CREATE TABLE magic ( id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, id_two serial NOT NULL, id_three serial, bool_zero bool, bool_one bool NULL, bool_two bool NOT NULL, bool_three bool NULL DEFAULT FALSE, bool_four bool NULL DEFAULT TRUE, bool_five bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, bool_six bool NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, string_zero VARCHAR(1), string_one VARCHAR(1) NULL, string_two VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, string_three VARCHAR(1) NULL DEFAULT 'a', string_four VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'b', string_five VARCHAR(1000), string_six VARCHAR(1000) NULL, string_seven VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, string_eight VARCHAR(1000) NULL DEFAULT 'abcdefgh', string_nine VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'abcdefgh', string_ten VARCHAR(1000) NULL DEFAULT '', string_eleven VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', big_int_zero bigint, big_int_one bigint NULL, big_int_two bigint NOT NULL, big_int_three bigint NULL DEFAULT 111111, big_int_four bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 222222, big_int_five bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, big_int_six bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, int_zero int, int_one int NULL, int_two int NOT NULL, int_three int NULL DEFAULT 333333, int_four int NOT NULL DEFAULT 444444, int_five int NULL DEFAULT 0, int_six int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, float_zero decimal, float_one numeric, float_two numeric(2,1), float_three numeric(2,1), float_four numeric(2,1) NULL, float_five numeric(2,1) NOT NULL, float_six numeric(2,1) NULL DEFAULT 1.1, float_seven numeric(2,1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1.1, float_eight numeric(2,1) NULL DEFAULT 0.0, float_nine numeric(2,1) NULL DEFAULT 0.0, bytea_zero bytea, bytea_one bytea NULL, bytea_two bytea NOT NULL, bytea_three bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', bytea_four bytea NULL DEFAULT 'b', bytea_five bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT 'abcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh', bytea_six bytea NULL DEFAULT 'hgfedcbahgfedcbahgfedcba', bytea_seven bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT '', bytea_eight bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT '', time_zero timestamp, time_one date, time_two timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, time_three timestamp NULL, time_four timestamp NOT NULL, time_five timestamp NULL DEFAULT '1999-01-08 04:05:06.789', time_six timestamp NULL DEFAULT '1999-01-08 04:05:06.789 -8:00', time_seven timestamp NULL DEFAULT 'January 8 04:05:06 1999 PST', time_eight timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1999-01-08 04:05:06.789', time_nine timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1999-01-08 04:05:06.789 -8:00', time_ten timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT 'January 8 04:05:06 1999 PST', time_eleven date NULL, time_twelve date NOT NULL, time_thirteen date NULL DEFAULT '1999-01-08', time_fourteen date NULL DEFAULT 'January 8, 1999', time_fifteen date NULL DEFAULT '19990108', time_sixteen date NOT NULL DEFAULT '1999-01-08', time_seventeen date NOT NULL DEFAULT 'January 8, 1999', time_eighteen date NOT NULL DEFAULT '19990108', uuid_zero uuid, uuid_one uuid NULL, uuid_two uuid NULL DEFAULT NULL, uuid_three uuid NOT NULL, uuid_four uuid NULL DEFAULT '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8', uuid_five uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8', strange_one integer DEFAULT '5'::integer, strange_two varchar(1000) DEFAULT 5::varchar, strange_three timestamp without time zone default (now() at time zone 'utc'), strange_four timestamp with time zone default (now() at time zone 'utc'), strange_five interval NOT NULL DEFAULT '21 days', strange_six interval NULL DEFAULT '23 hours' ); create table owner ( id serial primary key not null, name varchar(255) not null ); create table cats ( id serial primary key not null, name varchar(255) not null, owner_id int references owner (id) ); create table toys ( id serial primary key not null, name varchar(255) not null ); create table cat_toys ( cat_id int not null references cats (id), toy_id int not null references toys (id), primary key (cat_id, toy_id) ); create table dog_toys ( dog_id int not null, toy_id int not null, primary key (dog_id, toy_id) ); create table dragon_toys ( dragon_id uuid, toy_id uuid, primary key (dragon_id, toy_id) ); create table spider_toys ( spider_id uuid, name character varying, primary key (spider_id) ); /* Test: * Variations of capitalization * Single value columns * Primary key as only value */ create table pals ( pal character varying, primary key (pal) ); create table friend ( friend character varying, primary key (friend) ); create table bro ( bros character varying, primary key (bros) ); create table enemies ( enemies character varying, primary key (enemies) );