// load modules const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const expressHandlebars = require('express-handlebars'); const helmet = require('helmet'); const cookieSession = require('cookie-session'); const http = require('http'); const logger = require('winston'); const Path = require('path'); const httpContext = require('express-http-context'); // load local modules const db = require('./models'); const requestLogger = require('./middleware/requestLogger'); const createDatabaseIfNotExists = require('./models/utils/createDatabaseIfNotExists'); const { getWalletBalance } = require('./lbrynet/index'); const configureLogging = require('./utils/configureLogging'); const configureSlack = require('./utils/configureSlack'); const { setupBlockList } = require('./utils/blockList'); const speechPassport = require('./speechPassport'); const processTrending = require('./utils/processTrending'); const { logMetricsMiddleware, setRouteDataInContextMiddleware, } = require('./middleware/logMetricsMiddleware'); const { details: { port: PORT, blockListEndpoint }, startup: { performChecks, performUpdates, }, } = require('@config/siteConfig'); const { sessionKey } = require('@private/authConfig.json'); // configure.js doesn't handle new keys in config.json files yet. Make sure it doens't break. let finalBlockListEndpoint; function Server () { this.initialize = () => { // configure logging configureLogging(); // configure slack logging configureSlack(); }; this.createApp = () => { /* create app */ const app = express(); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { const webpack = require('webpack'); const webpackDevMiddleware = require('webpack-dev-middleware'); const webpackClientConfig = require('../webpack/webpack.client.config')(null, { mode: 'development' }); const clientCompiler = webpack(webpackClientConfig); app.use(webpackDevMiddleware(clientCompiler, { publicPath: webpackClientConfig.output.publicPath, })); app.use(require('webpack-hot-middleware')(clientCompiler)); } // trust the proxy to get ip address for us app.enable('trust proxy'); app.use((req, res, next) => { if (req.get('User-Agent') === 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120405 Firefox/14.0a1') { res.status(403).send('<h1>Forbidden</h1>If you are seeing this by mistake, please contact us using <a href="https://chat.lbry.io/">https://chat.lbry.io/</a>'); res.end(); } else { next(); } }); // set HTTP headers to protect against well-known web vulnerabilties app.use(helmet()); // Support per-request http-context app.use(httpContext.middleware); // 'express.static' to serve static files from site/public directory const sitePublicPath = Path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'site/public'); app.use(express.static(sitePublicPath)); logger.info(`serving static files from site static path at ${sitePublicPath}.`); // 'express.static' to serve static files from public directory const publicPath = Path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'public'); app.use(express.static(publicPath)); logger.info(`serving static files from default static path at ${publicPath}.`); // 'body parser' for parsing application/json app.use(bodyParser.json()); // 'body parser' for parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // add custom middleware (note: build out to accept dynamically use what is in server/middleware/ app.use(requestLogger); // initialize passport app.use(cookieSession({ name: 'session', keys: [sessionKey], })); app.use(speechPassport.initialize()); app.use(speechPassport.session()); // configure handlebars & register it with express app const viewsPath = Path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'server/views'); app.engine('handlebars', expressHandlebars({ async : false, dataType : 'text', defaultLayout: 'embed', partialsDir : Path.join(viewsPath, '/partials'), layoutsDir : Path.join(viewsPath, '/layouts'), })); app.set('views', viewsPath); app.set('view engine', 'handlebars'); // set the routes on the app const routes = require('./routes'); Object.keys(routes).map((routePath) => { let routeData = routes[routePath]; let routeMethod = routeData.hasOwnProperty('method') ? routeData.method : 'get'; let controllers = Array.isArray(routeData.controller) ? routeData.controller : [routeData.controller]; app[routeMethod]( routePath, logMetricsMiddleware, setRouteDataInContextMiddleware(routePath, routeData), ...controllers, ); }); this.app = app; }; this.createServer = () => { /* create server */ this.server = http.Server(this.app); }; this.startServerListening = () => { logger.info(`Starting server on ${PORT}...`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.server.listen(PORT, () => { logger.info(`Server is listening on PORT ${PORT}`); resolve(); }); }); }; this.syncDatabase = () => { logger.info(`Syncing database...`); return createDatabaseIfNotExists() .then(() => { db.sequelize.sync(); }); }; this.performChecks = () => { if (!performChecks) { return; } logger.info(`Performing checks...`); return Promise.all([ getWalletBalance(), ]) .then(([walletBalance]) => { logger.info('Starting LBC balance:', walletBalance); }); }; this.performUpdates = () => { if (!performUpdates) { return; } if (blockListEndpoint) { finalBlockListEndpoint = blockListEndpoint; } else if (!blockListEndpoint) { if (typeof (blockListEndpoint) !== 'string') { logger.warn('blockListEndpoint is null due to outdated siteConfig file. \n' + 'Continuing with default LBRY blocklist api endpoint. \n ' + '(Specify /"blockListEndpoint" : ""/ to disable.'); finalBlockListEndpoint = 'https://api.lbry.io/file/list_blocked'; } } logger.info(`Peforming updates...`); if (!finalBlockListEndpoint) { logger.info('Configured for no Block List'); db.Tor.refreshTable().then((updatedTorList) => { logger.info('Tor list updated, length:', updatedTorList.length); }); } else { return Promise.all([ db.Blocked.refreshTable(finalBlockListEndpoint), db.Tor.refreshTable()]) .then(([updatedBlockedList, updatedTorList]) => { logger.info('Blocked list updated, length:', updatedBlockedList.length); logger.info('Tor list updated, length:', updatedTorList.length); }); } }; this.start = () => { this.initialize(); this.createApp(); this.createServer(); this.syncDatabase() .then(() => { return this.startServerListening(); }) .then(() => { return Promise.all([ this.performChecks(), this.performUpdates(), ]); }) .then(() => { return setupBlockList(); }) .then(() => { logger.info('Spee.ch startup is complete'); setInterval(processTrending, 30 * 60000); // 30 minutes }) .catch(error => { if (error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { return logger.error('Connection refused. The daemon may not be running.'); } else if (error.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { return logger.error('Server could not start listening. The port is already in use.'); } else if (error.message) { logger.error(error.message); } logger.error(error); }); }; } module.exports = Server;