#include "claimtrie.h" #include "coins.h" #include "hash.h" #include #include #include std::vector heightToVch(int n) { std::vector vchHeight; vchHeight.resize(8); vchHeight[0] = 0; vchHeight[1] = 0; vchHeight[2] = 0; vchHeight[3] = 0; vchHeight[4] = n >> 24; vchHeight[5] = n >> 16; vchHeight[6] = n >> 8; vchHeight[7] = n; return vchHeight; } uint256 getValueHash(COutPoint outPoint, int nHeightOfLastTakeover) { CHash256 txHasher; txHasher.Write(outPoint.hash.begin(), outPoint.hash.size()); std::vector vchtxHash(txHasher.OUTPUT_SIZE); txHasher.Finalize(&(vchtxHash[0])); CHash256 nOutHasher; std::stringstream ss; ss << outPoint.n; std::string snOut = ss.str(); nOutHasher.Write((unsigned char*) snOut.data(), snOut.size()); std::vector vchnOutHash(nOutHasher.OUTPUT_SIZE); nOutHasher.Finalize(&(vchnOutHash[0])); CHash256 takeoverHasher; std::vector vchTakeoverHeightToHash = heightToVch(nHeightOfLastTakeover); takeoverHasher.Write(vchTakeoverHeightToHash.data(), vchTakeoverHeightToHash.size()); std::vector vchTakeoverHash(takeoverHasher.OUTPUT_SIZE); takeoverHasher.Finalize(&(vchTakeoverHash[0])); CHash256 hasher; hasher.Write(vchtxHash.data(), vchtxHash.size()); hasher.Write(vchnOutHash.data(), vchnOutHash.size()); hasher.Write(vchTakeoverHash.data(), vchTakeoverHash.size()); std::vector vchHash(hasher.OUTPUT_SIZE); hasher.Finalize(&(vchHash[0])); uint256 valueHash(vchHash); return valueHash; } bool CClaimTrieNode::insertClaim(CClaimValue claim) { LogPrintf("%s: Inserting %s:%d (amount: %d) into the claim trie\n", __func__, claim.outPoint.hash.ToString(), claim.outPoint.n, claim.nAmount); claims.push_back(claim); return true; } bool CClaimTrieNode::removeClaim(const COutPoint& outPoint, CClaimValue& claim) { LogPrintf("%s: Removing txid: %s, nOut: %d from the claim trie\n", __func__, outPoint.hash.ToString(), outPoint.n); std::vector::iterator itClaims; for (itClaims = claims.begin(); itClaims != claims.end(); ++itClaims) { if (itClaims->outPoint == outPoint) { std::swap(claim, *itClaims); break; } } if (itClaims != claims.end()) { claims.erase(itClaims); } else { LogPrintf("CClaimTrieNode::%s() : asked to remove a claim that doesn't exist\n", __func__); LogPrintf("CClaimTrieNode::%s() : claims that do exist:\n", __func__); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < claims.size(); i++) { LogPrintf("\ttxhash: %s, nOut: %d:\n", claims[i].outPoint.hash.ToString(), claims[i].outPoint.n); } return false; } return true; } bool CClaimTrieNode::getBestClaim(CClaimValue& claim) const { if (claims.empty()) { return false; } else { claim = claims.front(); return true; } } bool CClaimTrieNode::haveClaim(const COutPoint& outPoint) const { for (std::vector::const_iterator itclaim = claims.begin(); itclaim != claims.end(); ++itclaim) { if (itclaim->outPoint == outPoint) return true; } return false; } void CClaimTrieNode::reorderClaims(supportMapEntryType& supports) { std::vector::iterator itclaim; for (itclaim = claims.begin(); itclaim != claims.end(); ++itclaim) { itclaim->nEffectiveAmount = itclaim->nAmount; } for (supportMapEntryType::iterator itsupport = supports.begin(); itsupport != supports.end(); ++itsupport) { for (itclaim = claims.begin(); itclaim != claims.end(); ++itclaim) { if (itsupport->supportedClaimId == itclaim->claimId) { itclaim->nEffectiveAmount += itsupport->nAmount; break; } } } std::make_heap(claims.begin(), claims.end()); } uint256 CClaimTrie::getMerkleHash() { return root.hash; } bool CClaimTrie::empty() const { return root.empty(); } template bool CClaimTrie::keyTypeEmpty(char keyType, K& dummy) const { boost::scoped_ptr pcursor(const_cast(&db)->NewIterator()); pcursor->SeekToFirst(); while (pcursor->Valid()) { std::pair key; if (pcursor->GetKey(key)) { if (key.first == keyType) { return false; } } else { break; } pcursor->Next(); } return true; } bool CClaimTrie::queueEmpty() const { for (claimQueueType::const_iterator itRow = dirtyQueueRows.begin(); itRow != dirtyQueueRows.end(); ++itRow) { if (!itRow->second.empty()) return false; } int dummy; return keyTypeEmpty(CLAIM_QUEUE_ROW, dummy); } bool CClaimTrie::expirationQueueEmpty() const { for (expirationQueueType::const_iterator itRow = dirtyExpirationQueueRows.begin(); itRow != dirtyExpirationQueueRows.end(); ++itRow) { if (!itRow->second.empty()) return false; } int dummy; return keyTypeEmpty(EXP_QUEUE_ROW, dummy); } bool CClaimTrie::supportEmpty() const { for (supportMapType::const_iterator itNode = dirtySupportNodes.begin(); itNode != dirtySupportNodes.end(); ++itNode) { if (!itNode->second.empty()) return false; } std::string dummy; return keyTypeEmpty(SUPPORT, dummy); } bool CClaimTrie::supportQueueEmpty() const { for (supportQueueType::const_iterator itRow = dirtySupportQueueRows.begin(); itRow != dirtySupportQueueRows.end(); ++itRow) { if (!itRow->second.empty()) return false; } int dummy; return keyTypeEmpty(SUPPORT_QUEUE_ROW, dummy); } void CClaimTrie::setExpirationTime(int t) { nExpirationTime = t; } void CClaimTrie::clear() { clear(&root); } void CClaimTrie::clear(CClaimTrieNode* current) { for (nodeMapType::const_iterator itchildren = current->children.begin(); itchildren != current->children.end(); ++itchildren) { clear(itchildren->second); delete itchildren->second; } } bool CClaimTrie::haveClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint) const { const CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname) { nodeMapType::const_iterator itchildren = current->children.find(*itname); if (itchildren == current->children.end()) return false; current = itchildren->second; } return current->haveClaim(outPoint); } bool CClaimTrie::haveSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint) const { supportMapEntryType node; if (!getSupportNode(name, node)) { return false; } for (supportMapEntryType::const_iterator itnode = node.begin(); itnode != node.end(); ++itnode) { if (itnode->outPoint == outPoint) return true; } return false; } bool CClaimTrie::haveClaimInQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int& nValidAtHeight) const { queueNameRowType nameRow; if (!getQueueNameRow(name, nameRow)) { return false; } queueNameRowType::const_iterator itNameRow; for (itNameRow = nameRow.begin(); itNameRow != nameRow.end(); ++itNameRow) { if (itNameRow->outPoint == outPoint) { nValidAtHeight = itNameRow->nHeight; break; } } if (itNameRow == nameRow.end()) { return false; } claimQueueRowType row; if (getQueueRow(nValidAtHeight, row)) { for (claimQueueRowType::const_iterator itRow = row.begin(); itRow != row.end(); ++itRow) { if (itRow->first == name && itRow->second.outPoint == outPoint) { if (itRow->second.nValidAtHeight != nValidAtHeight) { LogPrintf("%s: An inconsistency was found in the claim queue. Please report this to the developers:\nDifferent nValidAtHeight between named queue and height queue\n: name: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight in named queue: %d, nValidAtHeight in height queue: %d current height: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nValidAtHeight, itRow->second.nValidAtHeight, nCurrentHeight); } return true; } } } LogPrintf("%s: An inconsistency was found in the claim queue. Please report this to the developers:\nFound in named queue but not in height queue: name: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d, current height: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nValidAtHeight, nCurrentHeight); return false; } bool CClaimTrie::haveSupportInQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int& nValidAtHeight) const { queueNameRowType nameRow; if (!getSupportQueueNameRow(name, nameRow)) { return false; } queueNameRowType::const_iterator itNameRow; for (itNameRow = nameRow.begin(); itNameRow != nameRow.end(); ++itNameRow) { if (itNameRow->outPoint == outPoint) { nValidAtHeight = itNameRow->nHeight; break; } } if (itNameRow == nameRow.end()) { return false; } supportQueueRowType row; if (getSupportQueueRow(nValidAtHeight, row)) { for (supportQueueRowType::const_iterator itRow = row.begin(); itRow != row.end(); ++itRow) { if (itRow->first == name && itRow->second.outPoint == outPoint) { if (itRow->second.nValidAtHeight != nValidAtHeight) { LogPrintf("%s: An inconsistency was found in the support queue. Please report this to the developers:\nDifferent nValidAtHeight between named queue and height queue\n: name: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight in named queue: %d, nValidAtHeight in height queue: %d current height: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nValidAtHeight, itRow->second.nValidAtHeight, nCurrentHeight); } return true; } } } LogPrintf("%s: An inconsistency was found in the claim queue. Please report this to the developers:\nFound in named queue but not in height queue: name: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d, current height: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nValidAtHeight, nCurrentHeight); return false; } unsigned int CClaimTrie::getTotalNamesInTrie() const { if (empty()) return 0; const CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; return getTotalNamesRecursive(current); } unsigned int CClaimTrie::getTotalNamesRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current) const { unsigned int names_in_subtrie = 0; if (!