const logger = require('winston'); const db = require('../../models'); const lbryApi = require('./lbryApi'); function determineShortUrl (claimId, claimList) { logger.debug('determining short url based on claim id and claim list'); const thisClaim = claimList.filter(claim => { // find this claim in the list & store it return claim.claim_id === claimId; })[0]; claimList = claimList.filter(claim => { // remove this claim from the claim list return claim.claim_id !== claimId; }); if (claimList.length === 0) { // if there are no other claims, return the first letter of the claim id return claimId.substring(0, 1); } else { let i = 0; const claimListCopy = claimList; while (claimList.length !== 0) { // filter out matching claims i++; claimList = claimList.filter(claim => { return (claim.claim_id.substring(0, i) === claimId.substring(0, i)); }); } i -= 1; const lastMatch = claimId.substring(0, i); const matchingClaims = claimListCopy.filter(claim => { return (claim.claim_id.substring(0, i) === lastMatch); }); for (let j = 0; j < matchingClaims.length; j++) { if (matchingClaims[j].height < thisClaim.height) { return claimId.substring(0, i + 1); } } return claimId.substring(0, i); } } function checkLocalDbForClaims (name, shortUrl) { return db.File .findAll({ where: { name, claimId: { $like: `${shortUrl}%` }, }, }) .then(records => { logger.debug('number of local search results:', records.length); if (records.length === 0) { return records; } const localClaims = => { // format the data to match what lbry daemon would have returned return { name:, claim_id: record.dataValues.claimId, height: record.dataValues.height }; }); return localClaims; }) .catch(error => { return error; }); } function getClaimAndUpdate (uri, address, height) { // 1. get the claim lbryApi .getClaim(uri) .then(({ name, claim_id, outpoint, file_name, download_path, mime_type, metadata }) => { logger.debug(' Get returned outpoint: ', outpoint); // 2. update the entry in db db.File .update({ outpoint, height, // note: height is coming from the 'resolve', not 'get'. address, // note: address is coming from the 'resolve', not 'get'. fileName: file_name, filePath: download_path, fileType: mime_type, nsfw :, }, { where: { name, claimId: claim_id, }, }) .then(result => { logger.debug('successfully updated mysql record', result); }) .catch(error => { logger.error('sequelize error', error); }); }) .catch(error => { logger.error(`error while getting claim for ${uri} >> `, error); }); } module.exports = { serveFile ({ fileName, fileType, filePath }, res) {`serving file ${fileName}`); // set default options let options = { headers: { 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'Content-Type' : fileType, }, }; // adjust default options as needed switch (fileType) { case 'image/jpeg': break; case 'image/gif': break; case 'image/png': break; case 'video/mp4': break; default: logger.warn('sending file with unknown type as .jpeg'); options['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'; break; } // send the file res.status(200).sendFile(filePath, options); }, getClaimIdByShortUrl (name, shortUrl) { const deferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { lbryApi.getClaimsList(name) // use the daemon to check for claims list .then(({ claims }) => { // if no claims were found, check locally for possible claims logger.debug('Number of claims from getClaimsList:', claims.length); if (claims.length === 0) { logger.debug('no claims found with getClaimsList'); return checkLocalDbForClaims(name, shortUrl); } else { logger.debug('claims were found by getClaimsList'); return claims; } }) .then(claims => { // handle the claims list logger.debug('Claims ready for filtering:', claims); const regex = new RegExp(`^${shortUrl}`); logger.debug('regex:', regex); const filteredClaimsList = claims.filter(claim => { return regex.test(claim.claim_id); }); logger.debug('filtered claims list', filteredClaimsList); switch (filteredClaimsList.length) { case 0: reject(new Error('That is an invalid short url')); break; case 1: resolve(filteredClaimsList[0].claim_id); break; default: const sortedClaimsList = filteredClaimsList.sort((a, b) => { return a.height > b.height; }); resolve(sortedClaimsList[0].claim_id); break; } }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); return deferred; }, getShortUrlByClaimId (name, claimId) { const deferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // get a list of all the claims lbryApi.getClaimsList(name) // find the smallest possible unique url for this claim .then(({ claims }) => { const shortUrl = determineShortUrl(claimId, claims); resolve(shortUrl); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }); return deferred; }, determineShortUrl (claimId, claimList) { return determineShortUrl(claimId, claimList); }, updateFileIfNeeded (uri, localOutpoint, localHeight) { logger.debug(`Initiating resolve to check outpoint for ${uri}`); // 1. resolve claim lbryApi .resolveUri(uri) .then(result => { // check to make sure the result is a claim if (!result.claim) { logger.debug('resolve did not return a claim'); return; } // logger.debug('resolved result:', result); const resolvedOutpoint = `${result.claim.txid}:${result.claim.nout}`; const resolvedHeight = result.claim.height; const resolvedAddress = result.claim.address; logger.debug('database outpoint:', localOutpoint); logger.debug('resolved outpoint:', resolvedOutpoint); // 2. if the outpoint's match, no further work needed if (localOutpoint === resolvedOutpoint) { logger.debug('local outpoint matched'); // 2. if the outpoints don't match, check the height } else if (localHeight > resolvedHeight) { logger.debug('local height was greater than resolved height'); // 2. get the resolved claim } else { logger.debug(`local outpoint did not match for ${uri}. Initiating update.`); getClaimAndUpdate(uri, resolvedAddress, resolvedHeight); } }) .catch(error => { logger.error(error); }); }, getClaimAndHandleResponse (uri, address, height, resolve, reject) { lbryApi .getClaim(uri) .then(({ name, claim_id, outpoint, file_name, download_path, mime_type, metadata }) => { // create entry in the db logger.silly(`creating "${name}" record in File db`); db.File .create({ name, claimId : claim_id, address, // note: comes from parent 'resolve,' not this 'get' call outpoint, height, // note: comes from parent 'resolve,' not this 'get' call fileName: file_name, filePath: download_path, fileType: mime_type, nsfw :, }) .then(result => { logger.debug('successfully created mysql record'); }) .catch(error => { logger.error('sequelize create error', error); }); // resolve the request resolve({ name, claimId : claim_id, fileName: file_name, filePath: download_path, fileType: mime_type, }); }) .catch(error => { reject(error); }); }, getClaimAndReturnResponse (uri, address, height) { const deferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { lbryApi .getClaim(uri) .then(({ name, claim_id, outpoint, file_name, download_path, mime_type, metadata }) => { // create entry in the db logger.silly(`Creating new File record`); db.File .create({ name, claimId : claim_id, address, // note: passed as an arguent, not from this 'get' call outpoint, height, // note: passed as an arguent, not from this 'get' call fileName: file_name, filePath: download_path, fileType: mime_type, nsfw :, }) .then(result => { logger.debug('Successfully created File record'); resolve(result); // note: result.dataValues ? }) .catch(error => { logger.debug('db.File.create error'); reject(error); }); }) .catch(error => { logger.debug('lbryApi.getClaim error'); reject(error); }); }); return deferred; }, };