diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 99eec1d..a57f9fd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -57,16 +57,49 @@ By verifying the infohash, Quay can be sure that only their content is being sha
 ### Getting Started
-In order to compile the project, the [latest stable version of Go] and a [working Go environment] are required.
+#### Building from HEAD
+In order to compile the project, the [latest stable version of Go] and knowledge of a [working Go environment] are required.
-$ go get -t -u github.com/chihaya/chihaya
-$ go install github.com/chihaya/chihaya/cmd/chihaya
+$ mkdir chihaya
+$ export GOPATH=$PWD/chihaya
+$ go get -t -u github.com/chihaya/chihaya/...
+$ $GOPATH/bin/chihaya --help
 [latest stable version of Go]: https://golang.org/dl
 [working Go environment]: https://golang.org/doc/code.html
+#### Reproducible Builds
+Reproducible builds are handled by using [glide] to vendor dependencies.
+$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/chihaya/chihaya
+$ glide install
+$ go install github.com/chihaya/chihaya/...
+$ $GOPATH/bin/chihaya --help
+[glide]: https://glide.sh
+#### Docker
+Docker containers are available for [HEAD] and [stable] releases.
+[HEAD]: https://quay.io/jzelinskie/chihaya-git
+[stable]: https://quay.io/jzelinskie/chihaya
+#### Testing
+The following will run all tests and benchmarks.
+Removing `-bench` will just run unit tests.
+$ go test -bench $(glide novendor | grep -v contrib)
 ### Contributing
 Long-term discussion and bug reports are maintained via [GitHub Issues].
diff --git a/example_config.yaml b/example_config.yaml
index 8d28b61..2fafc60 100644
--- a/example_config.yaml
+++ b/example_config.yaml
@@ -67,22 +67,22 @@ chihaya:
   # This block defines configuration used for middleware executed before a
   # response has been returned to a BitTorrent client.
-  - name: jwt
-    config:
-      issuer: "https://issuer.com"
-      audience: "https://chihaya.issuer.com"
-      jwk_set_url: "https://issuer.com/keys"
-      jwk_set_update_interval: 5m
+  #- name: jwt
+  #  config:
+  #    issuer: "https://issuer.com"
+  #    audience: "https://chihaya.issuer.com"
+  #    jwk_set_url: "https://issuer.com/keys"
+  #    jwk_set_update_interval: 5m
-  - name: client approval
-    config:
-      whitelist:
-      - "OP1011"
-      blacklist:
-      - "OP1012"
+  #- name: client approval
+  #  config:
+  #    whitelist:
+  #    - "OP1011"
+  #    blacklist:
+  #    - "OP1012"
-  - name: interval variation
-    config:
-      modify_response_probability: 0.2
-      max_increase_delta: 60
-      modify_min_interval: true
+  #- name: interval variation
+  #  config:
+  #    modify_response_probability: 0.2
+  #    max_increase_delta: 60
+  #    modify_min_interval: true