{{if hasPrimaryKey .Table.PKey -}} {{- $tableNameSingular := titleCaseSingular .Table.Name -}} {{- $varNameSingular := camelCaseSingular .Table.Name -}} // Update updates a single {{$tableNameSingular}} record. // whitelist is a list of column_name's that should be updated. // Update will match against the primary key column to find the record to update. // WARNING: This Update method will NOT ignore nil members. // If you pass in nil members, those columnns will be set to null. func (o *{{$tableNameSingular}}) Update(whitelist ... string) error { return o.UpdateX(boil.GetDB(), whitelist...) } func (o *{{$tableNameSingular}}) UpdateX(exec boil.Executor, whitelist ... string) error { return o.UpdateAtX(exec, {{titleCaseCommaList "o." .Table.PKey.Columns}}, whitelist...) } func (o *{{$tableNameSingular}}) UpdateAt({{primaryKeyFuncSig .Table.Columns .Table.PKey.Columns}}, whitelist ...string) error { return o.UpdateAtX(boil.GetDB(), {{camelCaseCommaList "" .Table.PKey.Columns}}, whitelist...) } func (o *{{$tableNameSingular}}) UpdateAtX(exec boil.Executor, {{primaryKeyFuncSig .Table.Columns .Table.PKey.Columns}}, whitelist ...string) error { if err := o.doBeforeUpdateHooks(); err != nil { return err } if len(whitelist) == 0 { cols := {{$varNameSingular}}ColumnsWithoutDefault cols = append(boil.NonZeroDefaultSet({{$varNameSingular}}ColumnsWithDefault, o), cols...) // Subtract primary keys and autoincrement columns cols = boil.SetComplement(cols, {{$varNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyColumns) cols = boil.SetComplement(cols, {{$varNameSingular}}AutoIncrementColumns) whitelist = make([]string, len(cols)) copy(whitelist, cols) } var err error if len(whitelist) != 0 { query := fmt.Sprintf(`UPDATE {{.Table.Name}} SET %s WHERE %s`, boil.SetParamNames(whitelist), boil.WherePrimaryKey(len(whitelist)+1, {{commaList .Table.PKey.Columns}})) _, err = exec.Exec(query, boil.GetStructValues(o, whitelist...), {{paramsPrimaryKey "o." .Table.PKey.Columns true}}) } else { return fmt.Errorf("{{.PkgName}}: unable to update {{.Table.Name}}, could not build a whitelist for row: %s", err) } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("{{.PkgName}}: unable to update {{.Table.Name}} row: %s", err) } if err := o.doAfterUpdateHooks(); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (v {{$varNameSingular}}Query) UpdateAll(cols M) error { return nil } {{- end}}