK( (TmpS == R1S) != (TmpS > R1S)); BOOST_CHECK( (TmpS == R1S) || !( TmpS <= R1S)); BOOST_CHECK( R1S <= TmpS ); BOOST_CHECK( (R1S == TmpS) != (R1S < TmpS)); BOOST_CHECK( (TmpS == R1S) || !( R1S >= TmpS)); BOOST_CHECK(! (TmpS < R1S)); BOOST_CHECK(! (R1S > TmpS)); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( plusMinus ) { uint256 TmpL = 0; BOOST_CHECK(R1L+R2L == uint256(R1LplusR2L)); TmpL += R1L; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == R1L); TmpL += R2L; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == R1L + R2L); BOOST_CHECK(OneL+MaxL == ZeroL); BOOST_CHECK(MaxL+OneL == ZeroL); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 256; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK( (MaxL >> i) + OneL == (HalfL >> (i-1)) ); BOOST_CHECK( OneL + (MaxL >> i) == (HalfL >> (i-1)) ); TmpL = (MaxL>>i); TmpL += OneL; BOOST_CHECK( TmpL == (HalfL >> (i-1)) ); TmpL = (MaxL>>i); TmpL += 1; BOOST_CHECK( TmpL == (HalfL >> (i-1)) ); TmpL = (MaxL>>i); BOOST_CHECK( TmpL++ == (MaxL>>i) ); BOOST_CHECK( TmpL == (HalfL >> (i-1))); } BOOST_CHECK(uint256(0xbedc77e27940a7ULL) + 0xee8d836fce66fbULL == uint256(0xbedc77e27940a7ULL + 0xee8d836fce66fbULL)); TmpL = uint256(0xbedc77e27940a7ULL); TmpL += 0xee8d836fce66fbULL; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == uint256(0xbedc77e27940a7ULL+0xee8d836fce66fbULL)); TmpL -= 0xee8d836fce66fbULL; BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == 0xbedc77e27940a7ULL); TmpL = R1L; BOOST_CHECK(++TmpL == R1L+1); BOOST_CHECK(R1L -(-R2L) == R1L+R2L); BOOST_CHECK(R1L -(-OneL) == R1L+OneL); BOOST_CHECK(R1L - OneL == R1L+(-OneL)); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 256; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK((MaxL>>i) - (-OneL) == (HalfL >> (i-1))); BOOST_CHECK((HalfL >> (i-1)) - OneL == (MaxL>>i)); TmpL = (HalfL >> (i-1)); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL-- == (HalfL >> (i-1))); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == (MaxL >> i)); TmpL = (HalfL >> (i-1)); BOOST_CHECK(--TmpL == (MaxL >> i)); } TmpL = R1L; BOOST_CHECK(--TmpL == R1L-1); // 160-bit; copy-pasted uint160 TmpS = 0; BOOST_CHECK(R1S+R2S == uint160(R1LplusR2L)); TmpS += R1S; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == R1S); TmpS += R2S; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == R1S + R2S); BOOST_CHECK(OneS+MaxS == ZeroS); BOOST_CHECK(MaxS+OneS == ZeroS); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 160; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK( (MaxS >> i) + OneS == (HalfS >> (i-1)) ); BOOST_CHECK( OneS + (MaxS >> i) == (HalfS >> (i-1)) ); TmpS = (MaxS>>i); TmpS += OneS; BOOST_CHECK( TmpS == (HalfS >> (i-1)) ); TmpS = (MaxS>>i); TmpS += 1; BOOST_CHECK( TmpS == (HalfS >> (i-1)) ); TmpS = (MaxS>>i); BOOST_CHECK( TmpS++ == (MaxS>>i) ); BOOST_CHECK( TmpS == (HalfS >> (i-1))); } BOOST_CHECK(uint160(0xbedc77e27940a7ULL) + 0xee8d836fce66fbULL == uint160(0xbedc77e27940a7ULL + 0xee8d836fce66fbULL)); TmpS = uint160(0xbedc77e27940a7ULL); TmpS += 0xee8d836fce66fbULL; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == uint160(0xbedc77e27940a7ULL+0xee8d836fce66fbULL)); TmpS -= 0xee8d836fce66fbULL; BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == 0xbedc77e27940a7ULL); TmpS = R1S; BOOST_CHECK(++TmpS == R1S+1); BOOST_CHECK(R1S -(-R2S) == R1S+R2S); BOOST_CHECK(R1S -(-OneS) == R1S+OneS); BOOST_CHECK(R1S - OneS == R1S+(-OneS)); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 160; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK((MaxS>>i) - (-OneS) == (HalfS >> (i-1))); BOOST_CHECK((HalfS >> (i-1)) - OneS == (MaxS>>i)); TmpS = (HalfS >> (i-1)); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS-- == (HalfS >> (i-1))); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == (MaxS >> i)); TmpS = (HalfS >> (i-1)); BOOST_CHECK(--TmpS == (MaxS >> i)); } TmpS = R1S; BOOST_CHECK(--TmpS == R1S-1); } bool almostEqual(double d1, double d2) { return fabs(d1-d2) <= 4*fabs(d1)*std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( methods ) // GetHex SetHex begin() end() size() GetLow64 GetSerializeSize, Serialize, Unserialize { BOOST_CHECK(R1L.GetHex() == R1L.