#!/bin/bash ### This script attempts to download the signature file SHA256SUMS.asc from bitcoin.org ### It first checks if the signature passes, and then downloads the files specified in ### the file, and checks if the hashes of these files match those that are specified ### in the signature file. ### The script returns 0 if everything passes the checks. It returns 1 if either the ### signature check or the hash check doesn't pass. If an error occurs the return value is 2 function clean_up { for file in $* do rm "$file" 2> /dev/null done } WORKINGDIR="/tmp/bitcoin" TMPFILE="hashes.tmp" SIGNATUREFILENAME="SHA256SUMS.asc" RCSUBDIR="test/" BASEDIR="https://bitcoin.org/bin/" VERSIONPREFIX="bitcoin-core-" RCVERSIONSTRING="rc" if [ ! -d "$WORKINGDIR" ]; then mkdir "$WORKINGDIR" fi cd "$WORKINGDIR" #test if a version number has been passed as an argument if [ -n "$1" ]; then #let's also check if the version number includes the prefix 'bitcoin-', # and add this prefix if it doesn't if [[ $1 == "$VERSIONPREFIX"* ]]; then VERSION="$1" else VERSION="$VERSIONPREFIX$1" fi #now let's see if the version string contains "rc", and strip it off if it does # and simultaneously add RCSUBDIR to BASEDIR, where we will look for SIGNATUREFILENAME if [[ $VERSION == *"$RCVERSIONSTRING"* ]]; then BASEDIR="$BASEDIR${VERSION/%-$RCVERSIONSTRING*}/" BASEDIR="$BASEDIR$RCSUBDIR" else BASEDIR="$BASEDIR$VERSION/" fi SIGNATUREFILE="$BASEDIR$SIGNATUREFILENAME" else echo "Error: need to specify a version on the command line" exit 2 fi #first we fetch the file containing the signature WGETOUT=$(wget -N "$BASEDIR$SIGNATUREFILENAME" 2>&1) #and then see if wget completed successfully if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: couldn't fetch signature file. Have you specified the version number in the following format?" echo "[$VERSIONPREFIX]<version>-[$RCVERSIONSTRING[0-9]] (example: "$VERSIONPREFIX"0.10.4-"$RCVERSIONSTRING"1)" echo "wget output:" echo "$WGETOUT"|sed 's/^/\t/g' exit 2 fi #then we check it GPGOUT=$(gpg --yes --decrypt --output "$TMPFILE" "$SIGNATUREFILENAME" 2>&1) #return value 0: good signature #return value 1: bad signature #return value 2: gpg error RET="$?" if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then #and notify the user if it's bad echo "Bad signature." elif [ $RET -eq 2 ]; then #or if a gpg error has occurred echo "gpg error. Do you have the Bitcoin Core binary release signing key installed?" fi echo "gpg output:" echo "$GPGOUT"|sed 's/^/\t/g' clean_up $SIGNATUREFILENAME $TMPFILE exit "$RET" fi #here we extract the filenames from the signature file FILES=$(awk '{print $2}' "$TMPFILE") #and download these one by one for file in in $FILES do wget --quiet -N "$BASEDIR$file" done #check hashes DIFF=$(diff <(sha256sum $FILES) "$TMPFILE") if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Hashes don't match." echo "Offending files:" echo "$DIFF"|grep "^<"|awk '{print "\t"$3}' exit 1 elif [ $? -gt 1 ]; then echo "Error executing 'diff'" exit 2 fi #everything matches! clean up the mess clean_up $FILES $SIGNATUREFILENAME $TMPFILE echo -e "Verified hashes of \n$FILES" exit 0