const chai = require('chai'); const expect = chai.expect; const chaiHttp = require('chai-http'); const { site: { host } } = require('../../config/speechConfig.js'); const { testChannel, testChannelId, testChannelPassword } = require('../../config/testingConfig.js'); const requestTimeout = 20000; const publishTimeout = 120000; const fs = require('fs'); chai.use(chaiHttp); function testFor200StatusResponse (host, url) { return it(`should receive a status code 200 within ${requestTimeout}ms`, function (done) { chai.request(host) .get(url) .end(function (err, res) { expect(err); expect(res).to.have.status(200); done(); }); }).timeout(requestTimeout); } function testShowRequestFor200StatusResponse (host, url) { return it(`should receive a status code 200 within ${requestTimeout}ms`, function (done) { chai.request(host) .get(url) .set('accept', 'text/html') .end(function (err, res) { expect(err); expect(res).to.have.status(200); done(); }); }).timeout(requestTimeout); } describe('end-to-end', function () { describe('serve requests not from browser', function () { const claimUrl = '/doitlive.jpg'; const claimUrlWithShortClaimId = '/d/doitlive.jpg'; const claimUrlWithLongClaimId = '/ca3023187e901df9e9aabd95d6ae09b6cc69b3f0/doitlive.jpg'; describe(claimUrl, function () { testFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrl); }); describe(claimUrlWithShortClaimId, function () { testFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrlWithShortClaimId); }); describe(claimUrlWithLongClaimId, function () { testFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrlWithShortClaimId); }); }); describe('show requests from browser', function () { const claimUrl = '/doitlive'; const claimUrlWithShortClaimId = '/d/doitlive'; const claimUrlWithLongClaimId = '/ca3023187e901df9e9aabd95d6ae09b6cc69b3f0/doitlive'; describe(claimUrl, function () { testShowRequestFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrl); }); describe(claimUrlWithShortClaimId, function () { testShowRequestFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrlWithShortClaimId); }); describe(claimUrlWithLongClaimId, function () { testShowRequestFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrlWithShortClaimId); }); }); describe('serve requests browser (show lite)', function () { const claimUrl = '/doitlive.jpg'; const claimUrlWithShortClaimId = '/d/doitlive.jpg'; const claimUrlWithLongClaimId = '/ca3023187e901df9e9aabd95d6ae09b6cc69b3f0/doitlive.jpg'; describe(claimUrl, function () { testShowRequestFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrl); }); describe(claimUrlWithShortClaimId, function () { testShowRequestFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrlWithShortClaimId); }); describe(claimUrlWithLongClaimId, function () { testShowRequestFor200StatusResponse(host, claimUrlWithShortClaimId); }); }); describe('channel data request from client', function () { const url = '/@test'; const urlWithShortClaimId = '/@test:3'; const urlWithMediumClaimId = '/@test:3b5bc6b6819172c6'; const urlWithLongClaimId = '/@test:3b5bc6b6819172c6e2f3f90aa855b14a956b4a82'; describe(url, function () { it('should pass the tests I write here'); }); describe(urlWithShortClaimId, function () { it('should pass the tests I write here'); }); describe(urlWithMediumClaimId, function () { it('should pass the tests I write here'); }); describe(urlWithLongClaimId, function () { it('should pass the tests I write here'); }); }); describe('publish requests', function () { const publishUrl = '/api/claim/publish'; const filePath = './test/mock-data/bird.jpeg'; const fileName = 'byrd.jpeg'; const channelName = testChannel; const channelId = testChannelId; const channelPassword = testChannelPassword; const date = new Date(); const name = `test-publish-${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth()}-${date.getDate()}-${date.getTime()}`; describe('api/claim/publish', function () { it(`should receive a status code 400 if username does not exist`, function (done) { chai.request(host) .post(publishUrl) .type('form') .attach('file', fs.readFileSync(filePath), fileName) .field('name', name) .field('channelName', `@${name}`) .field('channelPassword', channelPassword) .end(function (err, res) { expect(res).to.have.status(400); done(); }); }).timeout(publishTimeout); it(`should receive a status code 400 if the wrong password is used with the channel name`, function (done) { chai.request(host) .post(publishUrl) .type('form') .attach('file', fs.readFileSync(filePath), fileName) .field('name', name) .field('channelName', channelName) .field('channelPassword', 'xxxxx') .end(function (err, res) { expect(res).to.have.status(400); done(); }); }).timeout(publishTimeout); it(`should receive a status code 400 if the wrong password is used with the channel id`, function (done) { chai.request(host) .post(publishUrl) .type('form') .attach('file', fs.readFileSync(filePath), fileName) .field('name', name) .field('channelName', channelName) .field('channelPassword', 'xxxxx') .end(function (err, res) { expect(res).to.have.status(400); done(); }); }).timeout(publishTimeout); }); describe('anonymous publishes', function () { it(`should receive a status code 200 within ${publishTimeout}ms @usesLbc`, function (done) { chai.request(host) .post(publishUrl) .type('form') .attach('file', fs.readFileSync(filePath), fileName) .field('name', `${name}-anonymous`) .end(function (err, res) { expect(res).to.have.status(200); done(); }); }).timeout(publishTimeout); }); describe('in-channel publishes', function () { it(`should receive a status code 200 within ${publishTimeout}ms @usesLbc`, function (done) { chai.request(host) .post(publishUrl) .type('form') .attach('file', fs.readFileSync(filePath), fileName) .field('name', `${name}-channel`) .field('channelName', channelName) .field('channelPassword', channelPassword) .end(function (err, res) { expect(res).to.have.status(200); done(); }); }).timeout(publishTimeout); }); }); });