(current->claims.empty())) names_in_subtrie += 1; for (nodeMapType::const_iterator it = current->children.begin(); it != current->children.end(); ++it) { names_in_subtrie += getTotalNamesRecursive(it->second); } return names_in_subtrie; } unsigned int CClaimTrie::getTotalClaimsInTrie() const { if (empty()) return 0; const CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; return getTotalClaimsRecursive(current); } unsigned int CClaimTrie::getTotalClaimsRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current) const { unsigned int claims_in_subtrie = current->claims.size(); for (nodeMapType::const_iterator it = current->children.begin(); it != current->children.end(); ++it) { claims_in_subtrie += getTotalClaimsRecursive(it->second); } return claims_in_subtrie; } CAmount CClaimTrie::getTotalValueOfClaimsInTrie(bool fControllingOnly) const { if (empty()) return 0; const CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; return getTotalValueOfClaimsRecursive(current, fControllingOnly); } CAmount CClaimTrie::getTotalValueOfClaimsRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current, bool fControllingOnly) const { CAmount value_in_subtrie = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator itclaim = current->claims.begin(); itclaim != current->claims.end(); ++itclaim) { value_in_subtrie += itclaim->nAmount; if (fControllingOnly) break; } for (nodeMapType::const_iterator itchild = current->children.begin(); itchild != current->children.end(); ++itchild) { value_in_subtrie += getTotalValueOfClaimsRecursive(itchild->second, fControllingOnly); } return value_in_subtrie; } bool CClaimTrie::recursiveFlattenTrie(const std::string& name, const CClaimTrieNode* current, std::vector& nodes) const { namedNodeType node(name, *current); nodes.push_back(node); for (nodeMapType::const_iterator it = current->children.begin(); it != current->children.end(); ++it) { std::stringstream ss; ss << name << it->first; if (!recursiveFlattenTrie(ss.str(), it->second, nodes)) return false; } return true; } std::vector CClaimTrie::flattenTrie() const { std::vector nodes; if (!recursiveFlattenTrie("", &root, nodes)) LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong flattening the trie", __func__); return nodes; } const CClaimTrieNode* CClaimTrie::getNodeForName(const std::string& name) const { const CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname) { nodeMapType::const_iterator itchildren = current->children.find(*itname); if (itchildren == current->children.end()) return NULL; current = itchildren->second; } return current; } bool CClaimTrie::getInfoForName(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const { const CClaimTrieNode* current = getNodeForName(name); if (current) { return current->getBestClaim(claim); } return false; } bool CClaimTrie::getLastTakeoverForName(const std::string& name, int& lastTakeoverHeight) const { const CClaimTrieNode* current = getNodeForName(name); if (current && !current->claims.empty()) { lastTakeoverHeight = current->nHeightOfLastTakeover; return true; } return false; } claimsForNameType CClaimTrie::getClaimsForName(const std::string& name) const { std::vector claims; std::vector supports; int nLastTakeoverHeight = 0; const CClaimTrieNode* current = getNodeForName(name); if (current) { if (!current->claims.empty()) { nLastTakeoverHeight = current->nHeightOfLastTakeover; } for (std::vector::const_iterator itClaims = current->claims.begin(); itClaims != current->claims.end(); ++itClaims) { claims.push_back(*itClaims); } } supportMapEntryType supportNode; if (getSupportNode(name, supportNode)) { for (std::vector::const_iterator itSupports = supportNode.begin(); itSupports != supportNode.end(); ++itSupports) { supports.push_back(*itSupports); } } queueNameRowType namedClaimRow; if (getQueueNameRow(name, namedClaimRow)) { for (queueNameRowType::const_iterator itClaimsForName = namedClaimRow.begin(); itClaimsForName != namedClaimRow.end(); ++itClaimsForName) { claimQueueRowType claimRow; if (getQueueRow(itClaimsForName->nHeight, claimRow)) { for (claimQueueRowType::const_iterator itClaimRow = claimRow.begin(); itClaimRow != claimRow.end(); ++itClaimRow) { if (itClaimRow->first == name && itClaimRow->second.outPoint == itClaimsForName->outPoint) { claims.push_back(itClaimRow->second); break; } } } } } queueNameRowType namedSupportRow; if (getSupportQueueNameRow(name, namedSupportRow)) { for (queueNameRowType::const_iterator itSupportsForName = namedSupportRow.begin(); itSupportsForName != namedSupportRow.end(); ++itSupportsForName) { supportQueueRowType supportRow; if (getSupportQueueRow(itSupportsForName->nHeight, supportRow)) { for (supportQueueRowType::const_iterator itSupportRow = supportRow.begin(); itSupportRow != supportRow.end(); ++itSupportRow) { if (itSupportRow->first == name && itSupportRow->second.outPoint == itSupportsForName->outPoint) { supports.push_back(itSupportRow->second); break; } } } } } claimsForNameType allClaims(claims, supports, nLastTakeoverHeight); return allClaims; } //return effective amount form claim, retuns 0 if claim is not found CAmount CClaimTrie::getEffectiveAmountForClaim(const std::string& name, uint160 claimId) const { claimsForNameType claims = getClaimsForName(name); CAmount effectiveAmount = 0; bool claim_found = false; for (std::vector::iterator it=claims.claims.begin(); it!=claims.claims.end(); ++it) { if (it->claimId == claimId && it->nValidAtHeight < nCurrentHeight) effectiveAmount += it->nAmount; claim_found = true; break; } if (!claim_found) return effectiveAmount; for (std::vector::iterator it=claims.supports.begin(); it!=claims.supports.end(); ++it) { if (it->supportedClaimId == claimId && it->nValidAtHeight < nCurrentHeight) effectiveAmount += it->nAmount; } return effectiveAmount; } bool CClaimTrie::checkConsistency() const { if (empty()) return true; return recursiveCheckConsistency(&root); } bool CClaimTrie::recursiveCheckConsistency(const CClaimTrieNode* node) const { std::vector vchToHash; for (nodeMapType::const_iterator it = node->children.begin(); it != node->children.end(); ++it) { if (recursiveCheckConsistency(it->second)) { vchToHash.push_back(it->first); vchToHash.insert(vchToHash.end(), it->second->hash.begin(), it->second->hash.end()); } else return false; } CClaimValue claim; bool hasClaim = node->getBestClaim(claim); if (hasClaim) { uint256 valueHash = getValueHash(claim.outPoint, node->nHeightOfLastTakeover); vchToHash.insert(vchToHash.end(), valueHash.begin(), valueHash.end()); } CHash256 hasher; std::vector vchHash(hasher.OUTPUT_SIZE); hasher.Write(vchToHash.data(), vchToHash.size()); hasher.Finalize(&(vchHash[0])); uint256 calculatedHash(vchHash); return calculatedHash == node->hash; } bool CClaimTrie::getQueueRow(int nHeight, claimQueueRowType& row) const { claimQueueType::const_iterator itQueueRow = dirtyQueueRows.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow != dirtyQueueRows.end()) { row = itQueueRow->second; return true; } return db.Read(std::make_pair(CLAIM_QUEUE_ROW, nHeight), row); } bool CClaimTrie::getQueueNameRow(const std::string& name, queueNameRowType& row) const { queueNameType::const_iterator itQueueNameRow = dirtyQueueNameRows.find(name); if (itQueueNameRow != dirtyQueueNameRows.end()) { row = itQueueNameRow->second; return true; } return db.Read(std::make_pair(CLAIM_QUEUE_NAME_ROW, name), row); } bool CClaimTrie::getExpirationQueueRow(int nHeight, expirationQueueRowType& row) const { expirationQueueType::const_iterator itQueueRow = dirtyExpirationQueueRows.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow != dirtyExpirationQueueRows.end()) { row = itQueueRow->second; return true; } return db.Read(std::make_pair(EXP_QUEUE_ROW, nHeight), row); } void CClaimTrie::updateQueueRow(int nHeight, claimQueueRowType& row) { claimQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = dirtyQueueRows.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow == dirtyQueueRows.end()) { claimQueueRowType newRow; std::pair ret; ret = dirtyQueueRows.insert(std::pair(nHeight, newRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } itQueueRow->second.swap(row); } void CClaimTrie::updateQueueNameRow(const std::string& name, queueNameRowType& row) { queueNameType::iterator itQueueRow = dirtyQueueNameRows.find(name); if (itQueueRow == dirtyQueueNameRows.end()) { queueNameRowType newRow; std::pair ret; ret = dirtyQueueNameRows.insert(std::pair(name, newRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } itQueueRow->second.swap(row); } void CClaimTrie::updateExpirationRow(int nHeight, expirationQueueRowType& row) { expirationQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = dirtyExpirationQueueRows.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow == dirtyExpirationQueueRows.end()) { expirationQueueRowType newRow; std::pair ret; ret = dirtyExpirationQueueRows.insert(std::pair(nHeight, newRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } itQueueRow->second.swap(row); } void CClaimTrie::updateSupportMap(const std::string& name, supportMapEntryType& node) { supportMapType::iterator itNode = dirtySupportNodes.find(name); if (itNode == dirtySupportNodes.end()) { supportMapEntryType newNode; std::pair ret; ret = dirtySupportNodes.insert(std::pair(name, newNode)); assert(ret.second); itNode = ret.first; } itNode->second.swap(node); } void CClaimTrie::updateSupportQueue(int nHeight, supportQueueRowType& row) { supportQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = dirtySupportQueueRows.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow == dirtySupportQueueRows.end()) { supportQueueRowType newRow; std::pair ret; ret = dirtySupportQueueRows.insert(std::pair(nHeight, newRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } itQueueRow->second.swap(row); } void CClaimTrie::updateSupportNameQueue(const std::string& name, queueNameRowType& row) { queueNameType::iterator itQueueRow = dirtySupportQueueNameRows.find(name); if (itQueueRow == dirtySupportQueueNameRows.end()) { queueNameRowType newRow; std::pair ret; ret = dirtySupportQueueNameRows.insert(std::pair(name, newRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } itQueueRow->second.swap(row); } void CClaimTrie::updateSupportExpirationQueue(int nHeight, expirationQueueRowType& row) { expirationQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow == dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows.end()) { expirationQueueRowType newRow; std::pair ret; ret = dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows.insert(std::pair(nHeight, newRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } itQueueRow->second.swap(row); } bool CClaimTrie::getSupportNode(std::string name, supportMapEntryType& node) const { supportMapType::const_iterator itNode = dirtySupportNodes.find(name); if (itNode != dirtySupportNodes.end()) { node = itNode->second; return true; } return db.Read(std::make_pair(SUPPORT, name), node); } bool CClaimTrie::getSupportQueueRow(int nHeight, supportQueueRowType& row) const { supportQueueType::const_iterator itQueueRow = dirtySupportQueueRows.