os: linux dist: trusty language: go # Only the last two Go releases are supported by the Go team with security # updates. Any versions older than that should be considered deprecated. # Don't bother testing with them. tip builds your code with the latest # development version of Go. This can warn you that your code will break # in the next version of Go. Don't worry! Later we declare that test runs # are allowed to fail on Go tip. go: - 1.10.2 - master # Skip the install step. Don't `go get` dependencies. Only build with the # code in vendor/ install: true matrix: # It's ok if our code fails on unstable development versions of Go. allow_failures: - go: master # Don't wait for tip tests to finish. Mark the test run green if the # tests pass on the stable versions of Go. fast_finish: true # Don't email me the results of the test runs. notifications: email: false # Anything in before_script that returns a nonzero exit code will # flunk the build and immediately stop. It's sorta like having # set -e enabled in bash. before_script: # All the .go files, excluding vendor/ and model (auto generated) - GO_FILES=$(find . -iname '*.go' ! -iname '*_test.go' -type f | grep -v /vendor/ ) - go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports # Used in build script for generated files - go get github.com/golang/lint/golint # Linter - go get honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/megacheck # Badass static analyzer/linter - go get github.com/jgautheron/gocyclo # Check against high complexity - go get github.com/mdempsky/unconvert # Identifies unnecessary type conversions - go get github.com/kisielk/errcheck # Checks for unhandled errors - go get github.com/opennota/check/cmd/varcheck # Checks for unused vars - go get github.com/opennota/check/cmd/structcheck # Checks for unused fields in structs # script always run to completion (set +e). All of these code checks are must haves # in a modern Go project. script: # Build Prism successfully - make # Fail if a .go file hasn't been formatted with gofmt - test -z $(gofmt -s -l $GO_FILES) # Run unit tests - go test ./... # Checks for unused vars and fields on structs - varcheck ./... - structcheck ./... # go vet is the official Go static analyzer - go vet ./... # forbid code with huge functions - gocyclo -ignore "_test.go" -avg -over 19 $GO_FILES # checks for unhandled errors - errcheck ./... # "go vet on steroids" + linter - ignore autogen code - megacheck -simple.exit-non-zero=true ./... # check for unnecessary conversions - ignore autogen code - unconvert ./... # one last linter - ignore autogen code - golint -set_exit_status $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/ )