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(R2L.GetHex() == R2L.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(OneL.GetHex() == OneL.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(MaxL.GetHex() == MaxL.ToString()); uint256 TmpL(R1L); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == R1L); TmpL.SetHex(R2L.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == R2L); TmpL.SetHex(ZeroL.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == 0); TmpL.SetHex(HalfL.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == HalfL); TmpL.SetHex(R1L.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(R1L.begin(), R1Array, 32)==0); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(TmpL.begin(), R1Array, 32)==0); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(R2L.begin(), R2Array, 32)==0); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(ZeroL.begin(), ZeroArray, 32)==0); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(OneL.begin(), OneArray, 32)==0); BOOST_CHECK(R1L.size() == 32); BOOST_CHECK(R2L.size() == 32); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL.size() == 32); BOOST_CHECK(MaxL.size() == 32); BOOST_CHECK(R1L.begin() + 32 == R1L.end()); BOOST_CHECK(R2L.begin() + 32 == R2L.end()); BOOST_CHECK(OneL.begin() + 32 == OneL.end()); BOOST_CHECK(MaxL.begin() + 32 == MaxL.end()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL.begin() + 32 == TmpL.end()); BOOST_CHECK(R1L.GetLow64() == R1LLow64); BOOST_CHECK(HalfL.GetLow64() ==0x0000000000000000ULL); BOOST_CHECK(OneL.GetLow64() ==0x0000000000000001ULL); BOOST_CHECK(R1L.GetSerializeSize(0,PROTOCOL_VERSION) == 32); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL.GetSerializeSize(0,PROTOCOL_VERSION) == 32); std::stringstream ss; R1L.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(R1Array,R1Array+32)); TmpL.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(R1L == TmpL); ss.str(""); ZeroL.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(ZeroArray,ZeroArray+32)); TmpL.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL == TmpL); ss.str(""); MaxL.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(MaxArray,MaxArray+32)); TmpL.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(MaxL == TmpL); ss.str(""); BOOST_CHECK(R1S.GetHex() == R1S.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(R2S.GetHex() == R2S.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(OneS.GetHex() == OneS.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(MaxS.GetHex() == MaxS.ToString()); uint160 TmpS(R1S); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == R1S); TmpS.SetHex(R2S.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == R2S); TmpS.SetHex(ZeroS.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == 0); TmpS.SetHex(HalfS.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == HalfS); TmpS.SetHex(R1S.