package cmds import ( "errors" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "text/template" "" "" ) // cmdData is used globally by all commands to access the table schema data, // the database driver and the output file. cmdData is initialized by // the root SQLBoiler cobra command at run time, before other commands execute. var cmdData *CmdData // templates holds a slice of pointers to all templates in the templates directory. var templates []*template.Template // SQLBoiler is the root app command var SQLBoiler = &cobra.Command{ Use: "sqlboiler", Short: "SQL Boiler generates boilerplate structs and statements", Long: "SQL Boiler generates boilerplate structs and statements.\n" + `Complete documentation is available at`, } // init initializes the sqlboiler flags, such as driver, table, and output file. // It also sets the global preRun hook and postRun hook. Every command will execute // these hooks before and after running to initialize the shared state. func init() { SQLBoiler.PersistentFlags().StringP("driver", "d", "", "The name of the driver in your config.toml (mandatory)") SQLBoiler.PersistentFlags().StringP("table", "t", "", "A comma seperated list of table names") SQLBoiler.PersistentFlags().StringP("out", "o", "", "The name of the output file") SQLBoiler.PersistentPreRun = sqlBoilerPreRun SQLBoiler.PersistentPostRun = sqlBoilerPostRun // Initialize the SQLBoiler commands and hook the custom Run functions initCommands(SQLBoiler, sqlBoilerCommands, sqlBoilerCommandRuns) } // sqlBoilerPostRun cleans up the output file and database connection once // all commands are finished running. func sqlBoilerPostRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { cmdData.OutFile.Close() cmdData.DBDriver.Close() } // sqlBoilerPreRun executes before all commands start running. Its job is to // initialize the shared state object (cmdData). Initialization tasks include // assigning the database driver based off the driver flag and opening the database connection, // retrieving a list of all the tables in the database (if specific tables are not provided // via a flag), building the table schema for use in the templates, and opening the output file // handle if one is specified with a flag. func sqlBoilerPreRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var err error cmdData = &CmdData{} // Initialize the cmdData.DBDriver initDBDriver() // Connect to the driver database if err = cmdData.DBDriver.Open(); err != nil { errorQuit(fmt.Errorf("Unable to connect to the database: %s", err)) } // Initialize the cmdData.TableNames initTableNames() // Initialize the cmdData.TablesInfo initTablesInfo() // Initialize the cmdData.OutFile initOutFile() // Initialize the templates templates, err = initTemplates() if err != nil { errorQuit(fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize templates: %s", err)) } } // initDBDriver attempts to set the cmdData DBDriver based off the passed in // driver flag value. If an invalid flag string is provided the program will exit. func initDBDriver() { // Retrieve driver flag driverName := SQLBoiler.PersistentFlags().Lookup("driver").Value.String() if driverName == "" { errorQuit(errors.New("Must supply a driver flag.")) } // Create a driver based off driver flag switch driverName { case "postgres": cmdData.DBDriver = dbdrivers.NewPostgresDriver( cfg.Postgres.User, cfg.Postgres.Pass, cfg.Postgres.DBName, cfg.Postgres.Host, cfg.Postgres.Port, ) } if cmdData.DBDriver == nil { errorQuit(errors.New("An invalid driver name was provided")) } } // initTableNames will create a string slice out of the passed in table flag value // if one is provided. If no flag is provided, it will attempt to connect to the // database to retrieve all "public" table names, and build a slice out of that result. func initTableNames() { // Retrieve the list of tables tn := SQLBoiler.PersistentFlags().Lookup("table").Value.String() if len(tn) != 0 { cmdData.TableNames = strings.Split(tn, ",") for i, name := range cmdData.TableNames { cmdData.TableNames[i] = strings.TrimSpace(name) } } // If no table names are provided attempt to process all tables in database if len(cmdData.TableNames) == 0 { // get all table names var err error cmdData.TableNames, err = cmdData.DBDriver.GetAllTableNames() if err != nil { errorQuit(fmt.Errorf("Unable to get all table names: %s", err)) } if len(cmdData.TableNames) == 0 { errorQuit(errors.New("No tables found in database, migrate some tables first")) } } } // initTablesInfo builds a description of each table (column name, column type) // and assigns it to cmdData.TablesInfo, the slice of dbdrivers.DBTable slices. func initTablesInfo() { // loop over table Names and build TablesInfo for i := 0; i < len(cmdData.TableNames); i++ { tInfo, err := cmdData.DBDriver.GetTableInfo(cmdData.TableNames[i]) if err != nil { errorQuit(fmt.Errorf("Unable to get the table info: %s", err)) } cmdData.TablesInfo = append(cmdData.TablesInfo, tInfo) } } // initOutFile opens a file handle to the file name specified by the out flag. // If no file name is provided, out will remain nil and future output will be // piped to Stdout instead of to a file. func initOutFile() { // open the out file filehandle outf := SQLBoiler.PersistentFlags().Lookup("out").Value.String() if outf != "" { var err error cmdData.OutFile, err = os.Create(outf) if err != nil { errorQuit(fmt.Errorf("Unable to obtain output file handle: %s", err)) } } } // initTemplates loads all of the template files in the /cmds/templates directory // and returns a slice of pointers to these templates. func initTemplates() ([]*template.Template, error) { wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return nil, err } pattern := filepath.Join(wd, "/cmds/templates", "*.tpl") tpl, err := template.New("").Funcs(sqlBoilerTemplateFuncs).ParseGlob(pattern) if err != nil { return nil, err } return tpl.Templates(), err } // initCommands loads all of the commands in the sqlBoilerCommands and hooks their run functions. func initCommands(rootCmd *cobra.Command, commands map[string]*cobra.Command, commandRuns map[string]CobraRunFunc) { for _, c := range commands { // If there is a commandRun for the command (matched by name) // then set the Run hook r, ok := commandRuns[c.Name()] if ok { c.Run = r } else { c.Run = defaultRun // Load default run if no custom run is found } // Add the command rootCmd.AddCommand(c) } }