const lbryApi = require('../helpers/lbryApi.js'); const db = require('../models'); const logger = require('winston'); const { resolveAgainstClaimTable, serveFile, showFile, showFileLite, getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId, getClaimIdByLongChannelId, getAllChannelClaims, getLongChannelId, getShortChannelIdFromLongChannelId, getLongClaimId } = require('../helpers/serveHelpers.js'); const { postToStats, sendGoogleAnalytics } = require('../controllers/statsController.js'); const { SERVE, SHOW, SHOWLITE } = require('../helpers/constants.js'); function checkForLocalAssetByClaimId (claimId, name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.File .findOne({where: { name, claimId }}) .then(result => { if (result) { resolve(result.dataValues); } else { resolve(null); } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); } function addGetResultsToFileRecord (fileInfo, getResult) { fileInfo.fileName = getResult.file_name; fileInfo.filePath = getResult.download_path; fileInfo.fileType = getResult.mime_type; return fileInfo; } function createFileRecord ({ name, claimId, outpoint, height, address, nsfw }) { return { name, claimId, outpoint, height, address, fileName: '', filePath: '', fileType: '', nsfw, }; } function getAssetByLongClaimId (fullClaimId, name) { logger.debug('...getting asset by claim Id...'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 1. check locally for claim checkForLocalAssetByClaimId(fullClaimId, name) .then(dataValues => { // if a result was found, return early with the result if (dataValues) { logger.debug('found a local file for this name and claimId'); return resolve(dataValues); } logger.debug('no local file found for this name and claimId'); // 2. if no local claim, resolve and get the claim resolveAgainstClaimTable(name, fullClaimId) .then(resolveResult => { logger.debug('resolve result >> ', resolveResult); // if no result, return early (claim doesn't exist or isn't free) if (!resolveResult) { return resolve(null); } let fileRecord = {}; // get the claim lbryApi.getClaim(`${name}#${fullClaimId}`) .then(getResult => { logger.debug('getResult >>', getResult); fileRecord = createFileRecord(resolveResult); fileRecord = addGetResultsToFileRecord(fileRecord, getResult); // insert a record in the File table & Update Claim table return db.File.create(fileRecord); }) .then(fileRecordResults => { logger.debug('File record successfully updated'); resolve(fileRecord); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); } module.exports = { getAssetByClaim (claimName, claimId) { logger.debug('getting asset by claim'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 1. get the long claim id getLongClaimId(claimName, claimId) // here // 2. get the claim Id .then(longClaimId => { logger.debug('long claim id = ', longClaimId); resolve(getAssetByLongClaimId(longClaimId, claimName)); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }, getAssetByChannel (channelName, channelId, claimName) { logger.debug('getting asset by channel'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 1. get the long channel id getLongChannelId(channelName, channelId) // 2. get the claim Id .then(longChannelId => { return getClaimIdByLongChannelId(longChannelId, claimName); }) // 3. get the asset by this claim id and name .then(claimId => { logger.debug('asset claim id = ', claimId); resolve(getAssetByLongClaimId(claimId, claimName)); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }, getChannelContents (channelName, channelId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let longChannelId; let shortChannelId; // 1. get the long channel Id getLongChannelId(channelName, channelId) // 2. get all claims for that channel .then(result => { longChannelId = result; return getShortChannelIdFromLongChannelId(channelName, longChannelId); }) // 3. get all Claim records for this channel .then(result => { shortChannelId = result; return getAllChannelClaims(longChannelId); }) // 4. add extra data not available from Claim table .then(allChannelClaims => { if (allChannelClaims) { allChannelClaims.forEach(element => { element['channelName'] = channelName; element['longChannelId'] = longChannelId; element['shortChannelId'] = shortChannelId; element['fileExtension'] = element.contentType.substring(element.contentType.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); }); } return resolve(allChannelClaims); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); }, serveOrShowAsset (fileInfo, extension, method, headers, originalUrl, ip, res) { // add file extension to the file info if (extension === '.gifv') { fileInfo['fileExt'] = '.gifv'; } else { fileInfo['fileExt'] = fileInfo.fileName.substring(fileInfo.fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); } // serve or show switch (method) { case SERVE: serveFile(fileInfo, res); sendGoogleAnalytics(method, headers, ip, originalUrl); postToStats('serve', originalUrl, ip,, fileInfo.claimId, 'success'); return fileInfo; case SHOWLITE: showFileLite(fileInfo, res); postToStats('show', originalUrl, ip,, fileInfo.claimId, 'success'); return fileInfo; case SHOW: return getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId(fileInfo.claimId, .then(shortId => { fileInfo['shortId'] = shortId; return resolveAgainstClaimTable(, fileInfo.claimId); }) .then(resolveResult => { logger.debug('resolve result', resolveResult); fileInfo['title'] = resolveResult.title; fileInfo['description'] = resolveResult.description; showFile(fileInfo, res); postToStats('show', originalUrl, ip,, fileInfo.claimId, 'success'); return fileInfo; }) .catch(error => { console.log('thowing error...'); throw error; }); default: logger.error('I did not recognize that method'); break; } }, };