options = get_option(LBRY_SETTINGS); require_once(LBRY_ABSPATH . 'templates/options_page.php'); } /** * Sanitizes setting input * // TODO Actually sanitize the input */ public function sanitize($input) { return $input; } /** * Section info for the General Section */ public function general_section_info() { print 'This is where you can configure how LBRYPress will distribute your content:'; } /** * Prints Wallet input */ public function wallet_callback() { printf( '', LBRY_WALLET, LBRY_SETTINGS, isset($this->options[LBRY_WALLET]) ? esc_attr($this->options[LBRY_WALLET]) : '' ); } /** * Prints Spee.ch input */ public function speech_callback() { printf( '', LBRY_SPEECH, LBRY_SETTINGS, isset($this->options[LBRY_SPEECH]) ? esc_attr($this->options[LBRY_SPEECH]) : '' ); } /** * Prints License input */ public function license_callback() { // TODO: Maybe make this more elegant? $options = ''; // Create options list, select current license foreach (LBRY_AVAILABLE_LICENSES as $value => $name) { $selected = $this->options[LBRY_LICENSE] === $value; $options .= '