#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test label RPCs. RPCs tested are: - getaddressesbylabel - listaddressgroupings - setlabel """ from collections import defaultdict from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error class WalletLabelsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def run_test(self): # Check that there's no UTXO on the node node = self.nodes[0] assert_equal(len(node.listunspent()), 0) # Note each time we call generate, all generated coins go into # the same address, so we call twice to get two addresses w/50 each node.generatetoaddress(nblocks=1, address=node.getnewaddress(label='coinbase')) node.generatetoaddress(nblocks=101, address=node.getnewaddress(label='coinbase')) assert_equal(node.getbalance(), 100) # there should be 2 address groups # each with 1 address with a balance of 50 Bitcoins address_groups = node.listaddressgroupings() assert_equal(len(address_groups), 2) # the addresses aren't linked now, but will be after we send to the # common address linked_addresses = set() for address_group in address_groups: assert_equal(len(address_group), 1) assert_equal(len(address_group[0]), 3) assert_equal(address_group[0][1], 50) assert_equal(address_group[0][2], 'coinbase') linked_addresses.add(address_group[0][0]) # send 50 from each address to a third address not in this wallet common_address = "msf4WtN1YQKXvNtvdFYt9JBnUD2FB41kjr" node.sendmany( amounts={common_address: 100}, subtractfeefrom=[common_address], minconf=1, ) # there should be 1 address group, with the previously # unlinked addresses now linked (they both have 0 balance) address_groups = node.listaddressgroupings() assert_equal(len(address_groups), 1) assert_equal(len(address_groups[0]), 2) assert_equal(set([a[0] for a in address_groups[0]]), linked_addresses) assert_equal([a[1] for a in address_groups[0]], [0, 0]) node.generate(1) # we want to reset so that the "" label has what's expected. # otherwise we're off by exactly the fee amount as that's mined # and matures in the next 100 blocks amount_to_send = 1.0 # Create labels and make sure subsequent label API calls # recognize the label/address associations. labels = [Label(name) for name in ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")] for label in labels: address = node.getnewaddress(label.name) label.add_receive_address(address) label.verify(node) # Check all labels are returned by listlabels. assert_equal(node.listlabels(), sorted(['coinbase'] + [label.name for label in labels])) # Send a transaction to each label. for label in labels: node.sendtoaddress(label.addresses[0], amount_to_send) label.verify(node) # Check the amounts received. node.generate(1) for label in labels: assert_equal( node.getreceivedbyaddress(label.addresses[0]), amount_to_send) assert_equal(node.getreceivedbylabel(label.name), amount_to_send) for i, label in enumerate(labels): to_label = labels[(i + 1) % len(labels)] node.sendtoaddress(to_label.addresses[0], amount_to_send) node.generate(1) for label in labels: address = node.getnewaddress(label.name) label.add_receive_address(address) label.verify(node) assert_equal(node.getreceivedbylabel(label.name), 2) label.verify(node) node.generate(101) # Check that setlabel can assign a label to a new unused address. for label in labels: address = node.getnewaddress() node.setlabel(address, label.name) label.add_address(address) label.verify(node) assert_raises_rpc_error(-11, "No addresses with label", node.getaddressesbylabel, "") # Check that addmultisigaddress can assign labels. for label in labels: addresses = [] for x in range(10): addresses.append(node.getnewaddress()) multisig_address = node.addmultisigaddress(5, addresses, label.name)['address'] label.add_address(multisig_address) label.purpose[multisig_address] = "send" label.verify(node) node.generate(101) # Check that setlabel can change the label of an address from a # different label. change_label(node, labels[0].addresses[0], labels[0], labels[1]) # Check that setlabel can set the label of an address already # in the label. This is a no-op. change_label(node, labels[2].addresses[0], labels[2], labels[2]) class Label: def __init__(self, name): # Label name self.name = name # Current receiving address associated with this label. self.receive_address = None # List of all addresses assigned with this label self.addresses = [] # Map of address to address purpose self.purpose = defaultdict(lambda: "receive") def add_address(self, address): assert_equal(address not in self.addresses, True) self.addresses.append(address) def add_receive_address(self, address): self.add_address(address) def verify(self, node): if self.receive_address is not None: assert self.receive_address in self.addresses for address in self.addresses: assert_equal( node.getaddressinfo(address)['labels'][0], {"name": self.name, "purpose": self.purpose[address]}) assert_equal(node.getaddressinfo(address)['label'], self.name) assert_equal( node.getaddressesbylabel(self.name), {address: {"purpose": self.purpose[address]} for address in self.addresses}) def change_label(node, address, old_label, new_label): assert_equal(address in old_label.addresses, True) node.setlabel(address, new_label.name) old_label.addresses.remove(address) new_label.add_address(address) old_label.verify(node) new_label.verify(node) if __name__ == '__main__': WalletLabelsTest().main()