#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test label RPCs. RPCs tested are: - getaccountaddress - getaddressesbyaccount/getaddressesbylabel - listaddressgroupings - setlabel - sendfrom (with account arguments) - move (with account arguments) Run the test twice - once using the accounts API and once using the labels API. The accounts API test can be removed in V0.18. """ from collections import defaultdict from decimal import Decimal from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error class WalletLabelsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [['-deprecatedrpc=accounts'], []] def setup_network(self): """Don't connect nodes.""" self.setup_nodes() def skip_test_if_missing_module(self): self.skip_if_no_wallet() def run_test(self): """Run the test twice - once using the accounts API and once using the labels API.""" self.log.info("Test accounts API") self._run_subtest(True, self.nodes[0]) self.log.info("Test labels API") self._run_subtest(False, self.nodes[1]) def _run_subtest(self, accounts_api, node): # Check that there's no UTXO on any of the nodes assert_equal(len(node.listunspent()), 0) # Note each time we call generate, all generated coins go into # the same address, so we call twice to get two addresses w/50 each node.generate(1) node.generate(101) assert_equal(node.getbalance(), 2) # there should be 2 address groups # each with 1 address with a balance of 50 Bitcoins address_groups = node.listaddressgroupings() assert_equal(len(address_groups), 2) # the addresses aren't linked now, but will be after we send to the # common address linked_addresses = set() for address_group in address_groups: assert_equal(len(address_group), 1) assert_equal(len(address_group[0]), 2) assert_equal(address_group[0][1], 1) linked_addresses.add(address_group[0][0]) # send 50 from each address to a third address not in this wallet # There's some fee that will come back to us when the miner reward # matures. common_address = "msf4WtN1YQKXvNtvdFYt9JBnUD2FB41kjr" txid = node.sendmany( fromaccount="", amounts={common_address: 2}, subtractfeefrom=[common_address], minconf=1, ) tx_details = node.gettransaction(txid) fee = -tx_details['details'][0]['fee'] # there should be 1 address group, with the previously # unlinked addresses now linked (they both have 0 balance) address_groups = node.listaddressgroupings() assert_equal(len(address_groups), 1) assert_equal(len(address_groups[0]), 2) assert_equal(set([a[0] for a in address_groups[0]]), linked_addresses) assert_equal([a[1] for a in address_groups[0]], [0, 0]) node.generate(1) # we want to reset so that the "" label has what's expected. # otherwise we're off by exactly the fee amount as that's mined # and matures in the next 100 blocks if accounts_api: node.sendfrom("", common_address, fee) amount_to_send = 0.1 # Create labels and make sure subsequent label API calls # recognize the label/address associations. labels = [Label(name, accounts_api) for name in ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")] for label in labels: if accounts_api: address = node.getaccountaddress(label.name) else: address = node.getnewaddress(label.name) label.add_receive_address(address) label.verify(node) # Check all labels are returned by listlabels. assert_equal(node.listlabels(), [label.name for label in labels]) # Send a transaction to each label, and make sure this forces # getaccountaddress to generate a new receiving address. for label in labels: if accounts_api: node.sendtoaddress(label.receive_address, amount_to_send) label.add_receive_address(node.getaccountaddress(label.name)) else: node.sendtoaddress(label.addresses[0], amount_to_send) label.verify(node) # Check the amounts received. node.generate(1) for label in labels: assert_equal( node.getreceivedbyaddress(label.addresses[0]), Decimal(str(amount_to_send))) assert_equal(node.getreceivedbylabel(label.name), Decimal(str(amount_to_send))) # Check that sendfrom label reduces listaccounts balances. for i, label in enumerate(labels): to_label = labels[(i + 1) % len(labels)] if accounts_api: node.sendfrom(label.name, to_label.receive_address, amount_to_send) else: node.sendtoaddress(to_label.addresses[0], amount_to_send) node.generate(1) for label in labels: if accounts_api: address = node.getaccountaddress(label.name) else: