const logger = require('winston'); const returnShortId = (claimsArray, longId) => { let claimIndex; let shortId = longId.substring(0, 1); // default short id is the first letter let shortIdLength = 0; // find the index of this claim id claimIndex = claimsArray.findIndex(element => { return element.claim_id === longId; }); if (claimIndex < 0) { throw new Error('claim id not found in claims list'); } // get an array of all claims with lower height let possibleMatches = claimsArray.slice(0, claimIndex); // remove certificates with the same prefixes until none are left. while (possibleMatches.length > 0) { shortIdLength += 1; shortId = longId.substring(0, shortIdLength); possibleMatches = possibleMatches.filter(element => { return (element.claim_id && (element.claim_id.substring(0, shortIdLength) === shortId)); }); } return shortId; }; const isLongClaimId = (claimId) => { return (claimId && (claimId.length === 40)); } const isShortClaimId = (claimId) => { return (claimId && (claimId.length < 40)); } export default (db, table, sequelize) => ({ getClaimChannelName: async (publisher_id) => { return await table.findAll({ where : { claim_id: publisher_id }, attributes: ['name'], }).then(result => { if(result.length === 0) { throw new Error(`no record found for ${claimId}`); } else if(result.length !== 1) { logger.warn(`more than one record matches ${claimId} in db.Claim`); } return result[0].name; }); }, getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId: async (claimId, claimName, pendingClaim) => { logger.debug(`claim.getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId for ${claimName}#${claimId}`); return await table.findAll({ where: { name: claimName }, order: [['height', 'ASC']], }).then(result => { if(result.length === 0) { throw new Error('No claim(s) found with that claim name'); } let list = => claim.dataValues); if (pendingClaim) { list = list.concat(pendingClaim); } return returnShortId(list, claimId); }); }, getAllChannelClaims: async (channelClaimId, params) => { logger.debug(`claim.getAllChannelClaims for ${channelClaimId}`); const defaultWhereClauses = { bid_state: { [sequelize.Op.or]: ['Controlling', 'Active', 'Accepted'] } }; const addWhereClauses = (whereClauses, params) => { /* input params = { col: ['Val', 'Val']} output = { col: { Op.or : [ { Op.eq: 'Value'},...]}, col2:...} */ const cols = Object.keys(params) for (let colKey in cols){ let col = Object.keys(params)[colKey] whereClauses[col] = {} whereClauses[col][sequelize.Op.or] = [] for (let itemKey in params[col] ){ let itemsArr = params[col] whereClauses[col][sequelize.Op.or].push({ [sequelize.Op.eq]: itemsArr[itemKey] }) } } return whereClauses; } const whereClause = addWhereClauses(defaultWhereClauses, params); const selectWhere = { ...whereClause, publisher_id: channelClaimId, }; return await table.findAll({ where: selectWhere, order: [['height', 'DESC']], }) .then(channelClaimsArray => { if (channelClaimsArray.length === 0) { return null; } return channelClaimsArray; }); }, getClaimIdByLongChannelId: async (channelClaimId, claimName) => { logger.debug(`finding claim id for claim ${claimName} from channel ${channelClaimId}`); return await table.findAll({ where: { name: claimName, publisher_id: channelClaimId }, order: [['id', 'ASC']], }) .then(result => { switch (result.length) { case 0: return null; case 1: return result[0].claim_id; default: // Does this actually happen??? (from converted code) logger.warn(`${result.length} records found for "${claimName}" in channel "${channelClaimId}"`); return result[0].claim_id; } }); }, validateLongClaimId: async (name, claimId) => { return await table.findOne({ where: { name, claim_id: claimId, }, }).then(result => { if (!result) { return false; } return claimId; }); }, getLongClaimIdFromShortClaimId: async (name, shortId) => { return await table.findAll({ where: { name, claim_id: { []: `${shortId}%`, }}, order: [['height', 'ASC']], }) .then(result => { if(result.length === 0) { return null; } return result[0].claim_id; }); }, getTopFreeClaimIdByClaimName: async (name) => { return await table.findAll({ // TODO: Limit 1 where: { name }, order: [['effective_amount', 'DESC'], ['height', 'ASC']], }).then(result => { if(result.length === 0) { return null; } return result[0].claim_id; }) }, getLongClaimId: async (claimName, claimId) => { // TODO: Add failure case logger.debug(`getLongClaimId(${claimName}, ${claimId})`); if (isLongClaimId(claimId)) { return table.queries.validateLongClaimId(claimName, claimId); } else if (isShortClaimId(claimId)) { return table.queries.getLongClaimIdFromShortClaimId(claimName, claimId); } else { return table.queries.getTopFreeClaimIdByClaimName(claimName); } }, resolveClaim: async (name, claimId) => { logger.debug(`Claim.resolveClaim: ${name} ${claimId}`); return table.findAll({ where: { name, claim_id: claimId }, }).then(claimArray => { if(claimArray.length === 0) { return null; } else if(claimArray.length !== 1) { logger.warn(`more than one record matches ${name}#${claimId} in db.Claim`); } return claimArray[0]; }); }, resolveClaimInChannel: async (claimName, channelId) => { logger.debug(`Claim.resolveClaimByNames: ${claimName} in ${channelId}`); return table.findAll({ where: { name: claimName, publisher_id: channelId, }, }).then(claimArray => { if (claimArray.length === 0) { return null; } else if (claimArray.length !== 1) { logger.warn(`more than one record matches ${claimName} in ${channelId}`); } return claimArray[0]; }); }, getOutpoint: async (name, claimId) => { logger.debug(`finding outpoint for ${name}#${claimId}`); return await table.findAll({ where : { name, claim_id: claimId }, attributes: ['transaction_hash_id'], }).then(result => { if(result.length === 0) { throw new Error(`no record found for ${name}#${claimId}`); } else if(result.length !== 1) { logger.warn(`more than one record matches ${name}#${claimId} in db.Claim`); } return result[0].transaction_hash_id; }); }, getCurrentHeight: async () => { return await table .max('height') .then(result => { return (result || 100000); }); }, })