import { CHANNEL_UPDATE, CLAIM_UPDATE, FILE_CLEAR, FILE_SELECTED, METADATA_UPDATE, SET_PUBLISH_IN_CHANNEL, } from '../actions'; const initialState = { loggedInChannel: { name : null, shortId: null, longId : null, }, publishInChannel: false, publishStatus : null, error : null, file : null, claim : '', metadata : { title : '', thumbnail : '', description: '', license : '', nsfw : false, }, }; /* Reducers describe how the application's state changes in response to actions */ export default function (state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case FILE_SELECTED: return Object.assign({}, state, { file: action.file, }); case FILE_CLEAR: return initialState; case METADATA_UPDATE: console.log(`reducer for ${} ${action.value}`); return Object.assign({}, state, { metadata: Object.assign({}, state.metadata, { []: action.value, }), }); case CLAIM_UPDATE: return Object.assign({}, state, { claim: action.value, }); case CHANNEL_UPDATE: return Object.assign({}, state, { loggedInChannel: { name :, shortId: action.shortId, longId : action.longId, }, }); case SET_PUBLISH_IN_CHANNEL: return Object.assign({}, state, { publishInChannel: action.value, }); default: return state; } }