address = node.getnewaddress(label.name) label.add_receive_address(address) label.verify(node) assert_equal(node.getreceivedbylabel(label.name), Decimal("0.2")) if accounts_api: node.move(label.name, "", node.getbalance(label.name)) label.verify(node) node.generate(101) expected_account_balances = {"": 104} for label in labels: expected_account_balances[label.name] = 0 if accounts_api: assert_equal(node.listaccounts(), expected_account_balances) assert_equal(node.getbalance(""), 104) # Check that setlabel can assign a label to a new unused address. for label in labels: address = node.getnewaddress() node.setlabel(address, label.name) label.add_address(address) label.verify(node) if accounts_api: assert address not in node.getaddressesbyaccount("") else: assert_raises_rpc_error(-11, "No addresses with label", node.getaddressesbylabel, "") # Check that addmultisigaddress can assign labels. for label in labels: addresses = [] for x in range(10): addresses.append(node.getnewaddress()) multisig_address = node.addmultisigaddress(5, addresses, label.name)['address'] label.add_address(multisig_address) label.purpose[multisig_address] = "send" label.verify(node) if accounts_api: node.sendfrom("", multisig_address, 1) node.generate(101) if accounts_api: for label in labels: assert_equal(node.getbalance(label.name), 1) # Check that setlabel can change the label of an address from a # different label. change_label(node, labels[0].addresses[0], labels[0], labels[1], accounts_api) # Check that setlabel can set the label of an address already # in the label. This is a no-op. change_label(node, labels[2].addresses[0], labels[2], labels[2], accounts_api) if accounts_api: # Check that setaccount can change the label of an address which # is the receiving address of a different label. change_label(node, labels[0].receive_address, labels[0], labels[1], accounts_api) # Check that setaccount can set the label of an address which is # already the receiving address of the label. This is a no-op. change_label(node, labels[2].receive_address, labels[2], labels[2], accounts_api) class Label: def __init__(self, name, accounts_api): # Label name self.name = name self.accounts_api = accounts_api # Current receiving address associated with this label. self.receive_address = None # List of all addresses assigned with this label self.addresses = [] # Map of address to address purpose self.purpose = defaultdict(lambda: "receive") def add_address(self, address): assert_equal(address not in self.addresses, True) self.addresses.append(address) def add_receive_address(self, address): self.add_address(address) if self.accounts_api: self.receive_address = address def verify(self, node): if self.receive_address is not None: assert self.receive_address in self.addresses if self.accounts_api: assert_equal(node.getaccountaddress(self.name), self.receive_address) for address in self.addresses: assert_equal( node.getaddressinfo(address)['labels'][0], {"name": self.name, "purpose": self.purpose[address]}) if self.accounts_api: assert_equal(node.getaccount(address), self.name) else: assert_equal(node.getaddressinfo(address)['label'], self.name) assert_equal( node.getaddressesbylabel(self.name), {address: {"purpose": self.purpose[address]} for address in self.addresses}) if self.accounts_api: assert_equal(set(node.getaddressesbyaccount(self.name)), set(self.addresses)) def change_label(node, address, old_label, new_label, accounts_api): assert_equal(address in old_label.addresses, True) if accounts_api: node.setaccount(address, new_label.name) else: node.setlabel(address, new_label.name) old_label.addresses.remove(address) new_label.add_address(address) # Calling setaccount on an address which was previously the receiving # address of a different account should reset the receiving address of # the old account, causing getaccountaddress to return a brand new # address. if accounts_api: if old_label.name != new_label.name and address == old_label.receive_address: new_address = node.getaccountaddress(old_label.name) assert_equal(new_address not in old_label.addresses, True) assert_equal(new_address not in new_label.addresses, True) old_label.add_receive_address(new_address) old_label.verify(node) new_label.verify(node) if __name__ == '__main__': WalletLabelsTest().main()