const logger = require('winston'); const { serveFile, showFile, showFileLite, getShortUrlFromClaimId } = require('../helpers/serveHelpers.js'); const { getAssetByChannel, getAssetByShortUrl, getAssetByClaimId } = require('../controllers/serveController.js'); const { postToStats } = require('../controllers/statsController.js'); const { handleRequestError } = require('../helpers/errorHandlers.js'); const SERVE = 'SERVE'; const SHOW = 'SHOW'; const SHOWLITE = 'SHOWLITE'; const CHANNEL = 'CHANNEL'; const SHORTURL = 'SHORTURL'; const CLAIMID = 'CLAIMID'; function getAsset (claimType, channelName, shortUrl, fullClaimId, name) { switch (claimType) { case CHANNEL: return getAssetByChannel(channelName, name); case SHORTURL: return getAssetByShortUrl(shortUrl, name); case CLAIMID: return getAssetByClaimId(fullClaimId, name); default: return new Error('that claim type was not found'); } } module.exports = (app) => { // route to serve a specific asset app.get('/:identifier/:name', ({ headers, ip, originalUrl, params }, res) => { const identifier = params.identifier; let name =; // parse identifier for whether it is a channel, short url, or claim_id let claimType; let channelName = null; let shortUrl = null; let fullClaimId = null; if (identifier.charAt(0) === '@') { channelName = identifier.substring(1); logger.debug('channel name =', channelName); claimType = CHANNEL; } else if (identifier.length === 40) { fullClaimId = identifier; logger.debug('full claim id =', fullClaimId); claimType = CLAIMID; } else if (identifier.length < 40) { shortUrl = identifier; logger.debug('short url =', shortUrl); claimType = SHORTURL; } else { logger.error('that url does not compute'); res.send('that url is invalid'); return; }; // parse the name let method; let desiredExtension; if (name.indexOf('.') !== -1) { method = SERVE; if (headers['accept'] && headers['accept'].split(',').includes('text/html')) { method = SHOWLITE; } desiredExtension = name.substring(name.indexOf('.')); name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.')); logger.debug('file extension =', desiredExtension); } else { method = SHOW; if (headers['accept'] && !headers['accept'].split(',').includes('text/html')) { method = SERVE; } } logger.debug('claim name = ', name); logger.debug('method =', method); // 1. retrieve the asset and information getAsset(claimType, channelName, shortUrl, fullClaimId, name) // 2. serve or show .then(fileInfo => { logger.debug('asset was retrieved'); // add file extension to the file info fileInfo['fileExt'] = fileInfo.fileName.substring(fileInfo.fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); // test logging logger.debug(fileInfo); // serve or show if (!fileInfo) { res.status(200).render('noClaims'); return; } switch (method) { case SERVE: serveFile(fileInfo, res); break; case SHOWLITE: postToStats('show', originalUrl, ip,, fileInfo.claimId, 'success'); showFileLite(fileInfo, res); break; case SHOW: postToStats('show', originalUrl, ip,, fileInfo.claimId, 'success'); getShortUrlFromClaimId(fileInfo.claimId, .then(shortUrl => { fileInfo['shortUrl'] = shortUrl; showFile(fileInfo, res); }) .catch(error => { console.log('thowing error...'); throw error; }); break; default: logger.error('I did not recognize that method'); break; } }) // 3. update the database .then(() => { logger.debug('update db / create new record'); // if asset was found locally, update db (resolve the claim to see if a newer version exists and then get && update db if needed) // if asset was retrieved from lbrynet, create db record }) .catch(error => { console.log('...error was caught'); handleRequestError('serve', originalUrl, ip, error, res); }); }); // route to serve the winning asset at a claim app.get('/:name', ({ headers, ip, originalUrl, params }, res) => { }); };