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow != dirtySupportQueueRows.end()) { row = itQueueRow->second; return true; } return db.Read(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_QUEUE_ROW, nHeight), row); } bool CClaimTrie::getSupportQueueNameRow(const std::string& name, queueNameRowType& row) const { queueNameType::const_iterator itQueueNameRow = dirtySupportQueueNameRows.find(name); if (itQueueNameRow != dirtySupportQueueNameRows.end()) { row = itQueueNameRow->second; return true; } return db.Read(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_QUEUE_NAME_ROW, name), row); } bool CClaimTrie::getSupportExpirationQueueRow(int nHeight, expirationQueueRowType& row) const { expirationQueueType::const_iterator itQueueRow = dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow != dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows.end()) { row = itQueueRow->second; return true; } return db.Read(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_EXP_QUEUE_ROW, nHeight), row); } bool CClaimTrie::update(nodeCacheType& cache, hashMapType& hashes, std::map& takeoverHeights, const uint256& hashBlockIn, claimQueueType& queueCache, queueNameType& queueNameCache, expirationQueueType& expirationQueueCache, int nNewHeight, supportMapType& supportCache, supportQueueType& supportQueueCache, queueNameType& supportQueueNameCache, expirationQueueType& supportExpirationQueueCache) { for (nodeCacheType::iterator itcache = cache.begin(); itcache != cache.end(); ++itcache) { if (!updateName(itcache->first, itcache->second)) { LogPrintf("%s: Failed to update name for:%s\n", __func__, itcache->first); return false; } } for (hashMapType::iterator ithash = hashes.begin(); ithash != hashes.end(); ++ithash) { if (!updateHash(ithash->first, ithash->second)) { LogPrintf("%s: Failed to update hash for:%s\n", __func__, ithash->first); return false; } } for (std::map::iterator itheight = takeoverHeights.begin(); itheight != takeoverHeights.end(); ++itheight) { if (!updateTakeoverHeight(itheight->first, itheight->second)) { LogPrintf("%s: Failed to update takeover height for:%s\n", __func__, itheight->first); return false; } } for (claimQueueType::iterator itQueueCacheRow = queueCache.begin(); itQueueCacheRow != queueCache.end(); ++itQueueCacheRow) { updateQueueRow(itQueueCacheRow->first, itQueueCacheRow->second); } for (queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameCacheRow = queueNameCache.begin(); itQueueNameCacheRow != queueNameCache.end(); ++itQueueNameCacheRow) { updateQueueNameRow(itQueueNameCacheRow->first, itQueueNameCacheRow->second); } for (expirationQueueType::iterator itExpirationRow = expirationQueueCache.begin(); itExpirationRow != expirationQueueCache.end(); ++itExpirationRow) { updateExpirationRow(itExpirationRow->first, itExpirationRow->second); } for (supportMapType::iterator itSupportCache = supportCache.begin(); itSupportCache != supportCache.end(); ++itSupportCache) { updateSupportMap(itSupportCache->first, itSupportCache->second); } for (supportQueueType::iterator itSupportQueue = supportQueueCache.begin(); itSupportQueue != supportQueueCache.end(); ++itSupportQueue) { updateSupportQueue(itSupportQueue->first, itSupportQueue->second); } for (queueNameType::iterator itSupportNameQueue = supportQueueNameCache.begin(); itSupportNameQueue != supportQueueNameCache.end(); ++itSupportNameQueue) { updateSupportNameQueue(itSupportNameQueue->first, itSupportNameQueue->second); } for (expirationQueueType::iterator itSupportExpirationQueue = supportExpirationQueueCache.begin(); itSupportExpirationQueue != supportExpirationQueueCache.end(); ++itSupportExpirationQueue) { updateSupportExpirationQueue(itSupportExpirationQueue->first, itSupportExpirationQueue->second); } hashBlock = hashBlockIn; nCurrentHeight = nNewHeight; return true; } void CClaimTrie::markNodeDirty(const std::string &name, CClaimTrieNode* node) { std::pair ret; ret = dirtyNodes.insert(std::pair(name, node)); if (ret.second == false) ret.first->second = node; } bool CClaimTrie::updateName(const std::string &name, CClaimTrieNode* updatedNode) { CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname) { nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.find(*itname); if (itchild == current->children.end()) { if (itname + 1 == name.end()) { CClaimTrieNode* newNode = new CClaimTrieNode(); current->children[*itname] = newNode; current = newNode; } else return false; } else { current = itchild->second; } } assert(current != NULL); current->claims.swap(updatedNode->claims); markNodeDirty(name, current); for (nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.begin(); itchild != current->children.end();) { nodeMapType::iterator itupdatechild = updatedNode->children.find(itchild->first); if (itupdatechild == updatedNode->children.end()) { // This character has apparently been deleted, so delete // all descendents from this child. std::stringstream ss; ss << name << itchild->first; std::string newName = ss.str(); if (!recursiveNullify(itchild->second, newName)) return false; current->children.erase(itchild++); } else ++itchild; } return true; } bool CClaimTrie::recursiveNullify(CClaimTrieNode* node, std::string& name) { assert(node != NULL); for (nodeMapType::iterator itchild = node->children.begin(); itchild != node->children.end(); ++itchild) { std::stringstream ss; ss << name << itchild->first; std::string newName = ss.str(); if (!recursiveNullify(itchild->second, newName)) return false; } node->children.clear(); markNodeDirty(name, NULL); delete node; return true; } bool CClaimTrie::updateHash(const std::string& name, uint256& hash) { CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname) { nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.find(*itname); if (itchild == current->children.end()) return false; current = itchild->second; } assert(current != NULL); current->hash = hash; markNodeDirty(name, current); return true; } bool CClaimTrie::updateTakeoverHeight(const std::string& name, int nTakeoverHeight) { CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname != name.end(); ++itname) { nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.find(*itname); if (itchild == current->children.end()) return false; current = itchild->second; } assert(current != NULL); current->nHeightOfLastTakeover = nTakeoverHeight; markNodeDirty(name, current); return true; } void CClaimTrie::BatchWriteNode(CDBBatch& batch, const std::string& name, const CClaimTrieNode* pNode) const { uint32_t num_claims = 0; if (pNode) num_claims = pNode->claims.size(); LogPrintf("%s: Writing %s to disk with %d claims\n", __func__, name, num_claims); if (pNode) batch.Write(std::make_pair(TRIE_NODE, name), *pNode); else batch.Erase(std::make_pair(TRIE_NODE, name)); } void CClaimTrie::BatchWriteQueueRows(CDBBatch& batch) { for (claimQueueType::iterator itQueue = dirtyQueueRows.begin(); itQueue != dirtyQueueRows.end(); ++itQueue) { if (itQueue->second.empty()) { batch.Erase(std::make_pair(CLAIM_QUEUE_ROW, itQueue->first)); } else { batch.Write(std::make_pair(CLAIM_QUEUE_ROW, itQueue->first), itQueue->second); } } } void CClaimTrie::BatchWriteQueueNameRows(CDBBatch& batch) { for (queueNameType::iterator itQueue = dirtyQueueNameRows.begin(); itQueue != dirtyQueueNameRows.end(); ++itQueue) { if (itQueue->second.empty()) { batch.Erase(std::make_pair(CLAIM_QUEUE_NAME_ROW, itQueue->first)); } else { batch.Write(std::make_pair(CLAIM_QUEUE_NAME_ROW, itQueue->first), itQueue->second); } } } void CClaimTrie::BatchWriteExpirationQueueRows(CDBBatch& batch) { for (expirationQueueType::iterator itQueue = dirtyExpirationQueueRows.begin(); itQueue != dirtyExpirationQueueRows.end(); ++itQueue) { if (itQueue->second.empty()) { batch.Erase(std::make_pair(EXP_QUEUE_ROW, itQueue->first)); } else { batch.Write(std::make_pair(EXP_QUEUE_ROW, itQueue->first), itQueue->second); } } } void CClaimTrie::BatchWriteSupportNodes(CDBBatch& batch) { for (supportMapType::iterator itSupport = dirtySupportNodes.begin(); itSupport != dirtySupportNodes.end(); ++itSupport) { if (itSupport->second.empty()) { batch.Erase(std::make_pair(SUPPORT, itSupport->first)); } else { batch.Write(std::make_pair(SUPPORT, itSupport->first), itSupport->second); } } } void CClaimTrie::BatchWriteSupportQueueRows(CDBBatch& batch) { for (supportQueueType::iterator itQueue = dirtySupportQueueRows.begin(); itQueue != dirtySupportQueueRows.end(); ++itQueue) { if (itQueue->second.empty()) { batch.Erase(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_QUEUE_ROW, itQueue->first)); } else { batch.Write(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_QUEUE_ROW, itQueue->first), itQueue->second); } } } void CClaimTrie::BatchWriteSupportQueueNameRows(CDBBatch& batch) { for (queueNameType::iterator itQueue = dirtySupportQueueNameRows.begin(); itQueue != dirtySupportQueueNameRows.end(); ++itQueue) { if (itQueue->second.empty()) { batch.Erase(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_QUEUE_NAME_ROW, itQueue->first)); } else { batch.Write(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_QUEUE_NAME_ROW, itQueue->first), itQueue->second); } } } void CClaimTrie::BatchWriteSupportExpirationQueueRows(CDBBatch& batch) { for (expirationQueueType::iterator itQueue = dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows.begin(); itQueue != dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows.end(); ++itQueue) { if (itQueue->second.empty()) { batch.Erase(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_EXP_QUEUE_ROW, itQueue->first)); } else { batch.Write(std::make_pair(SUPPORT_EXP_QUEUE_ROW, itQueue->first), itQueue->second); } } } bool CClaimTrie::WriteToDisk() { CDBBatch batch(&db.GetObfuscateKey()); for (nodeCacheType::iterator itcache = dirtyNodes.begin(); itcache != dirtyNodes.end(); ++itcache) BatchWriteNode(batch, itcache->first, itcache->second); dirtyNodes.clear(); BatchWriteQueueRows(batch); dirtyQueueRows.clear(); BatchWriteQueueNameRows(batch); dirtyQueueNameRows.clear(); BatchWriteExpirationQueueRows(batch); dirtyExpirationQueueRows.clear(); BatchWriteSupportNodes(batch); dirtySupportNodes.clear(); BatchWriteSupportQueueRows(batch); dirtySupportQueueRows.clear(); BatchWriteSupportQueueNameRows(batch); dirtySupportQueueNameRows.clear(); BatchWriteSupportExpirationQueueRows(batch); dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows.clear(); batch.Write(HASH_BLOCK, hashBlock); batch.Write(CURRENT_HEIGHT, nCurrentHeight); return db.WriteBatch(batch); } bool CClaimTrie::InsertFromDisk(const std::string& name, CClaimTrieNode* node) { if (name.size() == 0) { root = *node; return true; } CClaimTrieNode* current = &root; for (std::string::const_iterator itname = name.begin(); itname + 1 != name.end(); ++itname) { nodeMapType::iterator itchild = current->children.find(*itname); if (itchild == current->children.end()) return false; current = itchild->second; } current->children[name[name.size()-1]] = node; return true; } bool CClaimTrie::ReadFromDisk(bool check) { if (!db.Read(HASH_BLOCK, hashBlock)) LogPrintf("%s: Couldn't read the best block's hash\n", __func__); if (!db.Read(CURRENT_HEIGHT, nCurrentHeight)) LogPrintf("%s: Couldn't read the current height\n", __func__); boost::scoped_ptr pcursor(const_cast(&db)->NewIterator()); pcursor->SeekToFirst(); while (pcursor->Valid()) { std::pair key; if (pcursor->GetKey(key)) { if (key.first == TRIE_NODE) { CClaimTrieNode* node = new CClaimTrieNode(); if (pcursor->GetValue(*node)) { if (!InsertFromDisk(key.second, node)) { return error("%s(): error restoring claim trie from disk", __func__); } } else { return error("%s(): error reading claim trie from disk", __func__); } } } pcursor->Next(); } if (check) { LogPrintf("Checking Claim trie consistency..."); if (checkConsistency()) { LogPrintf("consistent\n"); return true; } LogPrintf("inconsistent!