define_constants(); spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'lbry_autoload_register')); $this->init(); $this->init_hooks(); } /** * Define a constant if its not already set. * * @param string $name Constant name. * @param string|bool $value Constant value. */ private function define($name, $value) { if (! defined($name)) { define($name, $value); } } /** * Define all LBRYPress constants */ private function define_constants() { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(null, false); $this->define('LBRY_ABSPATH', dirname(LBRY_PLUGIN_FILE) . '/'); $this->define('LBRY_NAME', plugin_basename(LBRY_PLUGIN_FILE)); $this->define('LBRY_VERSION', $this->version); // Library Options Names $this->define('LBRY_SETTINGS_GROUP', 'lbry_settings_group'); $this->define('LBRY_SETTINGS', 'lbry_settings'); $this->define('LBRY_SETTINGS_SECTION_GENERAL', 'lbry_settings_section_general'); $this->define('LBRY_ADMIN_PAGE', 'lbrypress'); $this->define('LBRY_WALLET', 'lbry_wallet'); // the wallet address $this->define('LBRY_SPEECH', 'lbry_speech'); // the address $this->define('LBRY_LICENSE', 'lbry_license'); // the license to publish with to the LBRY network $this->define('LBRY_LBC_PUBLISH', 'lbry_lbc_publish'); // amount of lbc to use per publish $this->define('LBRY_WILL_PUBLISH', 'lbry_will_publish'); // The meta key for if to publish to LBRY Network or not $this->define('LBRY_POST_CHANNEL', 'lbry_channel'); // The meta key for which channel to publish $this->define('LBRY_AVAILABLE_LICENSES', array( 'mit' => 'MIT', 'license2' => 'License 2', 'license3' => 'License 3' )); $this->define('LBRY_MIN_BALANCE', 2000); } /** * Autoloader Registration */ private function lbry_autoload_register($class) { $file_name = LBRY_ABSPATH . 'classes/' . $class . '.php'; if (file_exists($file_name)) { require $file_name; return; } } /** * Initialize this class itself */ private function init() { $this->daemon = new LBRY_Daemon(); $this->speech = new LBRY_Speech(); // Admin request if (is_admin()) { $this->admin = new LBRY_Admin(); $this->notice = new LBRY_Admin_Notice(); $this->network = new LBRY_Network(); } else { $this->speech->maybe_rewrite_urls(); } } /** * Set up all hooks and actions necessary for the plugin to run */ private function init_hooks() { register_activation_hook(LBRY_PLUGIN_FILE, array($this, 'activate')); register_deactivation_hook(LBRY_PLUGIN_FILE, array($this, 'deactivate')); } /** * Run during plugin activation */ public function activate() { // TODO: Make sure errors are thrown if daemon can't be contacted, stop activation // Add options to the options table we need if (! get_option(LBRY_SETTINGS)) { // Get a wallet address // TODO: May have to rethink this based on how wallet address are linked to daemon $wallet_address = $this->daemon->wallet_unused_address(); // Default options $option_defaults = array( LBRY_WALLET => $wallet_address, LBRY_SPEECH => null, LBRY_LICENSE => 'mit', LBRY_LBC_PUBLISH => 1 ); add_option(LBRY_SETTINGS, $option_defaults, false); } // COMBAK: decide if we need to check for missing or corrupt settings. May be unecessary. // Double check we have all settings, if not, update with default // $current_settings = get_option(LBRY_SETTINGS); // $new_settings = $current_settings; // foreach ($option_defaults as $key => $value) { // if (! array_key_exists($key, $current_settings)) { // $new_settings[$key] = $value; // } // } // update_option(LBRY_SETTINGS, $new_settings); } /** * Clean up on deactivation */ public function deactivate() { // Deactivate Wallet Balance cron job $this->admin->wallet_balance_deactivate(); error_log('Deactivated'); } /* * Utility Functions */ public static function channel_name_comp($a, $b) { if ($a->name === $b->name) { return 0; } if ($b->name == '(none / unattributed)') { return -1; } return strnatcasecmp($a->name, $b->name); } }