package cmds import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "reflect" "sort" "testing" "" ) func TestOutHandler(t *testing.T) { buf := &bytes.Buffer{} saveTestHarnessStdout := testHarnessStdout testHarnessStdout = buf defer func() { testHarnessStdout = saveTestHarnessStdout }() data := tplData{ Table: dbdrivers.Table{ Name: "patrick", }, } templateOutputs := [][]byte{[]byte("hello world"), []byte("patrick's dreams")} if err := outHandler("", templateOutputs, &data, imports{}, false); err != nil { t.Error(err) } if out := buf.String(); out != "package patrick\n\nhello world\npatrick's dreams\n" { t.Errorf("Wrong output: %q", out) } } type NopWriteCloser struct { io.Writer } func (NopWriteCloser) Close() error { return nil } func nopCloser(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser { return NopWriteCloser{w} } func TestOutHandlerFiles(t *testing.T) { saveTestHarnessFileOpen := testHarnessFileOpen defer func() { testHarnessFileOpen = saveTestHarnessFileOpen }() file := &bytes.Buffer{} testHarnessFileOpen = func(path string) (io.WriteCloser, error) { return nopCloser(file), nil } data := tplData{ Table: dbdrivers.Table{Name: "patrick"}, } templateOutputs := [][]byte{[]byte("hello world"), []byte("patrick's dreams")} if err := outHandler("folder", templateOutputs, &data, imports{}, false); err != nil { t.Error(err) } if out := file.String(); out != "package patrick\n\nhello world\npatrick's dreams\n" { t.Errorf("Wrong output: %q", out) } a1 := imports{ standard: importList{ `"fmt"`, }, } file = &bytes.Buffer{} if err := outHandler("folder", templateOutputs, &data, a1, false); err != nil { t.Error(err) } if out := file.String(); out != "package patrick\n\nimport \"fmt\"\nhello world\npatrick's dreams\n" { t.Errorf("Wrong output: %q", out) } a2 := imports{ thirdparty: []string{ `""`, }, } file = &bytes.Buffer{} if err := outHandler("folder", templateOutputs, &data, a2, false); err != nil { t.Error(err) } if out := file.String(); out != "package patrick\n\nimport \"\"\nhello world\npatrick's dreams\n" { t.Errorf("Wrong output: %q", out) } a3 := imports{ standard: importList{ `"fmt"`, `"errors"`, }, thirdparty: importList{ `_ ""`, `_ ""`, `""`, `""`, }, } file = &bytes.Buffer{} sort.Sort(a3.standard) sort.Sort(a3.thirdparty) if err := outHandler("folder", templateOutputs, &data, a3, false); err != nil { t.Error(err) } expectedOut := `package patrick import ( "errors" "fmt" "" _ "" "" _ "" ) hello world patrick's dreams ` if out := file.String(); out != expectedOut { t.Errorf("Wrong output (len %d, len %d): \n\n%q\n\n%q", len(out), len(expectedOut), out, expectedOut) } } func TestSortImports(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() a1 := importList{ `"fmt"`, `"errors"`, } a2 := importList{ `_ ""`, `_ ""`, `""`, `""`, } a1Expected := importList{`"errors"`, `"fmt"`} a2Expected := importList{ `""`, `_ ""`, `""`, `_ ""`, } sort.Sort(a1) if !reflect.DeepEqual(a1, a1Expected) { t.Errorf("Expected a1 to match a1Expected, got: %v", a1) } for i, v := range a1 { if v != a1Expected[i] { t.Errorf("Expected a1[%d] to match a1Expected[%d]:\n%s\n%s\n", i, i, v, a1Expected[i]) } } sort.Sort(a2) if !reflect.DeepEqual(a2, a2Expected) { t.Errorf("Expected a2 to match a2expected, got: %v", a2) } for i, v := range a2 { if v != a2Expected[i] { t.Errorf("Expected a2[%d] to match a2Expected[%d]:\n%s\n%s\n", i, i, v, a1Expected[i]) } } } func TestCombineImports(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() a := imports{ standard: importList{"fmt"}, thirdparty: importList{"", ""}, } b := imports{ standard: importList{"os"}, thirdparty: importList{""}, } c := combineImports(a, b) if c.standard[0] != "fmt" && c.standard[1] != "os" { t.Errorf("Wanted: fmt, os got: %#v", c.standard) } if c.thirdparty[0] != "" && c.thirdparty[1] != "" { t.Errorf("Wanted:, got: %#v", c.thirdparty) } } func TestRemoveDuplicates(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() hasDups := func(possible []string) error { for i := 0; i < len(possible)-1; i++ { for j := i + 1; j < len(possible); j++ { if possible[i] == possible[j] { return fmt.Errorf("found duplicate: %s [%d] [%d]", possible[i], i, j) } } } return nil } if len(removeDuplicates([]string{})) != 0 { t.Error("It should have returned an empty slice") } oneItem := []string{"patrick"} slice := removeDuplicates(oneItem) if ln := len(slice); ln != 1 { t.Error("Length was wrong:", ln) } else if oneItem[0] != slice[0] { t.Errorf("Slices differ: %#v %#v", oneItem, slice) } slice = removeDuplicates([]string{"hello", "patrick", "hello"}) if ln := len(slice); ln != 2 { t.Error("Length was wrong:", ln) } if err := hasDups(slice); err != nil { t.Error(err) } slice = removeDuplicates([]string{"five", "patrick", "hello", "hello", "patrick", "hello", "hello"}) if ln := len(slice); ln != 3 { t.Error("Length was wrong:", ln) } if err := hasDups(slice); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } func TestCombineStringSlices(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var a, b []string slice := combineStringSlices(a, b) if ln := len(slice); ln != 0 { t.Error("Len was wrong:", ln) } a = []string{"1", "2"} slice = combineStringSlices(a, b) if ln := len(slice); ln != 2 { t.Error("Len was wrong:", ln) } else if slice[0] != a[0] || slice[1] != a[1] { t.Errorf("Slice mismatch: %#v %#v", a, slice) } b = a a = nil slice = combineStringSlices(a, b) if ln := len(slice); ln != 2 { t.Error("Len was wrong:", ln) } else if slice[0] != b[0] || slice[1] != b[1] { t.Errorf("Slice mismatch: %#v %#v", b, slice) } a = b b = []string{"3", "4"} slice = combineStringSlices(a, b) if ln := len(slice); ln != 4 { t.Error("Len was wrong:", ln) } else if slice[0] != a[0] || slice[1] != a[1] || slice[2] != b[0] || slice[3] != b[1] { t.Errorf("Slice mismatch: %#v + %#v != #%v", a, b, slice) } }