{{- if .Table.IsJoinTable -}} {{- else -}} {{- $dot := . -}} {{- range .Table.ToOneRelationships -}} {{- $txt := txtsFromOneToOne $dot.Tables $dot.Table . -}} {{- $varNameSingular := .Table | singular | camelCase -}} {{- $foreignVarNameSingular := .ForeignTable | singular | camelCase -}} func test{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}OneToOne{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}_{{$txt.Function.Name}}(t *testing.T) { tx := MustTx(boil.Begin()) defer tx.Rollback() var foreign {{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}} var local {{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}} seed := randomize.NewSeed() if err := randomize.Struct(seed, &foreign, {{$foreignVarNameSingular}}DBTypes, true, {{$foreignVarNameSingular}}ColumnsWithDefault...); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unable to randomize {{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}} struct: %s", err) } if err := randomize.Struct(seed, &local, {{$varNameSingular}}DBTypes, true, {{$varNameSingular}}ColumnsWithDefault...); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unable to randomize {{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}} struct: %s", err) } {{if .ForeignColumnNullable -}} foreign.{{$txt.ForeignTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = true {{- end}} {{if .Nullable -}} local.{{$txt.LocalTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = true {{- end}} if err := local.Insert(tx); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } foreign.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}} = local.{{$txt.Function.LocalAssignment}} if err := foreign.Insert(tx); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } check, err := local.{{$txt.Function.Name}}(tx).One() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } {{if $txt.Function.UsesBytes -}} if 0 != bytes.Compare(check.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}}, foreign.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}}) { {{else -}} if check.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}} != foreign.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}} { {{end -}} t.Errorf("want: %v, got %v", foreign.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}}, check.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}}) } slice := {{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}Slice{&local} if err = local.L.Load{{$txt.Function.Name}}(tx, false, &slice); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if local.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} == nil { t.Error("struct should have been eager loaded") } local.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} = nil if err = local.L.Load{{$txt.Function.Name}}(tx, true, &local); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if local.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} == nil { t.Error("struct should have been eager loaded") } } {{end -}}{{/* range */}} {{- end -}}{{/* join table */}}