// app dependencies const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const expressHandlebars = require('express-handlebars'); const Handlebars = require('handlebars'); const helmet = require('helmet'); const cookieSession = require('cookie-session'); const http = require('http'); const logger = require('winston'); const requestLogger = require('middleware/requestLogger.js'); function Server () { this.configureLogger = (loggerConfig) => { require('loggerConfig.js').configure(loggerConfig); } this.configureMysql = (mysqlConfig) => { require('mysqlConfig.js').configure(mysqlConfig); }; this.configureSiteDetails = (siteConfig) => { require('siteConfig.js').configure(siteConfig); this.sessionKey = siteConfig.auth.sessionKey; this.PORT = siteConfig.details.port; }; this.configureSlack = (slackConfig) => { require('slackConfig.js').configure(slackConfig); }; this.configureClientBundle = () => { console.log('configure the client here by passing in the bundle and configuring it, or better yet: taking in the components to use dynamically from here.'); } this.configureModels = () => { console.log('here is where you could add/overwrite the default models') } this.configureRoutes = () => { console.log('here is where you could add/overwrite the default routes') } this.createApp = () => { // create an Express application const app = express(); // trust the proxy to get ip address for us app.enable('trust proxy'); // add middleware app.use(helmet()); // set HTTP headers to protect against well-known web vulnerabilties app.use(express.static(`${__dirname}/public`)); // 'express.static' to serve static files from public directory // note: take in a different public folder, so it can serve it's own bundle from there? app.use(bodyParser.json()); // 'body parser' for parsing application/json app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // 'body parser' for parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded // add custom middleware (note: build out to accept dynamically use what is in server/middleware/ app.use(requestLogger); // configure passport const speechPassport = require('speechPassport'); // initialize passport app.use(cookieSession({ name : 'session', keys : [this.sessionKey], maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // i.e. 24 hours })); app.use(speechPassport.initialize()); app.use(speechPassport.session()); // configure handlebars & register it with express app const hbs = expressHandlebars.create({ defaultLayout: 'embed', handlebars : Handlebars, }); app.engine('handlebars', hbs.engine); app.set('view engine', 'handlebars'); // set the routes on the app require('./routes/auth/')(app); require('./routes/api/')(app); require('./routes/pages/')(app); require('./routes/assets/')(app); require('./routes/fallback/')(app); this.app = app; }; this.initialize = () => { // require('./helpers/configureLogger.js')(logger); // require('./helpers/configureSlack.js')(logger); this.createApp(); this.server = http.Server(this.app); }; this.start = () => { const db = require('./models/'); // sync sequelize db.sequelize.sync() // start the server .then(() => { this.server.listen(this.PORT, () => { logger.info(`Server is listening on PORT ${this.PORT}`); }); }) .catch((error) => { logger.error(`Startup Error:`, error); }); }; }; module.exports = Server;