\n"); return false; } return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CClaimTrieNode* tnCurrent, std::string sPos) const { if (sPos == "" && tnCurrent->empty()) { cacheHashes[""] = uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"); return true; } std::vector vchToHash; nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode; for (nodeMapType::iterator it = tnCurrent->children.begin(); it != tnCurrent->children.end(); ++it) { std::stringstream ss; ss << it->first; std::string sNextPos = sPos + ss.str(); if (dirtyHashes.count(sNextPos) != 0) { // the child might be in the cache, so look for it there cachedNode = cache.find(sNextPos); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) recursiveComputeMerkleHash(cachedNode->second, sNextPos); else recursiveComputeMerkleHash(it->second, sNextPos); } vchToHash.push_back(it->first); hashMapType::iterator ithash = cacheHashes.find(sNextPos); if (ithash != cacheHashes.end()) { vchToHash.insert(vchToHash.end(), ithash->second.begin(), ithash->second.end()); } else { vchToHash.insert(vchToHash.end(), it->second->hash.begin(), it->second->hash.end()); } } CClaimValue claim; bool hasClaim = tnCurrent->getBestClaim(claim); if (hasClaim) { int nHeightOfLastTakeover; assert(getLastTakeoverForName(sPos, nHeightOfLastTakeover)); uint256 valueHash = getValueHash(claim.outPoint, nHeightOfLastTakeover); vchToHash.insert(vchToHash.end(), valueHash.begin(), valueHash.end()); } CHash256 hasher; std::vector vchHash(hasher.OUTPUT_SIZE); hasher.Write(vchToHash.data(), vchToHash.size()); hasher.Finalize(&(vchHash[0])); cacheHashes[sPos] = uint256(vchHash); std::set::iterator itDirty = dirtyHashes.find(sPos); if (itDirty != dirtyHashes.end()) dirtyHashes.erase(itDirty); return true; } uint256 CClaimTrieCache::getMerkleHash() const { if (empty()) { uint256 one(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")); return one; } if (dirty()) { nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find(""); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) recursiveComputeMerkleHash(cachedNode->second, ""); else recursiveComputeMerkleHash(&(base->root), ""); } hashMapType::iterator ithash = cacheHashes.find(""); if (ithash != cacheHashes.end()) return ithash->second; else return base->root.hash; } bool CClaimTrieCache::empty() const { return base->empty() && cache.empty(); } CClaimTrieNode* CClaimTrieCache::addNodeToCache(const std::string& position, CClaimTrieNode* original) const { // create a copy of the node in the cache, if new node, create empty node CClaimTrieNode* cacheCopy; if(!original) cacheCopy = new CClaimTrieNode(); else cacheCopy = new CClaimTrieNode(*original); cache[position] = cacheCopy; // check to see if there is the original node in block_originals, // if not, add it to block_originals cache nodeCacheType::const_iterator itOriginals = block_originals.find(position); if (block_originals.end() == itOriginals) { CClaimTrieNode* originalCopy; if(!original) originalCopy = new CClaimTrieNode(); else originalCopy = new CClaimTrieNode(*original); block_originals[position] = originalCopy; } return cacheCopy; } bool CClaimTrieCache::getOriginalInfoForName(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const { nodeCacheType::const_iterator itOriginalCache = block_originals.find(name); if (itOriginalCache == block_originals.end()) { return base->getInfoForName(name, claim); } return itOriginalCache->second->getBestClaim(claim); } bool CClaimTrieCache::insertClaimIntoTrie(const std::string& name, CClaimValue claim, bool fCheckTakeover) const { assert(base); CClaimTrieNode* currentNode = &(base->root); nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode; cachedNode = cache.find(""); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) currentNode = cachedNode->second; for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur) { std::string sCurrentSubstring(name.begin(), itCur); std::string sNextSubstring(name.begin(), itCur + 1); cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) { currentNode = cachedNode->second; continue; } nodeMapType::iterator childNode = currentNode->children.find(*itCur); if (childNode != currentNode->children.end()) { currentNode = childNode->second; continue; } // This next substring doesn't exist in the cache and the next // character doesn't exist in current node's children, so check // if the current node is in the cache, and if it's not, copy // it and stick it in the cache, and then create a new node as // its child and stick that in the cache. We have to have both // this node and its child in the cache so that the current // node's child map will contain the next letter, which will be // used to find the child in the cache. This is necessary in // order to calculate the merkle hash. cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) { assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode); } else { currentNode = addNodeToCache(sCurrentSubstring, currentNode); } CClaimTrieNode* newNode = addNodeToCache(sNextSubstring, NULL); currentNode->children[*itCur] = newNode; currentNode = newNode; } cachedNode = cache.find(name); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) { assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode); } else { currentNode = addNodeToCache(name, currentNode); } bool fChanged = false; if (currentNode->claims.empty()) { fChanged = true; currentNode->insertClaim(claim); } else { CClaimValue currentTop = currentNode->claims.front(); currentNode->insertClaim(claim); supportMapEntryType node; getSupportsForName(name, node); currentNode->reorderClaims(node); if (currentTop != currentNode->claims.front()) fChanged = true; } if (fChanged) { for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur) { std::string sub(name.begin(), itCur); dirtyHashes.insert(sub); } dirtyHashes.insert(name); if (fCheckTakeover) namesToCheckForTakeover.insert(name); } return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::removeClaimFromTrie(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, CClaimValue& claim, bool fCheckTakeover) const { assert(base); CClaimTrieNode* currentNode = &(base->root); nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode; cachedNode = cache.find(""); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) currentNode = cachedNode->second; assert(currentNode != NULL); // If there is no root in either the trie or the cache, how can there be any names to remove? for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur) { std::string sCurrentSubstring(name.begin(), itCur); std::string sNextSubstring(name.begin(), itCur + 1); cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) { currentNode = cachedNode->second; continue; } nodeMapType::iterator childNode = currentNode->children.find(*itCur); if (childNode != currentNode->children.end()) { currentNode = childNode->second; continue; } LogPrintf("%s: The name %s does not exist in the trie\n", __func__, name.c_str()); return false; } cachedNode = cache.find(name); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) assert(cachedNode->second == currentNode); else { currentNode = addNodeToCache(name, currentNode); } bool fChanged = false; assert(currentNode != NULL); bool success = false; if (currentNode->claims.empty()) { LogPrintf("%s: Asked to remove claim from node without claims\n", __func__); return false; } CClaimValue currentTop = currentNode->claims.front(); success = currentNode->removeClaim(outPoint, claim); if (!currentNode->claims.empty()) { supportMapEntryType node; getSupportsForName(name, node); currentNode->reorderClaims(node); if (currentTop != currentNode->claims.front()) fChanged = true; } else fChanged = true; if (!success) { LogPrintf("%s: Removing a claim was unsuccessful. name = %s, txhash = %s, nOut = %d", __func__, name.c_str(), outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n); return false; } if (fChanged) { for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur) { std::string sub(name.begin(), itCur); dirtyHashes.insert(sub); } dirtyHashes.insert(name); if (fCheckTakeover) namesToCheckForTakeover.insert(name); } CClaimTrieNode* rootNode = &(base->root); cachedNode = cache.find(""); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) rootNode = cachedNode->second; return recursivePruneName(rootNode, 0, name); } bool CClaimTrieCache::recursivePruneName(CClaimTrieNode* tnCurrent, unsigned int nPos, std::string sName, bool* pfNullified) const { // Recursively prune leaf node(s) without any claims in it and store // the modified nodes in the cache bool fNullified = false; std::string sCurrentSubstring = sName.substr(0, nPos); if (nPos < sName.size()) { std::string sNextSubstring = sName.substr(0, nPos + 1); unsigned char cNext = sName.at(nPos); CClaimTrieNode* tnNext = NULL; nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) tnNext = cachedNode->second; else { nodeMapType::iterator childNode = tnCurrent->children.find(cNext); if (childNode != tnCurrent->children.end()) tnNext = childNode->second; } if (tnNext == NULL) return false; bool fChildNullified = false; if (!recursivePruneName(tnNext, nPos + 1, sName, &fChildNullified)) return false; if (fChildNullified) { // If the child nullified itself, the child should already be // out of the cache, and the character must now be removed // from the current node's map of child nodes to ensure that // it isn't found when calculating the merkle hash. But // tnCurrent isn't necessarily in the cache. If it's not, it // has to be added to the cache, so nothing is changed in the // trie. If the current node is added to the cache, however, // that does not imply that the parent node must be altered to // reflect that its child is now in the cache, since it // already has a character in its child map which will be used // when calculating the merkle root. // First, find out if this node is in the cache. cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring); if (cachedNode == cache.end()) { // it isn't, so make a copy, stick it in the cache, // and make it the new current node tnCurrent = addNodeToCache(sCurrentSubstring, tnCurrent); } // erase the character from the current node, which is // now guaranteed to be in the cache nodeMapType::iterator childNode = tnCurrent->children.find(cNext); if (childNode != tnCurrent->children.end()) tnCurrent->children.erase(childNode); else return false; } } if (sCurrentSubstring.size() != 0 && tnCurrent->empty()) { // If the current node is in the cache, remove it from there nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode = cache.find(sCurrentSubstring); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) { assert(tnCurrent == cachedNode->second); delete tnCurrent; cache.erase(cachedNode); } fNullified = true; } if (pfNullified) *pfNullified = fNullified; return true; } claimQueueType::iterator CClaimTrieCache::getQueueCacheRow(int nHeight, bool createIfNotExists) const { claimQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = claimQueueCache.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow == claimQueueCache.end()) { // Have to make a new row it put in the cache, if createIfNotExists is true claimQueueRowType queueRow; // If the row exists in the base, copy its claims into the new row. bool exists = base->getQueueRow(nHeight, queueRow); if (!exists) if (!createIfNotExists) return itQueueRow; // Stick the new row in the cache std::pair ret; ret = claimQueueCache.insert(std::pair(nHeight, queueRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } return itQueueRow; } queueNameType::iterator CClaimTrieCache::getQueueCacheNameRow(const std::string& name, bool createIfNotExists) const { queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = claimQueueNameCache.find(name); if (itQueueNameRow == claimQueueNameCache.end()) { // Have to make a new name row and put it in the cache, if createIfNotExists is true queueNameRowType queueNameRow; // If the row exists in the base, copy its claims into the new row. bool exists = base->getQueueNameRow(name, queueNameRow); if (!exists) if (!createIfNotExists) return itQueueNameRow; // Stick the new row in the cache std::pair ret; ret = claimQueueNameCache.insert(std::pair(name, queueNameRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueNameRow = ret.first; } return itQueueNameRow; } bool CClaimTrieCache::addClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, uint160 claimId, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight) const { LogPrintf("%s: name: %s, txhash: %s, nOut: %d, claimId: %s, nAmount: %d, nHeight: %d, nCurrentHeight: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, claimId.GetHex(), nAmount, nHeight, nCurrentHeight); assert(nHeight == nCurrentHeight); CClaimValue currentClaim; int delayForClaim; if (getOriginalInfoForName(name, currentClaim) && currentClaim.claimId == claimId) { LogPrintf("%s: This is an update to a best claim.\n", __func__); delayForClaim = 0; } else { delayForClaim = getDelayForName(name); } CClaimValue newClaim(outPoint, claimId, nAmount, nHeight, nHeight + delayForClaim); return addClaimToQueues(name, newClaim); } bool CClaimTrieCache::undoSpendClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, uint160 claimId, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight, int nValidAtHeight) const { LogPrintf("%s: name: %s, txhash: %s, nOut: %d, claimId: %s, nAmount: %d, nHeight: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d, nCurrentHeight: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, claimId.GetHex(), nAmount, nHeight, nValidAtHeight, nCurrentHeight); CClaimValue claim(outPoint, claimId, nAmount, nHeight, nValidAtHeight); if (nValidAtHeight < nCurrentHeight) { nameOutPointType entry(name, claim.outPoint); addToExpirationQueue(claim.nHeight + base->nExpirationTime, entry); return insertClaimIntoTrie(name, claim, false); } else { return addClaimToQueues(name, claim); } } bool CClaimTrieCache::addClaimToQueues(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const { LogPrintf("%s: nValidAtHeight: %d\n", __func__, claim.nValidAtHeight); claimQueueEntryType entry(name, claim); claimQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getQueueCacheRow(claim.nValidAtHeight, true); queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = getQueueCacheNameRow(name, true); itQueueRow->second.push_back(entry); itQueueNameRow->second.push_back(outPointHeightType(claim.outPoint, claim.nValidAtHeight)); nameOutPointType expireEntry(name, claim.outPoint); addToExpirationQueue(claim.nHeight + base->nExpirationTime, expireEntry); return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::removeClaimFromQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, CClaimValue& claim) const { queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = getQueueCacheNameRow(name, false); if (itQueueNameRow == claimQueueNameCache.end()) { return false; } queueNameRowType::iterator itQueueName; for (itQueueName = itQueueNameRow->second.begin(); itQueueName != itQueueNameRow->second.end(); ++itQueueName) { if (itQueueName->outPoint == outPoint) { break; } } if (itQueueName == itQueueNameRow->second.end()) { return false; } claimQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getQueueCacheRow(itQueueName->nHeight, false); if (itQueueRow != claimQueueCache.end()) { claimQueueRowType::iterator itQueue; for (itQueue = itQueueRow->second.begin(); itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end(); ++itQueue) { if (name == itQueue->first && itQueue->second.outPoint == outPoint) { break; } } if (itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end()) { std::swap(claim, itQueue->second); itQueueNameRow->second.erase(itQueueName); itQueueRow->second.erase(itQueue); return true; } } LogPrintf("%s: An inconsistency was found in the claim queue. Please report this to the developers:\nFound in named queue but not in height queue: name: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d, current height: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, itQueueName->nHeight, nCurrentHeight); return false; } bool CClaimTrieCache::undoAddClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight) const { int throwaway; return removeClaim(name, outPoint, nHeight, throwaway, false); } bool CClaimTrieCache::spendClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight, int& nValidAtHeight) const { return removeClaim(name, outPoint, nHeight, nValidAtHeight, true); } bool CClaimTrieCache::removeClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight, int& nValidAtHeight, bool fCheckTakeover) const { LogPrintf("%s: name: %s, txhash: %s, nOut: %s, nHeight: %s, nCurrentHeight: %s\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nHeight, nCurrentHeight); bool removed = false; CClaimValue claim; if (removeClaimFromQueue(name, outPoint, claim)) { removed = true; } if (removed == false && removeClaimFromTrie(name, outPoint, claim, fCheckTakeover)) { removed = true; } if (removed == true) { nValidAtHeight = claim.nValidAtHeight; removeFromExpirationQueue(name, outPoint, nHeight); } return removed; } void CClaimTrieCache::addToExpirationQueue(int nExpirationHeight, nameOutPointType& entry) const { expirationQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getExpirationQueueCacheRow(nExpirationHeight, true); itQueueRow->second.push_back(entry); } void CClaimTrieCache::removeFromExpirationQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight) const { int expirationHeight = nHeight + base->nExpirationTime; expirationQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getExpirationQueueCacheRow(expirationHeight, false); expirationQueueRowType::iterator itQueue; if (itQueueRow != expirationQueueCache.end()) { for (itQueue = itQueueRow->second.begin(); itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end(); ++itQueue) { if (name == itQueue->name && outPoint == itQueue->outPoint) break; } } if (itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end()) { itQueueRow->second.erase(itQueue); } } expirationQueueType::iterator CClaimTrieCache::getExpirationQueueCacheRow(int nHeight, bool createIfNotExists) const { expirationQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = expirationQueueCache.