const logger = require('winston'); const config = require('@config/loggerConfig'); const { logLevel } = config; function configureLogging () {'configuring winston logger...'); if (!config) { return logger.warn('No logger config found'); } if (!logLevel) { logger.warn('No logLevel found in config.'); } // configure the winston logger logger.configure({ transports: [ new (logger.transports.Console)({ level : logLevel || 'debug', timestamp : false, colorize : true, prettyPrint : true, handleExceptions : true, humanReadableUnhandledException: true, }), ], }); // test all the log levels'testing winston log levels...'); logger.warn('Testing: Log Level 1');'Testing: Log Level 2'); logger.verbose('Testing: Log Level 3'); logger.debug('Testing: Log Level 4'); logger.silly('Testing: Log Level 5'); } module.exports = configureLogging;