diff --git a/views/login.handlebars b/views/login.handlebars
index d7726de2..1b12e8ba 100644
--- a/views/login.handlebars
+++ b/views/login.handlebars
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
 <div class="row row--full-height">
-    <div class="column column--5 column--med-10 align-content-top">
-        <p>Log in to an existing channel:</p>
-        {{>channelLoginForm}}
-    </div><div class="column column--5 column--med-10 align-content-top">
-        <p>Create a brand new channel:</p>
-        {{>channelCreationForm}}
+    <div class="row row--wide">
+        <p>Channels allow you to publish and group content under an identity. You can create a channel for yourself, or share one with like-minded friends.  You can create 1 channel, or 100, so whether you're documenting <a target="_blank" href="/@hikingchris45:5">a hike around town</a>, or making a public repository for <a target="_blank" href="/@catGifs:0">cat gifs</a> (password: '1234'), try creating a channel for it!</p>
+    </div>
+    <div class="row row--wide">
+        <div class="column column--5 column--med-10 align-content-top">
+            <p>Log in to an existing channel:</p>
+            {{>channelLoginForm}}
+        </div><div class="column column--5 column--med-10 align-content-top">
+            <p>Create a brand new channel:</p>
+            {{>channelCreationForm}}
+        </div>