/* * Importer code, handles all the syncing with chainquery into elasticsearch. */ import elasticsearch from 'elasticsearch'; import ElasticQueue from 'elastic-queue'; import winston from 'winston'; import winstonStream from 'winston-stream'; import jsonfile from 'jsonfile'; import path from 'path'; import rp from 'request-promise'; import appRoot from 'app-root-path'; import fs from 'fs'; import fileExists from 'file-exists'; import * as util from '../../utils/importer/util'; import {logErrorToSlack} from '../../index'; const elasticsearchloglevel = 'info'; const loggerStream = winstonStream(winston, elasticsearchloglevel); const eclient = new elasticsearch.Client({ host: 'http://localhost:9200', log: { level : elasticsearchloglevel, type : 'stream', stream: loggerStream, }, }); const queue = new ElasticQueue({elastic: eclient}); // Check that our syncState file exist. fileExists(path.join(appRoot.path, 'syncState.json'), (err, exists) => { if (err) { throw err } if (!exists) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(appRoot.path, 'syncState.json'), '{}'); } }); let status = {}; export async function claimSync () { try { let syncState = await getJSON(path.join(appRoot.path, 'syncState.json')); // get our persisted state if (!syncState.LastSyncTime) { syncState.LastSyncTime = '0001-01-01 00:00:00'; } status.info = 'gettingClaimsToUpdate'; let finished = false; let lastID = 0; let groupSize = 5000; while (!finished) { let claimsResponse = await getClaimsSince(syncState.LastSyncTime, lastID, groupSize); let claims = JSON.parse(claimsResponse).data; status.info = 'addingClaimsToElastic'; for (let claim of claims) { if (claim.value === null) { console.log(claim); await logErrorToSlack('Failed to process claim ' + claim.claimId + ' due to missing value'); continue; } claim.value = JSON.parse(claim.value).Claim; if (claim.name && claim.value) { claim.suggest_name = { input : '' + claim.name + '', weight: '30', }; } if (claim.bid_state === 'Spent' || claim.bid_state === 'Expired') { deleteFromElastic(claim.claimId); } else { pushElastic(claim); } lastID = claim.id; } winston.log('info', '[Importer] Pushed ' + claims.length + ' claims to elastic search [LastID]' + lastID); finished = claims.length < groupSize; } deleteBlockedClaims(); syncState.LastSyncTime = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); await saveJSON(path.join(appRoot.path, 'syncState.json'), syncState); status.info = 'upToDate'; await sleep(600000); claimSync(); } catch (err) { await logErrorToSlack(err); status.err = err; await sleep(600000); claimSync(); } } export function getStats () { return status; } async function deleteBlockedClaims () { winston.log('info', '[Importer] Removing blocked claims from search!'); let blockedOutputsResponse = await getBlockedOutpoints(); let outpointlist = JSON.parse(blockedOutputsResponse); for (let outpoint of outpointlist.data.outpoints) { let claimid = util.OutpointToClaimId(outpoint); deleteFromElastic(claimid); } winston.log('info', '[Importer] Done processing blocked claims!'); } async function deleteFromElastic (claimid) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { queue.push({ index: 'claims', type : 'claim', id : claimid, body : {}, }); }); } async function pushElastic (claim) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { queue.push({ index: 'claims', type : 'claim', id : claim.claimId, body : claim, }); }); } function getJSON (path) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { jsonfile.readFile(path, function (err, jsoncontent) { if (err) { logErrorToSlack(err); reject(err); } else { resolve(jsoncontent); } }); }); } function saveJSON (path, obj) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { jsonfile.writeFile(path, obj, function (err, jsoncontent) { if (err) { logErrorToSlack(err); reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } function sleep (ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } function getBlockedOutpoints () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { rp(`https://api.lbry.com/file/list_blocked`) .then(function (htmlString) { resolve(htmlString); }) .catch(function (err) { logErrorToSlack('[Importer] Error getting blocked outpoints. ' + err); reject(err); }); }); } function getClaimsSince (time, lastID, MaxClaimsInCall) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let query = `` + `SELECT ` + `c.id, ` + `c.name,` + `p.name as channel,` + `c.bid_state,` + `c.effective_amount,` + `COALESCE(p.effective_amount,1) as certificate_amount,` + `c.claim_id as claimId,` + `c.value_as_json as value ` + `FROM claim c ` + `LEFT JOIN claim p on p.claim_id = c.publisher_id ` + `WHERE c.id >` + lastID + ` ` + `AND c.modified_at >='` + time + `' ` + `ORDER BY c.id ` + `LIMIT ` + MaxClaimsInCall; // Outputs full query to console for copy/paste into chainquery (debugging) console.log(query); rp(`https://chainquery.lbry.com/api/sql?query=` + query) .then(function (htmlString) { resolve(htmlString); }) .catch(function (err) { logErrorToSlack('[Importer] Error getting updated claims. ' + err); reject(err); }); }); }