const logger = require('winston'); const db = require('../../../../models'); const { details, publishing: { disabled, disabledMessage, primaryClaimAddress } } = require('@config/siteConfig'); const { resolveUri } = require('../../../../lbrynet'); const { sendGATimingEvent } = require('../../../../utils/googleAnalytics.js'); const { handleErrorResponse } = require('../../../utils/errorHandlers.js'); const publish = require('../publish/publish.js'); const parsePublishApiRequestBody = require('../publish/parsePublishApiRequestBody'); const parsePublishApiRequestFiles = require('../publish/parsePublishApiRequestFiles.js'); const authenticateUser = require('../publish/authentication.js'); const createThumbnailPublishParams = require('../publish/createThumbnailPublishParams.js'); const chainquery = require('chainquery'); const createCanonicalLink = require('../../../../../utils/createCanonicalLink'); /* route to update a claim through the daemon */ const updateMetadata = ({nsfw, license, title, description}) => { const update = {}; if (nsfw) update['nsfw'] = nsfw; if (license) update['license'] = license; if (title) update['title'] = title; if (description) update['description'] = description; return update; }; const rando = () => { let text = ''; const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; for (let i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 62)); return text; }; const claimUpdate = ({ body, files, headers, ip, originalUrl, user, tor }, res) => { // logging'Claim update request:', { ip, headers, body, files, user, }); // check for disabled publishing if (disabled) { return res.status(503).json({ success: false, message: disabledMessage, }); } // define variables let channelName, channelId, channelPassword, description, fileName, filePath, fileType, gaStartTime, thumbnail, fileExtension, license, name, nsfw, thumbnailFileName, thumbnailFilePath, thumbnailFileType, title, claimRecord, metadata, publishResult, thumbnailUpdate = false; // record the start time of the request gaStartTime =; try { ({name, nsfw, license, title, description, thumbnail} = parsePublishApiRequestBody(body)); ({fileName, filePath, fileExtension, fileType, thumbnailFileName, thumbnailFilePath, thumbnailFileType} = parsePublishApiRequestFiles(files, true)); ({channelName, channelId, channelPassword} = body); } catch (error) { return res.status(400).json({success: false, message: error.message}); } // check channel authorization authenticateUser(channelName, channelId, channelPassword, user) .then(({ channelName, channelClaimId }) => { if (!channelId) { channelId = channelClaimId; } return chainquery.claim.queries.resolveClaimInChannel(name, channelClaimId).then(claim => claim.dataValues); }) .then(claim => { claimRecord = claim; if (claimRecord.content_type === 'video/mp4' && files.file) { thumbnailUpdate = true; }'claimRecord:', claimRecord); if (!files.file || thumbnailUpdate) { return Promise.all([ db.File.findOne({ where: { name, claimId: claim.claim_id } }), resolveUri(`${}#${claim.claim_id}`), ]); } return [null, null]; }) .then(([fileResult, resolution]) => { metadata = Object.assign({}, { title : claimRecord.title, description: claimRecord.description, nsfw : claimRecord.nsfw, license : claimRecord.license, language : 'en', author : details.title, }, updateMetadata({title, description, nsfw, license})); const publishParams = { name, bid : '0.01', claim_address: primaryClaimAddress, channel_name : channelName, channel_id : channelId, metadata, }; if (files.file) { if (thumbnailUpdate) { // publish new thumbnail const newThumbnailName = `${name}-${rando()}`; const newThumbnailParams = createThumbnailPublishParams(filePath, newThumbnailName, license, nsfw); newThumbnailParams['file_path'] = filePath;'newThumbnailParams:', newThumbnailParams); publish(newThumbnailParams, fileName, fileType); publishParams['sources'] =; publishParams['thumbnail'] = `${}/${newThumbnailParams.channel_name}:${newThumbnailParams.channel_id}/${newThumbnailName}-thumb.jpg`; } else { publishParams['file_path'] = filePath; } } else { fileName = fileResult.fileName; fileType = fileResult.fileType; publishParams['sources'] =; publishParams['thumbnail'] = claimRecord.thumbnail_url; } const fp = files && files.file && files.file.path ? files.file.path : undefined; return publish(publishParams, fileName, fileType, fp); }) .then(result => { publishResult = result; if (channelName) { return chainquery.claim.queries.getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId(result.certificateId, channelName); } else { return chainquery.claim.queries.getShortClaimIdFromLongClaimId(result.claimId, name, result).catch(error => { return result.claimId.slice(0, 1); }); } }) .then(shortId => { let canonicalUrl; if (channelName) { canonicalUrl = createCanonicalLink({ asset: { ...publishResult, channelShortId: shortId } }); } else { canonicalUrl = createCanonicalLink({ asset: { ...publishResult, shortId } }) } if (publishResult.error) { res.status(400).json({ success: false, message: publishResult.message, }); } const {claimId} = publishResult; res.status(200).json({ success: true, message: 'update successful', data : { name, claimId, url : `${}${canonicalUrl}`, // for backwards compatability with app showUrl : `${}${canonicalUrl}`, serveUrl: `${}${canonicalUrl}${fileExtension}`, pushTo : canonicalUrl, claimData: publishResult, }, }); // record the publish end time and send to google analytics sendGATimingEvent('end-to-end', 'update', fileType, gaStartTime,; }) .catch(error => { handleErrorResponse(originalUrl, ip, error, res); }); }; module.exports = claimUpdate;