#include "db.h" #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; void CAddrInfo::Update(bool good) { uint32_t now = time(NULL); if (ourLastTry == 0) ourLastTry = now - MIN_RETRY; int age = now - ourLastTry; lastTry = now; ourLastTry = now; total++; if (good) success++; stat2H.Update(good, age, 3600*2); stat8H.Update(good, age, 3600*8); stat1D.Update(good, age, 3600*24); stat1W.Update(good, age, 3600*24*7); stat1M.Update(good, age, 3600*24*30); int ign = GetIgnoreTime(); if (ign && (ignoreTill==0 || ignoreTill < ign+now)) ignoreTill = ign+now; // printf("%s: got %s result: success=%i/%i; 2H:%.2f%%-%.2f%%(%.2f) 8H:%.2f%%-%.2f%%(%.2f) 1D:%.2f%%-%.2f%%(%.2f) 1W:%.2f%%-%.2f%%(%.2f) \n", ToString(ip).c_str(), good ? "good" : "bad", success, total, // 100.0 * stat2H.reliability, 100.0 * (stat2H.reliability + 1.0 - stat2H.weight), stat2H.count, // 100.0 * stat8H.reliability, 100.0 * (stat8H.reliability + 1.0 - stat8H.weight), stat8H.count, // 100.0 * stat1D.reliability, 100.0 * (stat1D.reliability + 1.0 - stat1D.weight), stat1D.count, // 100.0 * stat1W.reliability, 100.0 * (stat1W.reliability + 1.0 - stat1W.weight), stat1W.count); } bool CAddrDb::Get_(CService &ip, int &wait) { int64 now = time(NULL); int cont = 0; int tot = unkId.size(); do { deque<int>::iterator it = ourId.begin(); while (it < ourId.end()) { if (now - idToInfo[*it].ourLastTry > MIN_RETRY) { tot++; it++; } else { break; } } if (tot == 0) { if (ourId.size() > 0) { wait = MIN_RETRY - (now - idToInfo[ourId.front()].ourLastTry); } else { wait = 5; } return false; } int rnd = rand() % tot; int ret; if (rnd < unkId.size()) { if (rnd*10 < unkId.size()) { // once every 10 attempts, restart with the oldest unknown IP set<int>::iterator it = unkId.begin(); ret = *it; } else { // 90% of the time try the last learned IP set<int>::reverse_iterator it = unkId.rbegin(); ret = *it; } unkId.erase(ret); } else { ret = ourId.front(); if (time(NULL) - idToInfo[ret].ourLastTry < MIN_RETRY) return false; ourId.pop_front(); } if (idToInfo[ret].ignoreTill && idToInfo[ret].ignoreTill < now) { ourId.push_back(ret); idToInfo[ret].ourLastTry = now; } else { ip = idToInfo[ret].ip; break; } } while(1); nDirty++; return true; } int CAddrDb::Lookup_(const CService &ip) { if (ipToId.count(ip)) return ipToId[ip]; return -1; } void CAddrDb::Good_(const CService &addr, int clientV, std::string clientSV, int blocks) { int id = Lookup_(addr); if (id == -1) return; unkId.erase(id); banned.erase(addr); CAddrInfo &info = idToInfo[id]; info.clientVersion = clientV; info.clientSubVersion = clientSV; info.blocks = blocks; info.Update(true); if (info.IsGood() && goodId.count(id)==0) { goodId.insert(id); // printf("%s: good; %i good nodes now\n", ToString(addr).c_str(), (int)goodId.size()); } nDirty++; ourId.push_back(id); } void CAddrDb::Bad_(const CService &addr, int ban) { int id = Lookup_(addr); if (id == -1) return; unkId.erase(id); CAddrInfo &info = idToInfo[id]; info.Update(false); uint32_t now = time(NULL); int ter = info.GetBanTime(); if (ter) { // printf("%s: terrible\n", ToString(addr).c_str()); if (ban < ter) ban = ter; } if (ban > 0) { // printf("%s: ban for %i seconds\n", ToString(addr).c_str(), ban); banned[info.ip] = ban + now; ipToId.erase(info.ip); goodId.erase(id); idToInfo.erase(id); } else { if (/*!info.IsGood() && */ goodId.count(id)==1) { goodId.erase(id); // printf("%s: not good; %i good nodes left\n", ToString(addr).c_str(), (int)goodId.size()); } ourId.push_back(id); } nDirty++; } void CAddrDb::Skipped_(const CService &addr) { int id = Lookup_(addr); if (id == -1) return; unkId.erase(id); ourId.push_back(id); // printf("%s: skipped\n", ToString(addr).c_str()); nDirty++; } void CAddrDb::Add_(const CAddress &addr, bool force) { if (!force && !addr.IsRoutable()) return; CService ipp(addr); if (banned.count(ipp)) { time_t bantime = banned[ipp]; if (force || (bantime < time(NULL) && addr.nTime > bantime)) banned.erase(ipp); else return; } if (ipToId.count(ipp)) { CAddrInfo &ai = idToInfo[ipToId[ipp]]; if (addr.nTime > ai.lastTry || ai.services != addr.nServices) { ai.lastTry = addr.nTime; ai.services |= addr.nServices; // printf("%s: updated\n", ToString(addr).c_str()); } if (force) { ai.ignoreTill = 0; } return; } CAddrInfo ai; ai.ip = ipp; ai.services = addr.nServices; ai.lastTry = addr.nTime; ai.ourLastTry = 0; ai.total = 0; ai.success = 0; int id = nId++; idToInfo[id] = ai; ipToId[ipp] = id; // printf("%s: added\n", ToString(ipp).c_str(), ipToId[ipp]); unkId.insert(id); nDirty++; } void CAddrDb::GetIPs_(set<CNetAddr>& ips, int max, const bool* nets) { if (goodId.size() == 0) { int id = -1; if (ourId.size() == 0) { if (unkId.size() == 0) return; id = *unkId.begin(); } else { id = *ourId.begin(); } if (id >= 0) { ips.insert(idToInfo[id].ip); } return; } if (max > goodId.size() / 2) max = goodId.size() / 2; if (max < 1) max = 1; int low = *goodId.begin(); int high = *goodId.rbegin(); set<int> ids; while (ids.size() < max) { int range = high-low+1; int pos = low + (rand() % range); int id = *(goodId.lower_bound(pos)); ids.insert(id); } for (set<int>::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); it++) { CService &ip = idToInfo[*it].ip; if (nets[ip.GetNetwork()]) ips.insert(ip); } }