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(R1S.begin(), R1Array, 20)==0); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(TmpS.begin(), R1Array, 20)==0); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(R2S.begin(), R2Array, 20)==0); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(ZeroS.begin(), ZeroArray, 20)==0); BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(OneS.begin(), OneArray, 20)==0); BOOST_CHECK(R1S.size() == 20); BOOST_CHECK(R2S.size() == 20); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS.size() == 20); BOOST_CHECK(MaxS.size() == 20); BOOST_CHECK(R1S.begin() + 20 == R1S.end()); BOOST_CHECK(R2S.begin() + 20 == R2S.end()); BOOST_CHECK(OneS.begin() + 20 == OneS.end()); BOOST_CHECK(MaxS.begin() + 20 == MaxS.end()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS.begin() + 20 == TmpS.end()); BOOST_CHECK(R1S.GetLow64() == R1LLow64); BOOST_CHECK(HalfS.GetLow64() ==0x0000000000000000ULL); BOOST_CHECK(OneS.GetLow64() ==0x0000000000000001ULL); BOOST_CHECK(R1S.GetSerializeSize(0,PROTOCOL_VERSION) == 20); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS.GetSerializeSize(0,PROTOCOL_VERSION) == 20); R1S.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(R1Array,R1Array+20)); TmpS.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(R1S == TmpS); ss.str(""); ZeroS.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(ZeroArray,ZeroArray+20)); TmpS.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS == TmpS); ss.str(""); MaxS.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(MaxArray,MaxArray+20)); TmpS.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); BOOST_CHECK(MaxS == TmpS); ss.str(""); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 255; ++i) { BOOST_CHECK((OneL << i).getdouble() == ldexp(1.0,i)); if (i < 160) BOOST_CHECK((OneS << i).getdouble() == ldexp(1.0,i)); } BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL.getdouble() == 0.0); BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS.getdouble() == 0.0); for (int i = 256; i > 53; --i) BOOST_CHECK(almostEqual((R1L>>(256-i)).getdouble(), ldexp(R1Ldouble,i))); for (int i = 160; i > 53; --i) BOOST_CHECK(almostEqual((R1S>>(160-i)).getdouble(), ldexp(R1Sdouble,i))); uint64_t R1L64part = (R1L>>192).GetLow64(); uint64_t R1S64part = (R1S>>96).GetLow64(); for (int i = 53; i > 0; --i) // doubles can store all integers in {0,...,2^54-1} exactly { BOOST_CHECK((R1L>>(256-i)).getdouble() == (double)(R1L64part >> (64-i))); BOOST_CHECK((R1S>>(160-i)).getdouble() == (double)(R1S64part >> (64-i))); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( getmaxcoverage ) // some more tests just to get 100% coverage { // ~R1L give a base_uint<256> BOOST_CHECK((~~R1L >> 10) == (R1L >> 10)); BOOST_CHECK((~~R1S >> 10) == (R1S >> 10)); BOOST_CHECK((~~R1L << 10) == (R1L << 10)); BOOST_CHECK((~~R1S << 10) == (R1S << 10)); BOOST_CHECK(!(~~R1L < R1L)); BOOST_CHECK(!(~~R1S < R1S)); BOOST_CHECK(~~R1L <= R1L); BOOST_CHECK(~~R1S <= R1S); BOOST_CHECK(!(~~R1L > R1L)); BOOST_CHECK(!(~~R1S > R1S)); BOOST_CHECK(~~R1L >= R1L); BOOST_CHECK(~~R1S >= R1S); BOOST_CHECK(!(R1L < ~~R1L)); BOOST_CHECK(!(R1S < ~~R1S)); BOOST_CHECK(R1L <= ~~R1L); BOOST_CHECK(R1S <= ~~R1S); BOOST_CHECK(!(R1L > ~~R1L)); BOOST_CHECK(!(R1S > ~~R1S)); BOOST_CHECK(R1L >= ~~R1L); BOOST_CHECK(R1S >= ~~R1S); BOOST_CHECK(~~R1L + R2L == R1L + ~~R2L); BOOST_CHECK(~~R1S + R2S == R1S + ~~R2S); BOOST_CHECK(~~R1L - R2L == R1L - ~~R2L); BOOST_CHECK(~~R1S - R2S == R1S - ~~R2S); BOOST_CHECK(~R1L != R1L); BOOST_CHECK(R1L != ~R1L); BOOST_CHECK(~R1S != R1S); BOOST_CHECK(R1S != ~R1S); unsigned char TmpArray[32]; CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(~R1,R2,|) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(~R1,R2,^) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(~R1,R2,&) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,~R2,|) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,~R2,^) CHECKBITWISEOPERATOR(R1,~R2,&) } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()