const logger = require('winston'); const { returnShortId } = require('../helpers/sequelizeHelpers.js'); const { publishing, site } = require('../config/speechConfig.js'); const { defaultTitle, defaultThumbnail, defaultDescription } = publishing; const { host } = site; function determineFileExtensionFromContentType (contentType) { switch (contentType) { case 'image/jpeg': case 'image/jpg': return 'jpeg'; case 'image/png': return 'png'; case 'image/gif': return 'gif'; case 'video/mp4': return 'mp4'; default: logger.debug('setting unknown file type as file extension jpeg'); return 'jpeg'; } }; function determineContentTypeFromFileExtension (fileExtension) { switch (fileExtension) { case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': return 'image/jpeg'; case 'png': return 'image/png'; case 'gif': return 'image/gif'; case 'mp4': return 'video/mp4'; default: logger.debug('setting unknown file type as type image/jpeg'); return 'image/jpeg'; } }; function ifEmptyReturnOther (value, replacement) { if (value === '') { return replacement; } return value; } function determineThumbnail (storedThumbnail, defaultThumbnail) { return ifEmptyReturnOther(storedThumbnail, defaultThumbnail); }; function determineOgTitle (storedTitle, defaultTitle) { return ifEmptyReturnOther(storedTitle, defaultTitle); }; function determineOgDescription (storedDescription, defaultDescription) { return ifEmptyReturnOther(storedDescription, defaultDescription); }; function determineOgThumbnailContentType (thumbnail) { if (thumbnail) { if (thumbnail.lastIndexOf('.') !== -1) { return determineContentTypeFromFileExtension(thumbnail.substring(thumbnail.lastIndexOf('.'))); } } return ''; } function addOpengraphDataToClaim (claim) { claim['host'] = host; claim['embedUrl'] = `${host}/${claim.claimId}/${}`; claim['showUrl'] = `${host}/${claim.claimId}/${}`; claim['source'] = `${host}/${claim.claimId}/${}.${claim.fileExt}`; claim['directFileUrl'] = `${host}/${claim.claimId}/${}.${claim.fileExt}`; claim['ogTitle'] = determineOgTitle(claim.title, defaultTitle); claim['ogDescription'] = determineOgDescription(claim.description, defaultDescription); claim['ogThumbnailContentType'] = determineOgThumbnailContentType(claim.thumbnail); return claim; }; function prepareClaimData (claim) { // logger.debug('preparing claim data based on resolved data:', claim); claim['thumbnail'] = determineThumbnail(claim.thumbnail, defaultThumbnail); claim['fileExt'] = determineFileExtensionFromContentType(claim.contentType); claim = addOpengraphDataToClaim(claim); return claim; }; module.exports = (sequelize, { STRING, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, TEXT, DECIMAL }) => { const Claim = sequelize.define( 'Claim', { address: { type : STRING, default: null, }, amount: { type : DECIMAL(19, 8), default: null, }, claimId: { type : STRING, default: null, }, claimSequence: { type : INTEGER, default: null, }, decodedClaim: { type : BOOLEAN, default: null, }, depth: { type : INTEGER, default: null, }, effectiveAmount: { type : DECIMAL(19, 8), default: null, }, hasSignature: { type : BOOLEAN, default: null, }, height: { type : INTEGER, default: null, }, hex: { type : TEXT('long'), default: null, }, name: { type : STRING, default: null, }, nout: { type : INTEGER, default: null, }, txid: { type : STRING, default: null, }, validAtHeight: { type : INTEGER, default: null, }, outpoint: { type : STRING, default: null, }, claimType: { type : STRING, default: null, }, certificateId: { type : STRING, default: null, }, author: { type : STRING, default: null, }, description: { type : TEXT('long'), default: null, }, language: { type : STRING, default: null, }, license: { type : STRING, default: null, }, licenseUrl: { type : STRING, default: null, }, nsfw: { type : BOOLEAN, default: null, }, preview: { type : STRING, default: null, }, thumbnail: { type : STRING, default: null, }, title: { type : STRING, default: null, }, metadataVersion: { type : STRING, default: null, }, contentType: { type : STRING, default: null, }, source: { type : STRING, default: null, }, sourceType: { type : STRING, default: null, }, sourceVersion: { type : STRING, default: null, }, streamVersion: { type : STRING, default: null, }, valueVersion: { type : STRING, default: null, }, channelName: { type : STRING, allowNull: true, default : null, }, }, { freezeTableName: true, } ); Claim.associate = db => { Claim.belongsTo(db.File, { onDelete : 'cascade', foreignKey: { allowNull: true, }, }); }; Claim.getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId = function (claimId, claimName) { logger.debug(`Claim.getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId for ${claimName}#${claimId}`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this .findAll({ where: { name: claimName }, order: [['height', 'ASC']], }) .then(result => { switch (result.length) { case 0: throw new Error('No claim(s) found with that claim name'); default: resolve(returnShortId(result, claimId)); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }; Claim.getAllChannelClaims = function (channelClaimId) { logger.debug(`Claim.getAllChannelClaims for ${channelClaimId}`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this .findAll({ where: { certificateId: channelClaimId }, order: [['height', 'ASC']], raw : true, // returns an array of only data, not an array of instances }) .then(channelClaimsArray => { // logger.debug('channelclaimsarray length:', channelClaimsArray.length); switch (channelClaimsArray.length) { case 0: return resolve(null); default: channelClaimsArray.forEach(claim => { claim['fileExt'] = determineFileExtensionFromContentType(claim.contentType); claim['thumbnail'] = determineThumbnail(claim.thumbnail, defaultThumbnail); return claim; }); return resolve(channelClaimsArray); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }; Claim.getClaimIdByLongChannelId = function (channelClaimId, claimName) { logger.debug(`finding claim id for claim ${claimName} from channel ${channelClaimId}`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this .findAll({ where: { name: claimName, certificateId: channelClaimId }, order: [['id', 'ASC']], }) .then(result => { switch (result.length) { case 0: return resolve(null); case 1: return resolve(result[0].claimId); default: logger.error(`${result.length} records found for ${claimName} from channel ${claimName}`); return resolve(result[0].claimId); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }; Claim.getLongClaimIdFromShortClaimId = function (name, shortId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this .findAll({ where: { name, claimId: { $like: `${shortId}%`, }}, order: [['height', 'ASC']], }) .then(result => { switch (result.length) { case 0: return resolve(null); default: // note results must be sorted return resolve(result[0].claimId); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }; Claim.getTopFreeClaimIdByClaimName = function (name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this .findAll({ where: { name }, order: [['effectiveAmount', 'DESC'], ['height', 'ASC']], // note: maybe height and effective amount need to switch? }) .then(result => { logger.debug('length of result', result.length); switch (result.length) { case 0: return resolve(null); default: return resolve(result[0].dataValues.claimId); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }; Claim.validateLongClaimId = function (name, claimId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.findOne({ where: {name, claimId}, }) .then(result => { if (!result) { return resolve(null); }; resolve(claimId); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }; Claim.getLongClaimId = function (claimName, claimId) { logger.debug(`getLongClaimId(${claimName}, ${claimId})`); if (claimId && (claimId.length === 40)) { // if a full claim id is provided return this.validateLongClaimId(claimName, claimId); } else if (claimId && claimId.length < 40) { return this.getLongClaimIdFromShortClaimId(claimName, claimId); // if a short claim id is provided } else { return this.getTopFreeClaimIdByClaimName(claimName); // if no claim id is provided } }; Claim.resolveClaim = function (name, claimId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this .findAll({ where: { name, claimId }, }) .then(claimArray => { logger.debug('claims found on resolve:', claimArray.length); switch (claimArray.length) { case 0: return resolve(null); case 1: return resolve(prepareClaimData(claimArray[0].dataValues)); default: logger.error(`more than one entry matches that name (${name}) and claimID (${claimId})`); return resolve(prepareClaimData(claimArray[0].dataValues)); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }; return Claim; };