var flagDebugMode = flag.Bool("test.sqldebug", false, "Turns on debug mode for SQL statements") var ( dbMain tester ) type tester interface { setup() error conn() (*sql.DB, error) teardown() error } func TestMain(m *testing.M) { if dbMain == nil { fmt.Println("no dbMain tester interface was ready") os.Exit(-1) } rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) var err error // Load configuration err = initViper() if err != nil { fmt.Println("unable to load config file") os.Exit(-2) } setConfigDefaults() if err := validateConfig("{{.DriverName}}"); err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to validate config", err) os.Exit(-3) } // Set DebugMode so we can see generated sql statements flag.Parse() boil.DebugMode = *flagDebugMode if err = dbMain.setup(); err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to execute setup:", err) os.Exit(-4) } conn, err := dbMain.conn() if err != nil { fmt.Println("failed to get connection:", err) } var code int boil.SetDB(conn) code = m.Run() if err = dbMain.teardown(); err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to execute teardown:", err) os.Exit(-5) } os.Exit(code) } func initViper() error { var err error viper.SetConfigName("sqlboiler") configHome := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") homePath := os.Getenv("HOME") wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { wd = "../" } else { wd = wd + "/.." } configPaths := []string{wd} if len(configHome) > 0 { configPaths = append(configPaths, filepath.Join(configHome, "sqlboiler")) } else { configPaths = append(configPaths, filepath.Join(homePath, ".config/sqlboiler")) } for _, p := range configPaths { viper.AddConfigPath(p) } // Ignore errors here, fall back to defaults and validation to provide errs _ = viper.ReadInConfig() viper.AutomaticEnv() return nil } // setConfigDefaults is only necessary because of bugs in viper, noted in main func setConfigDefaults() { if viper.GetString("postgres.sslmode") == "" { viper.Set("postgres.sslmode", "require") } if viper.GetInt("postgres.port") == 0 { viper.Set("postgres.port", 5432) } if viper.GetString("mysql.sslmode") == "" { viper.Set("mysql.sslmode", "true") } if viper.GetInt("mysql.port") == 0 { viper.Set("mysql.port", 3306) } } func validateConfig(driverName string) error { if driverName == "postgres" { return vala.BeginValidation().Validate( vala.StringNotEmpty(viper.GetString("postgres.user"), "postgres.user"), vala.StringNotEmpty(viper.GetString(""), ""), vala.Not(vala.Equals(viper.GetInt("postgres.port"), 0, "postgres.port")), vala.StringNotEmpty(viper.GetString("postgres.dbname"), "postgres.dbname"), vala.StringNotEmpty(viper.GetString("postgres.sslmode"), "postgres.sslmode"), ).Check() } if driverName == "mysql" { return vala.BeginValidation().Validate( vala.StringNotEmpty(viper.GetString("mysql.user"), "mysql.user"), vala.StringNotEmpty(viper.GetString(""), ""), vala.Not(vala.Equals(viper.GetInt("mysql.port"), 0, "mysql.port")), vala.StringNotEmpty(viper.GetString("mysql.dbname"), "mysql.dbname"), vala.StringNotEmpty(viper.GetString("mysql.sslmode"), "mysql.sslmode"), ).Check() } return errors.New("not a valid driver name") }