
Rosetta Bitcoin


## Overview `rosetta-bitcoin` provides a reference implementation of the Rosetta API for Bitcoin in Golang. If you haven't heard of the Rosetta API, you can find more information [here]( ## Features - Rosetta API implementation (both Data API and Construction API) - UTXO cache for all accounts (accessible using `/account/balance`) - Stateless, offline, curve-based transaction construction from any SegWit-Bech32 Address ## Usage As specified in the [Rosetta API Principles](, all Rosetta implementations must be deployable via Docker and support running via either an [`online` or `offline` mode]( **YOU MUST INSTALL DOCKER FOR THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS TO WORK. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD DOCKER [HERE](** ### Install Running the following commands will create a Docker image called `rosetta-bitcoin:latest`. #### From GitHub To download the pre-built Docker image from the latest release, run: ```text curl -sSfL | sh -s ``` _Do not try to install rosetta-bitcoin using GitHub Packages!_ #### From Source After cloning this repository, run: ```text make build-local ``` ### Run Running the following commands will start a Docker container in [detached mode]( with a data directory at `/bitcoin-data` and the Rosetta API accessible at port `8080`. #### Mainnet:Online ```text docker run -d --rm --ulimit "nofile=100000:100000" -v "$(pwd)/bitcoin-data:/data" -e "MODE=ONLINE" -e "NETWORK=MAINNET" -e "PORT=8080" -p 8080:8080 -p 8333:8333 rosetta-bitcoin:latest ``` _If you cloned the repository, you can run `make run-mainnet-online`._ #### Mainnet:Offline ```text docker run -d --rm -e "MODE=OFFLINE" -e "NETWORK=MAINNET" -e "PORT=8081" -p 8081:8081 rosetta-bitcoin:latest ``` _If you cloned the repository, you can run `make run-mainnet-offline`._ #### Testnet:Online ```text docker run -d --rm --ulimit "nofile=100000:100000" -v "$(pwd)/bitcoin-data:/data" -e "MODE=ONLINE" -e "NETWORK=TESTNET" -e "PORT=8080" -p 8080:8080 -p 18333:18333 rosetta-bitcoin:latest ``` _If you cloned the repository, you can run `make run-testnet-online`._ #### Testnet:Offline ```text docker run -d --rm -e "MODE=OFFLINE" -e "NETWORK=TESTNET" -e "PORT=8081" -p 8081:8081 rosetta-bitcoin:latest ``` _If you cloned the repository, you can run `make run-testnet-offline`._ ## System Requirements `rosetta-bitcoin` has been tested on an [AWS c5.2xlarge instance]( This instance type has 8 vCPU and 16 GB of RAM. ### Network Settings To increase the load `rosetta-bitcoin` can handle, it is recommended to tune your OS settings to allow for more connections. On a linux-based OS, you can run the following commands ([source]( ```text sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16777216 sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16777216 sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=10000 sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=10000 sysctl -p (when done) ``` _We have not tested `rosetta-bitcoin` with `net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle` and do not recommend enabling it._ You should also modify your open file settings to `100000`. This can be done on a linux-based OS with the command: `ulimit -n 100000`. ### Memory-Mapped Files `rosetta-bitcoin` uses [memory-mapped files]( to persist data in the `indexer`. As a result, you **must** run `rosetta-bitcoin` on a 64-bit architecture (the virtual address space easily exceeds 100s of GBs). If you receive a kernel OOM, you may need to increase the allocated size of swap space on your OS. There is a great tutorial for how to do this on Linux [here]( ## Architecture `rosetta-bitcoin` uses the `syncer`, `storage`, `parser`, and `server` package from [`rosetta-sdk-go`]( instead of a new Bitcoin-specific implementation of packages of similar functionality. Below you can find a high-level overview of how everything fits together: ```text +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | +--------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | indexer | | | | | | | | +--------+ | | +-------------------+ pruner <----------+ | | | | +--------+ | | | +-----v----+ | | | | | bitcoind | | +------+--------+ | | +-----+----+ | +--------> block_storage <----+ | | | | | +---------------+ | | | | | +---+----+ | | | +-------------------> syncer | | | | | +---+----+ | | | | | +--------------+ | | | | +--------> coin_storage | | | | | +------^-------+ | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------+ | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | +---------------------+-----------------------+------+ | | | | | | | | | | +-------+---------+ +-------+---------+ +-------+-------+ +-----------+----------+ | | | | account_service | | network_service | | block_service | | construction_service +--------+ | +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +---------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | server | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ``` ### Optimizations - Automatically prune bitcoind while indexing blocks - Reduce sync time with concurrent block indexing - Use [Zstandard compression]( to reduce the size of data stored on disk without needing to write a manual byte-level encoding #### Concurrent Block Syncing To speed up indexing, `rosetta-bitcoin` uses concurrent block processing with a "wait free" design (using channels instead of sleeps to signal which threads are unblocked). This allows `rosetta-bitcoin` to fetch multiple inputs from disk while it waits for inputs that appeared in recently processed blocks to save to disk. ```text +----------+ | bitcoind | +-----+----+ | | +---------+ fetch block data / unpopulated txs | | block 1 <------------------------------------+ +---------+ | +--> tx 1 | | | +---------+ | | | tx 2 | | | +----+----+ | | | | | | +---------+ | | | | block 2 <-------------------+ | | +---------+ | | +-----------> tx 3 +--+ | | +---------+ | | +-------------------> tx 4 | | | | +---------+ | | | | | | retrieve previously synced | +---------+ | | inputs needed for future | | block 3 <--+ | blocks while waiting for | +---------+ | populated blocks to save to +---> tx 5 | | disk +---------+ +------------------------------------> tx 6 | | +---------+ | | +------+--------+ | coin_storage | +---------------+ ``` ## Testing with rosetta-cli To validate `rosetta-bitcoin`, [install `rosetta-cli`]( and run one of the following commands: - `rosetta-cli check:data --configuration-file rosetta-cli-conf/testnet/config.json` - `rosetta-cli check:construction --configuration-file rosetta-cli-conf/testnet/config.json` - `rosetta-cli check:data --configuration-file rosetta-cli-conf/mainnet/config.json` ## Future Work - Publish benchamrks for sync speed, storage usage, and load testing - [Rosetta API `/mempool/transaction`]( implementation - Add CI test using `rosetta-cli` to run on each PR (likely on a regtest network) - Add performance mode to use unlimited RAM (implementation currently optimized to use <= 16 GB of RAM) - Support Multi-Sig Sends _Please reach out on our [community]( if you want to tackle anything on this list!_ ## Development - `make deps` to install dependencies - `make test` to run tests - `make lint` to lint the source code - `make salus` to check for security concerns - `make build-local` to build a Docker image from the local context - `make coverage-local` to generate a coverage report ## License This project is available open source under the terms of the [Apache 2.0 License]( © 2020 Coinbase