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow == expirationQueueCache.end()) { // Have to make a new row it put in the cache, if createIfNotExists is true expirationQueueRowType queueRow; // If the row exists in the base, copy its claims into the new row. bool exists = base->getExpirationQueueRow(nHeight, queueRow); if (!exists) if (!createIfNotExists) return itQueueRow; // Stick the new row in the cache std::pair ret; ret = expirationQueueCache.insert(std::pair(nHeight, queueRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } return itQueueRow; } bool CClaimTrieCache::reorderTrieNode(const std::string& name, bool fCheckTakeover) const { assert(base); nodeCacheType::iterator cachedNode; cachedNode = cache.find(name); if (cachedNode == cache.end()) { CClaimTrieNode* currentNode; cachedNode = cache.find(""); if(cachedNode == cache.end()) currentNode = &(base->root); else currentNode = cachedNode->second; for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur) { std::string sCurrentSubstring(name.begin(), itCur); std::string sNextSubstring(name.begin(), itCur + 1); cachedNode = cache.find(sNextSubstring); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) { currentNode = cachedNode->second; continue; } nodeMapType::iterator childNode = currentNode->children.find(*itCur); if (childNode != currentNode->children.end()) { currentNode = childNode->second; continue; } // The node doesn't exist, so it can't be reordered. return true; } currentNode = new CClaimTrieNode(*currentNode); std::pair ret; ret = cache.insert(std::pair(name, currentNode)); assert(ret.second); cachedNode = ret.first; } bool fChanged = false; if (cachedNode->second->claims.empty()) { // Nothing in there to reorder return true; } else { CClaimValue currentTop = cachedNode->second->claims.front(); supportMapEntryType node; getSupportsForName(name, node); cachedNode->second->reorderClaims(node); if (cachedNode->second->claims.front() != currentTop) fChanged = true; } if (fChanged) { for (std::string::const_iterator itCur = name.begin(); itCur != name.end(); ++itCur) { std::string sub(name.begin(), itCur); dirtyHashes.insert(sub); } dirtyHashes.insert(name); if (fCheckTakeover) namesToCheckForTakeover.insert(name); } return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::getSupportsForName(const std::string& name, supportMapEntryType& node) const { supportMapType::iterator cachedNode; cachedNode = supportCache.find(name); if (cachedNode != supportCache.end()) { node = cachedNode->second; return true; } else { return base->getSupportNode(name, node); } } bool CClaimTrieCache::insertSupportIntoMap(const std::string& name, CSupportValue support, bool fCheckTakeover) const { supportMapType::iterator cachedNode; // If this node is already in the cache, use that cachedNode = supportCache.find(name); // If not, copy the one from base if it exists, and use that if (cachedNode == supportCache.end()) { supportMapEntryType node; base->getSupportNode(name, node); std::pair ret; ret = supportCache.insert(std::pair(name, node)); assert(ret.second); cachedNode = ret.first; } cachedNode->second.push_back(support); // See if this changed the biggest bid return reorderTrieNode(name, fCheckTakeover); } bool CClaimTrieCache::removeSupportFromMap(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, CSupportValue& support, bool fCheckTakeover) const { supportMapType::iterator cachedNode; cachedNode = supportCache.find(name); if (cachedNode == supportCache.end()) { supportMapEntryType node; if (!base->getSupportNode(name, node)) { // clearly, this support does not exist return false; } std::pair ret; ret = supportCache.insert(std::pair(name, node)); assert(ret.second); cachedNode = ret.first; } supportMapEntryType::iterator itSupport; for (itSupport = cachedNode->second.begin(); itSupport != cachedNode->second.end(); ++itSupport) { if (itSupport->outPoint == outPoint) { break; } } if (itSupport != cachedNode->second.end()) { std::swap(support, *itSupport); cachedNode->second.erase(itSupport); return reorderTrieNode(name, fCheckTakeover); } else { LogPrintf("CClaimTrieCache::%s() : asked to remove a support that doesn't exist\n", __func__); return false; } } supportQueueType::iterator CClaimTrieCache::getSupportQueueCacheRow(int nHeight, bool createIfNotExists) const { supportQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = supportQueueCache.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow == supportQueueCache.end()) { supportQueueRowType queueRow; bool exists = base->getSupportQueueRow(nHeight, queueRow); if (!exists) if (!createIfNotExists) return itQueueRow; // Stick the new row in the cache std::pair ret; ret = supportQueueCache.insert(std::pair(nHeight, queueRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } return itQueueRow; } queueNameType::iterator CClaimTrieCache::getSupportQueueCacheNameRow(const std::string& name, bool createIfNotExists) const { queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = supportQueueNameCache.find(name); if (itQueueNameRow == supportQueueNameCache.end()) { queueNameRowType queueNameRow; bool exists = base->getSupportQueueNameRow(name, queueNameRow); if (!exists) if (!createIfNotExists) return itQueueNameRow; // Stick the new row in the name cache std::pair ret; ret = supportQueueNameCache.insert(std::pair(name, queueNameRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueNameRow = ret.first; } return itQueueNameRow; } bool CClaimTrieCache::addSupportToQueues(const std::string& name, CSupportValue& support) const { LogPrintf("%s: nValidAtHeight: %d\n", __func__, support.nValidAtHeight); supportQueueEntryType entry(name, support); supportQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getSupportQueueCacheRow(support.nValidAtHeight, true); queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = getSupportQueueCacheNameRow(name, true); itQueueRow->second.push_back(entry); itQueueNameRow->second.push_back(outPointHeightType(support.outPoint, support.nValidAtHeight)); nameOutPointType expireEntry(name, support.outPoint); addSupportToExpirationQueue(support.nHeight + base->nExpirationTime, expireEntry); return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::removeSupportFromQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, CSupportValue& support) const { queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = getSupportQueueCacheNameRow(name, false); if (itQueueNameRow == supportQueueNameCache.end()) { return false; } queueNameRowType::iterator itQueueName; for (itQueueName = itQueueNameRow->second.begin(); itQueueName != itQueueNameRow->second.end(); ++itQueueName) { if (itQueueName->outPoint == outPoint) { break; } } if (itQueueName == itQueueNameRow->second.end()) { return false; } supportQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getSupportQueueCacheRow(itQueueName->nHeight, false); if (itQueueRow != supportQueueCache.end()) { supportQueueRowType::iterator itQueue; for (itQueue = itQueueRow->second.begin(); itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end(); ++itQueue) { CSupportValue& support = itQueue->second; if (name == itQueue->first && support.outPoint == outPoint) { break; } } if (itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end()) { std::swap(support, itQueue->second); itQueueNameRow->second.erase(itQueueName); itQueueRow->second.erase(itQueue); return true; } } LogPrintf("%s: An inconsistency was found in the claim queue. Please report this to the developers:\nFound in named support queue but not in height support queue: name: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d, current height: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, itQueueName->nHeight, nCurrentHeight); return false; } bool CClaimTrieCache::addSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, CAmount nAmount, uint160 supportedClaimId, int nHeight) const { LogPrintf("%s: name: %s, txhash: %s, nOut: %d, nAmount: %d, supportedClaimId: %s, nHeight: %d, nCurrentHeight: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nAmount, supportedClaimId.GetHex(), nHeight, nCurrentHeight); assert(nHeight == nCurrentHeight); CClaimValue claim; int delayForSupport; if (getOriginalInfoForName(name, claim) && claim.claimId == supportedClaimId) { LogPrintf("%s: This is a support to a best claim.\n", __func__); delayForSupport = 0; } else { delayForSupport = getDelayForName(name); } CSupportValue support(outPoint, supportedClaimId, nAmount, nHeight, nHeight + delayForSupport); return addSupportToQueues(name, support); } bool CClaimTrieCache::undoSpendSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, uint160 supportedClaimId, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight, int nValidAtHeight) const { LogPrintf("%s: name: %s, txhash: %s, nOut: %d, nAmount: %d, supportedClaimId: %s, nHeight: %d, nCurrentHeight: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nAmount, supportedClaimId.GetHex(), nHeight, nCurrentHeight); CSupportValue support(outPoint, supportedClaimId, nAmount, nHeight, nValidAtHeight); if (nValidAtHeight < nCurrentHeight) { nameOutPointType entry(name, support.outPoint); addSupportToExpirationQueue(support.nHeight + base->nExpirationTime, entry); return insertSupportIntoMap(name, support, false); } else { return addSupportToQueues(name, support); } } bool CClaimTrieCache::removeSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight, int& nValidAtHeight, bool fCheckTakeover) const { bool removed = false; CSupportValue support; if (removeSupportFromQueue(name, outPoint, support)) removed = true; if (removed == false && removeSupportFromMap(name, outPoint, support, fCheckTakeover)) removed = true; if (removed) { removeSupportFromExpirationQueue(name, outPoint, nHeight); nValidAtHeight = support.nValidAtHeight; } return removed; } void CClaimTrieCache::addSupportToExpirationQueue(int nExpirationHeight, nameOutPointType& entry) const { expirationQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getSupportExpirationQueueCacheRow(nExpirationHeight, true); itQueueRow->second.push_back(entry); } void CClaimTrieCache::removeSupportFromExpirationQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight) const { int expirationHeight = nHeight + base->nExpirationTime; expirationQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getSupportExpirationQueueCacheRow(expirationHeight, false); expirationQueueRowType::iterator itQueue; if (itQueueRow != supportExpirationQueueCache.end()) { for (itQueue = itQueueRow->second.begin(); itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end(); ++itQueue) { if (name == itQueue->name && outPoint == itQueue->outPoint) break; } } if (itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end()) { itQueueRow->second.erase(itQueue); } } expirationQueueType::iterator CClaimTrieCache::getSupportExpirationQueueCacheRow(int nHeight, bool createIfNotExists) const { expirationQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = supportExpirationQueueCache.find(nHeight); if (itQueueRow == supportExpirationQueueCache.end()) { // Have to make a new row it put in the cache, if createIfNotExists is true expirationQueueRowType queueRow; // If the row exists in the base, copy its claims into the new row. bool exists = base->getSupportExpirationQueueRow(nHeight, queueRow); if (!exists) if (!createIfNotExists) return itQueueRow; // Stick the new row in the cache std::pair ret; ret = supportExpirationQueueCache.insert(std::pair(nHeight, queueRow)); assert(ret.second); itQueueRow = ret.first; } return itQueueRow; } bool CClaimTrieCache::undoAddSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight) const { LogPrintf("%s: name: %s, txhash: %s, nOut: %d, nHeight: %d, nCurrentHeight: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nHeight, nCurrentHeight); int throwaway; return removeSupport(name, outPoint, nHeight, throwaway, false); } bool CClaimTrieCache::spendSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int nHeight, int& nValidAtHeight) const { LogPrintf("%s: name: %s, txhash: %s, nOut: %d, nHeight: %d, nCurrentHeight: %d\n", __func__, name, outPoint.hash.GetHex(), outPoint.n, nHeight, nCurrentHeight); return removeSupport(name, outPoint, nHeight, nValidAtHeight, true); } bool CClaimTrieCache::incrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo, claimQueueRowType& expireUndo, insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo, supportQueueRowType& expireSupportUndo, std::vector >& takeoverHeightUndo) const { LogPrintf("%s: nCurrentHeight (before increment): %d\n", __func__, nCurrentHeight); claimQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getQueueCacheRow(nCurrentHeight, false); if (itQueueRow != claimQueueCache.end()) { for (claimQueueRowType::iterator itEntry = itQueueRow->second.begin(); itEntry != itQueueRow->second.end(); ++itEntry) { bool found = false; queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = getQueueCacheNameRow(itEntry->first, false); if (itQueueNameRow != claimQueueNameCache.end()) { for (queueNameRowType::iterator itQueueName = itQueueNameRow->second.begin(); itQueueName != itQueueNameRow->second.end(); ++itQueueName) { if (itQueueName->outPoint == itEntry->second.outPoint && itQueueName->nHeight == nCurrentHeight) { found = true; itQueueNameRow->second.erase(itQueueName); break; } } } if (!found) { LogPrintf("%s: An inconsistency was found in the claim queue. Please report this to the developers:\nFound in height queue but not in named queue: name: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d, current height: %d\n", __func__, itEntry->first, itEntry->second.outPoint.hash.GetHex(), itEntry->second.outPoint.n, itEntry->second.nValidAtHeight, nCurrentHeight); if (itQueueNameRow != claimQueueNameCache.end()) { LogPrintf("Claims found for that name:\n"); for (queueNameRowType::iterator itQueueName = itQueueNameRow->second.begin(); itQueueName != itQueueNameRow->second.end(); ++itQueueName) { LogPrintf("\ttxid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d\n", itQueueName->outPoint.hash.GetHex(), itQueueName->outPoint.n, itQueueName->nHeight); } } else { LogPrintf("No claims found for that name\n"); } } assert(found); insertClaimIntoTrie(itEntry->first, itEntry->second, true); insertUndo.push_back(nameOutPointHeightType(itEntry->first, itEntry->second.outPoint, itEntry->second.nValidAtHeight)); } itQueueRow->second.clear(); } expirationQueueType::iterator itExpirationRow = getExpirationQueueCacheRow(nCurrentHeight, false); if (itExpirationRow != expirationQueueCache.end()) { for (expirationQueueRowType::iterator itEntry = itExpirationRow->second.begin(); itEntry != itExpirationRow->second.end(); ++itEntry) { CClaimValue claim; assert(removeClaimFromTrie(itEntry->name, itEntry->outPoint, claim, true)); expireUndo.push_back(std::make_pair(itEntry->name, claim)); } itExpirationRow->second.clear(); } supportQueueType::iterator itSupportRow = getSupportQueueCacheRow(nCurrentHeight, false); if (itSupportRow != supportQueueCache.end()) { for (supportQueueRowType::iterator itSupport = itSupportRow->second.begin(); itSupport != itSupportRow->second.end(); ++itSupport) { bool found = false; queueNameType::iterator itSupportNameRow = getSupportQueueCacheNameRow(itSupport->first, false); if (itSupportNameRow != supportQueueNameCache.end()) { for (queueNameRowType::iterator itSupportName = itSupportNameRow->second.begin(); itSupportName != itSupportNameRow->second.end(); ++itSupportName) { if (itSupportName->outPoint == itSupport->second.outPoint && itSupportName->nHeight == itSupport->second.nValidAtHeight) { found = true; itSupportNameRow->second.erase(itSupportName); break; } } } if (!found) { LogPrintf("%s: An inconsistency was found in the support queue. Please report this to the developers:\nFound in height queue but not in named queue: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d, current height: %d\n", __func__, itSupport->first, itSupport->second.outPoint.hash.GetHex(), itSupport->second.outPoint.n, itSupport->second.nValidAtHeight, nCurrentHeight); if (itSupportNameRow != supportQueueNameCache.end()) { LogPrintf("Supports found for that name:\n"); for (queueNameRowType::iterator itSupportName = itSupportNameRow->second.begin(); itSupportName != itSupportNameRow->second.end(); ++itSupportName) { LogPrintf("\ttxid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight: %d\n", itSupportName->outPoint.hash.GetHex(), itSupportName->outPoint.n, itSupportName->nHeight); } } else { LogPrintf("No support found for that name\n"); } } insertSupportIntoMap(itSupport->first, itSupport->second, true); insertSupportUndo.push_back(nameOutPointHeightType(itSupport->first, itSupport->second.outPoint, itSupport->second.nValidAtHeight)); } itSupportRow->second.clear(); } expirationQueueType::iterator itSupportExpirationRow = getSupportExpirationQueueCacheRow(nCurrentHeight, false); if (itSupportExpirationRow != supportExpirationQueueCache.end()) { for (expirationQueueRowType::iterator itEntry = itSupportExpirationRow->second.begin(); itEntry != itSupportExpirationRow->second.end(); ++itEntry) { CSupportValue support; assert(removeSupportFromMap(itEntry->name, itEntry->outPoint, support, true)); expireSupportUndo.push_back(std::make_pair(itEntry->name, support)); } itSupportExpirationRow->second.clear(); } // check each potentially taken over name to see if a takeover occurred. // if it did, then check the claim and support insertion queues for // the names that have been taken over, immediately insert all claim and // supports for those names, and stick them in the insertUndo or // insertSupportUndo vectors, with the nValidAtHeight they had prior to // this block. // Run through all names that have been taken over for (std::set::iterator itNamesToCheck = namesToCheckForTakeover.begin(); itNamesToCheck != namesToCheckForTakeover.end(); ++itNamesToCheck) { // Check if a takeover has occurred nodeCacheType::iterator itCachedNode = cache.find(*itNamesToCheck); // many possibilities // if this node is new, don't put it into the undo -- there will be nothing to restore, after all // if all of this node's claims were deleted, it should be put into the undo -- there could be // claims in the queue for that name and the takeover height should be the current height // if the node is not in the cache, or getbestclaim fails, that means all of its claims were // deleted // if getOriginalInfoForName returns false, that means it's new and shouldn't go into the undo // if both exist, and the current best claim is not the same as or the parent to the new best // claim, then ownership has changed and the current height of last takeover should go into // the queue CClaimValue claimInCache; CClaimValue claimInTrie; bool haveClaimInCache; bool haveClaimInTrie; if (itCachedNode == cache.end()) { haveClaimInCache = false; } else { haveClaimInCache = itCachedNode->second->getBestClaim(claimInCache); } haveClaimInTrie = getOriginalInfoForName(*itNamesToCheck, claimInTrie); bool takeoverHappened = false; if (!haveClaimInTrie) { takeoverHappened = true; } else if (!haveClaimInCache) { takeoverHappened = true; } else if (claimInCache != claimInTrie) { if (claimInCache.claimId != claimInTrie.claimId) { takeoverHappened = true; } } if (takeoverHappened) { // Get all claims in the queue for that name queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = getQueueCacheNameRow(*itNamesToCheck, false); if (itQueueNameRow != claimQueueNameCache.end()) { for (queueNameRowType::iterator itQueueName = itQueueNameRow->second.begin(); itQueueName != itQueueNameRow->second.end(); ++itQueueName) { bool found = false; // Pull those claims out of the height-based queue claimQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getQueueCacheRow(itQueueName->nHeight, false); claimQueueRowType::iterator itQueue; if (itQueueRow != claimQueueCache.end()) { for (itQueue = itQueueRow->second.begin(); itQueue != itQueueRow->second.end(); ++itQueue) { if (*itNamesToCheck == itQueue->first && itQueue->second.outPoint == itQueueName->outPoint && itQueue->second.nValidAtHeight == itQueueName->nHeight) { found = true; break; } } } if (found) { // Insert them into the queue undo with their previous nValidAtHeight insertUndo.push_back(nameOutPointHeightType(itQueue->first, itQueue->second.outPoint, itQueue->second.nValidAtHeight)); // Insert them into the name trie with the new nValidAtHeight itQueue->second.nValidAtHeight = nCurrentHeight; insertClaimIntoTrie(itQueue->first, itQueue->second, false); // Delete them from the height-based queue itQueueRow->second.erase(itQueue); } else { LogPrintf("%s(): An inconsistency was found in the claim queue. Please report this to the developers:\nClaim found in name queue but not in height based queue:\nname: %s, txid: %s, nOut: %d, nValidAtHeight in name based queue: %d, current height: %d\n", __func__, *itNamesToCheck, itQueueName->outPoint.hash.GetHex(), itQueueName->outPoint.n, itQueueName->nHeight, nCurrentHeight); } assert(found); } // remove all claims from the queue for that name itQueueNameRow->second.clear(); } // // Then, get all supports in the queue for that name queueNameType::iterator itSupportQueueNameRow = getSupportQueueCacheNameRow(*itNamesToCheck, false); if (itSupportQueueNameRow != supportQueueNameCache.end()) { for (queueNameRowType::iterator itSupportQueueName = itSupportQueueNameRow->second.begin(); itSupportQueueName != itSupportQueueNameRow->second.end(); ++itSupportQueueName) { // Pull those supports out of the height-based queue supportQueueType::iterator itSupportQueueRow = getSupportQueueCacheRow(itSupportQueueName->nHeight, false); if (itSupportQueueRow != supportQueueCache.end()) { supportQueueRowType::iterator itSupportQueue; for (itSupportQueue = itSupportQueueRow->second.begin(); itSupportQueue != itSupportQueueRow->second.end(); ++itSupportQueue) { if (*itNamesToCheck == itSupportQueue->first && itSupportQueue->second.outPoint == itSupportQueueName->outPoint && itSupportQueue->second.nValidAtHeight == itSupportQueueName->nHeight) { break; } } if (itSupportQueue != itSupportQueueRow->second.end()) { // Insert them into the support queue undo with the previous nValidAtHeight insertSupportUndo.push_back(nameOutPointHeightType(itSupportQueue->first, itSupportQueue->second.outPoint, itSupportQueue->second.nValidAtHeight)); // Insert them into the support map with the new nValidAtHeight itSupportQueue->second.nValidAtHeight = nCurrentHeight; insertSupportIntoMap(itSupportQueue->first, itSupportQueue->second, false); // Delete them from the height-based queue itSupportQueueRow->second.erase(itSupportQueue); } else { // here be problems TODO: show error, assert false } } else { // here be problems } } // remove all supports from the queue for that name itSupportQueueNameRow->second.clear(); } // save the old last height so that it can be restored if the block is undone if (haveClaimInTrie) { int nHeightOfLastTakeover; assert(getLastTakeoverForName(*itNamesToCheck, nHeightOfLastTakeover)); takeoverHeightUndo.push_back(std::make_pair(*itNamesToCheck, nHeightOfLastTakeover)); } itCachedNode = cache.find(*itNamesToCheck); if (itCachedNode != cache.end()) { cacheTakeoverHeights[*itNamesToCheck] = nCurrentHeight; } } } for (nodeCacheType::const_iterator itOriginals = block_originals.begin(); itOriginals != block_originals.end(); ++itOriginals) { delete itOriginals->second; } block_originals.clear(); for (nodeCacheType::const_iterator itCache = cache.begin(); itCache != cache.end(); ++itCache) { block_originals[itCache->first] = new CClaimTrieNode(*(itCache->second)); } namesToCheckForTakeover.clear(); nCurrentHeight++; return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::decrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo, claimQueueRowType& expireUndo, insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo, supportQueueRowType& expireSupportUndo, std::vector >& takeoverHeightUndo) const { LogPrintf("%s: nCurrentHeight (before decrement): %d\n", __func__, nCurrentHeight); nCurrentHeight--; if (expireSupportUndo.begin() != expireSupportUndo.end()) { expirationQueueType::iterator itSupportExpireRow = getSupportExpirationQueueCacheRow(nCurrentHeight, true); for (supportQueueRowType::iterator itSupportExpireUndo = expireSupportUndo.begin(); itSupportExpireUndo != expireSupportUndo.end(); ++itSupportExpireUndo) { insertSupportIntoMap(itSupportExpireUndo->first, itSupportExpireUndo->second, false); itSupportExpireRow->second.push_back(nameOutPointType(itSupportExpireUndo->first, itSupportExpireUndo->second.outPoint)); } } for (insertUndoType::iterator itSupportUndo = insertSupportUndo.begin(); itSupportUndo != insertSupportUndo.end(); ++itSupportUndo) { supportQueueType::iterator itSupportRow = getSupportQueueCacheRow(itSupportUndo->nHeight, true); CSupportValue support; assert(removeSupportFromMap(itSupportUndo->name, itSupportUndo->outPoint, support, false)); queueNameType::iterator itSupportNameRow = getSupportQueueCacheNameRow(itSupportUndo->name, true); itSupportRow->second.push_back(std::make_pair(itSupportUndo->name, support)); itSupportNameRow->second.push_back(outPointHeightType(support.outPoint, support.nValidAtHeight)); } if (expireUndo.begin() != expireUndo.end()) { expirationQueueType::iterator itExpireRow = getExpirationQueueCacheRow(nCurrentHeight, true); for (claimQueueRowType::iterator itExpireUndo = expireUndo.begin(); itExpireUndo != expireUndo.end(); ++itExpireUndo) { insertClaimIntoTrie(itExpireUndo->first, itExpireUndo->second, false); itExpireRow->second.push_back(nameOutPointType(itExpireUndo->first, itExpireUndo->second.outPoint)); } } for (insertUndoType::iterator itInsertUndo = insertUndo.begin(); itInsertUndo != insertUndo.end(); ++itInsertUndo) { claimQueueType::iterator itQueueRow = getQueueCacheRow(itInsertUndo->nHeight, true); CClaimValue claim; assert(removeClaimFromTrie(itInsertUndo->name, itInsertUndo->outPoint, claim, false)); queueNameType::iterator itQueueNameRow = getQueueCacheNameRow(itInsertUndo->name, true); itQueueRow->second.push_back(std::make_pair(itInsertUndo->name, claim)); itQueueNameRow->second.push_back(outPointHeightType(itInsertUndo->outPoint, itInsertUndo->nHeight)); } for (std::vector >::iterator itTakeoverHeightUndo = takeoverHeightUndo.begin(); itTakeoverHeightUndo != takeoverHeightUndo.end(); ++itTakeoverHeightUndo) { cacheTakeoverHeights[itTakeoverHeightUndo->first] = itTakeoverHeightUndo->second; } return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::finalizeDecrement() const { for (nodeCacheType::iterator itOriginals = block_originals.begin(); itOriginals != block_originals.end(); ++itOriginals) { delete itOriginals->second; } block_originals.clear(); for (nodeCacheType::const_iterator itCache = cache.begin(); itCache != cache.end(); ++itCache) { block_originals[itCache->first] = new CClaimTrieNode(*(itCache->second)); } return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::getLastTakeoverForName(const std::string& name, int& nLastTakeoverForName) const { if (!fRequireTakeoverHeights) { nLastTakeoverForName = 0; return true; } std::map::iterator itHeights = cacheTakeoverHeights.find(name); if (itHeights == cacheTakeoverHeights.end()) { return base->getLastTakeoverForName(name, nLastTakeoverForName); } nLastTakeoverForName = itHeights->second; return true; } int CClaimTrieCache::getNumBlocksOfContinuousOwnership(const std::string& name) const { const CClaimTrieNode* node = NULL; nodeCacheType::const_iterator itCache = cache.find(name); if (itCache != cache.end()) { node = itCache->second; } if (!node) { node = base->getNodeForName(name); } if (!node || node->claims.empty()) { return 0; } int nLastTakeoverHeight; assert(getLastTakeoverForName(name, nLastTakeoverHeight)); return nCurrentHeight - nLastTakeoverHeight; } int CClaimTrieCache::getDelayForName(const std::string& name) const { if (!fRequireTakeoverHeights) { return 0; } int nBlocksOfContinuousOwnership = getNumBlocksOfContinuousOwnership(name); return std::min(nBlocksOfContinuousOwnership / base->nProportionalDelayFactor, 4032); } uint256 CClaimTrieCache::getBestBlock() { if (hashBlock.IsNull()) if (base != NULL) hashBlock = base->hashBlock; return hashBlock; } void CClaimTrieCache::setBestBlock(const uint256& hashBlockIn) { hashBlock = hashBlockIn; } bool CClaimTrieCache::clear() const { for (nodeCacheType::iterator itcache = cache.begin(); itcache != cache.end(); ++itcache) { delete itcache->second; } cache.clear(); for (nodeCacheType::iterator itOriginals = block_originals.begin(); itOriginals != block_originals.end(); ++itOriginals) { delete itOriginals->second; } block_originals.clear(); dirtyHashes.clear(); cacheHashes.clear(); claimQueueCache.clear(); claimQueueNameCache.clear(); expirationQueueCache.clear(); supportCache.clear(); supportQueueCache.clear(); supportQueueNameCache.clear(); supportExpirationQueueCache.clear(); namesToCheckForTakeover.clear(); cacheTakeoverHeights.clear(); return true; } bool CClaimTrieCache::flush() { if (dirty()) getMerkleHash(); bool success = base->update(cache, cacheHashes, cacheTakeoverHeights, getBestBlock(), claimQueueCache, claimQueueNameCache, expirationQueueCache, nCurrentHeight, supportCache, supportQueueCache, supportQueueNameCache, supportExpirationQueueCache); if (success) { success = clear(); } return success; } uint256 CClaimTrieCache::getLeafHashForProof(const std::string& currentPosition, unsigned char nodeChar, const CClaimTrieNode* currentNode) const { std::stringstream leafPosition; leafPosition << currentPosition << nodeChar; hashMapType::iterator cachedHash = cacheHashes.find(leafPosition.str()); if (cachedHash != cacheHashes.end()) { return cachedHash->second; } else { return currentNode->hash; } } CClaimTrieProof CClaimTrieCache::getProofForName(const std::string& name) const { if (dirty()) getMerkleHash(); std::vector nodes; CClaimTrieNode* current = &(base->root); nodeCacheType::const_iterator cachedNode; bool fNameHasValue = false; COutPoint outPoint; int nHeightOfLastTakeover = 0; for (std::string::const_iterator itName = name.begin(); current; ++itName) { std::string currentPosition(name.begin(), itName); cachedNode = cache.find(currentPosition); if (cachedNode != cache.end()) current = cachedNode->second; CClaimValue claim; bool fNodeHasValue = current->getBestClaim(claim); uint256 valueHash; if (fNodeHasValue) { int nHeightOfLastTakeover; assert(getLastTakeoverForName(currentPosition, nHeightOfLastTakeover)); valueHash = getValueHash(claim.outPoint, nHeightOfLastTakeover); } std::vector > children; CClaimTrieNode* nextCurrent = NULL; for (nodeMapType::const_iterator itChildren = current->children.begin(); itChildren != current->children.end(); ++itChildren) { if (itName == name.end() || itChildren->first != *itName) // Leaf node { uint256 childHash = getLeafHashForProof(currentPosition, itChildren->first, itChildren->second); children.push_back(std::make_pair(itChildren->first, childHash)); } else // Full node { nextCurrent = itChildren->second; uint256 childHash; children.push_back(std::make_pair(itChildren->first, childHash)); } } if (currentPosition == name) { fNameHasValue = fNodeHasValue; if (fNameHasValue) { outPoint = claim.outPoint; assert(getLastTakeoverForName(name, nHeightOfLastTakeover)); } valueHash.SetNull(); } CClaimTrieProofNode node(children, fNodeHasValue, valueHash); nodes.push_back(node); current = nextCurrent; } return CClaimTrieProof(nodes, fNameHasValue, outPoint, nHeightOfLastTakeover); }