import { call, put, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import * as actions from 'constants/show_action_types'; import { addAssetRequest, showNewAsset, updateShowAsset, addAssetToAssetList, addChannelRequest, showNewChannel, updateShowChannel, addNewChannelToChannelList, updateFileAvailability, updateDisplayAssetError } from 'actions/show'; import { UNAVAILABLE, AVAILABLE } from 'constants/asset_display_states'; import { checkFileAvailability, triggerClaimGet } from 'api/fileApi'; import { getLongClaimId, getShortId, getClaimData } from 'api/assetApi'; import { getChannelData, getChannelClaims } from 'api/channelApi'; function* newAssetRequest (action) { const { id, name, modifier } =; let success, message, longId; try { ({success, message, data: longId} = yield call(getLongClaimId, name, modifier)); } catch (error) { yield put(addAssetRequest(id, error.message, name, null)); } if (success) { yield put(addAssetRequest(id, null, name, longId)); const newAssetId = `a#${name}#${longId}`; // note move to action return yield put(showNewAsset(newAssetId, name, longId)); } yield put(addAssetRequest(id, message, name, null)); }; function* getAssetDataAndShowAsset (action) { const {id, name, claimId} =; // if no error, get short Id let success, message, shortId; try { ({success, message, data: shortId} = yield call(getShortId, name, claimId)); } catch (error) { return yield put(updateShowAsset(error.message, name, claimId)); // yield put(addAssetToAssetList(arg1, arg2)); } if (!success) { return yield put(updateShowAsset(message, name, claimId)); // yield put(addAssetToAssetList(arg1, arg2)); } // if no error, get claim data success = null; let claimData; try { ({success, message, data: claimData} = yield call(getClaimData, name, claimId)); } catch (error) { return yield put(updateShowAsset(error.message, name, claimId)); // yield put(addAssetToAssetList(arg1, arg2)); } if (!success) { return yield put(updateShowAsset(message, name, claimId)); // yield put(addAssetToAssetList(arg1, arg2)); } // if both are successfull, add to asset list and select for showing yield put(updateShowAsset(null, name, claimId, shortId, claimData)); yield put(addAssetToAssetList(id, null, name, claimId, shortId, claimData)); } function* retrieveFile (action) { const name =; const claimId =; // see if the file is available let success, message, isAvailable; try { ({ success, message, data: isAvailable } = yield call(checkFileAvailability, name, claimId)); } catch (error) { return yield put(updateDisplayAssetError(error.message)); }; if (success) { if (isAvailable) { return yield put(updateFileAvailability(AVAILABLE)); } yield put(updateFileAvailability(UNAVAILABLE)); } else { yield put(updateDisplayAssetError(message)); } // initiate get request for the file try { ({ success, message } = yield call(triggerClaimGet, name, claimId)); } catch (error) { return yield put(updateDisplayAssetError(error.message)); }; if (success) { console.log('/api/glaim-get response:', message); yield put(updateFileAvailability(AVAILABLE)); } else { yield put(updateDisplayAssetError(message)); } }; function* newChannelRequest (action) { const { id, name, channelId } =; let success, message, data; try { ({success, message, data} = yield call(getChannelData, name, channelId)); } catch (error) { return yield put(addChannelRequest(id, error.message, null, null, null)); } if (!success) { return yield put(addChannelRequest(id, message, null, null, null)); } const { channelName, longChannelClaimId, shortChannelClaimId } = data; yield put(addChannelRequest(id, null, channelName, longChannelClaimId, shortChannelClaimId)); const channelRecordId = `c#${channelName}#${longChannelClaimId}`; // move to the action yield put(showNewChannel(channelRecordId, channelName, longChannelClaimId )); } function* getNewChannelDataAndShowChannel (action) { const { id, name, longId, channelData } = action; let success, message, claimsData; try { ({ success, message, data: claimsData } = yield call(getChannelClaims, name, longId, 1)); } catch (error) { return yield put(updateShowChannel(error.message, channelData)); // yield put(addNewChannelToChannelList(id, error.message, null, null)); } if (!success) { return yield put(updateShowChannel(message, channelData)); // yield put(addNewChannelToChannelList(id, message, null, null)); } yield put(updateShowChannel(null, channelData, claimsData)); yield put(addNewChannelToChannelList(id, null, channelData, claimsData)); } export function* watchNewAssetRequest () { yield takeLatest(actions.ASSET_REQUEST_NEW, newAssetRequest); }; export function* watchNewChannelRequest () { yield takeLatest(actions.CHANNEL_REQUEST_NEW, newChannelRequest); }; export function* watchShowNewAsset () { yield takeLatest(actions.SHOW_ASSET_NEW, getAssetDataAndShowAsset); }; export function* watchShowNewChannel () { yield takeLatest(actions.SHOW_CHANNEL_NEW, getNewChannelDataAndShowChannel); }; export function* watchFileIsRequested () { yield takeLatest(actions.FILE_REQUESTED, retrieveFile); };