# Reflector A reflector cluster to accept LBRY content for hosting en masse, rehost the content, and make money on data fees (TODO). This code includes Go implementations of the LBRY peer protocol, reflector protocol, and DHT. ## Installation coming soon ## Usage coming soon ## Running from Source This project requires [Go v1.11](https://golang.org/doc/install) or higher because it uses Go modules. ``` git clone git@github.com:lbryio/reflector.go.git cd reflector.go make ./bin/prism-bin ``` ## Contributing coming soon ## License This project is MIT licensed. ## Security We take security seriously. Please contact security@lbry.com regarding any security issues. Our PGP key is [here](https://keybase.io/lbry/key.asc) if you need it. ## Contact The primary contact for this project is [@lyoshenka](https://github.com/lyoshenka) (grin@lbry.com)