# LBRY Tracker The LBRY tracker is a server that helps peers find each other. It was forked from [Chihaya](https://github.com/chihaya/chihaya), an open-source [BitTorrent tracker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent_tracker). ## Installation and Usage ### Building from HEAD In order to compile the project, the [latest stable version of Go] and knowledge of a [working Go environment] are required. ```sh git clone git@github.com:lbryio/tracker.git cd tracker go build ./cmd/chihaya ./chihaya --help ``` [latest stable version of Go]: https://golang.org/dl [working Go environment]: https://golang.org/doc/code.html ### Testing The following will run all tests and benchmarks. Removing `-bench` will just run unit tests. ```sh go test -bench $(go list ./...) ``` The tracker executable contains a command to end-to-end test a BitTorrent tracker. See ```sh tracker --help ``` ### Configuration Configuration of the tracker is done via one YAML configuration file. The `dist/` directory contains an example configuration file. Files and directories under `docs/` contain detailed information about configuring middleware, storage implementations, architecture etc. This is an example for an UDP server running on 9252 with metrics enabled. Remember to **change the private key** to some random string. ``` --- chihaya: announce_interval: "30m" min_announce_interval: "15m" metrics_addr: "" udp: addr: "" max_clock_skew: "10s" private_key: ">>>>CHANGE THIS TO SOME RANDOM THING<<<<" enable_request_timing: false allow_ip_spoofing: false max_numwant: 100 default_numwant: 50 max_scrape_infohashes: 50 storage: name: "memory" config: gc_interval: "3m" peer_lifetime: "31m" shard_count: 1024 prometheus_reporting_interval: "1s" ``` # Running from Docker This section assumes `docker` and `docker-compose` to be installed on a Linux distro. Please check official docs on how to install [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) and [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/). ## Docker Compose from lbry/tracker In order to define a tracker service and let Docker Compose manage it, create a file named `docker-compose.yml` with: ``` version: "3" services: tracker: image: lbry/tracker command: --config /config/conf.yml volumes: - .:/config network_mode: host restart: always ``` Unfortunately the tracker does not work without `network_mode: host` due some bug with UDP on Docker. In this mode, firewall configuration needs to be done manually. If using `ufw`, try `ufw allow 9252`. Now, move the configuration to the same directory as `docker-compose.yml`, naming it `conf.yml`. If it is not ready, check the configuration section above. Start the tracker by running the following in the same directory as the compose file: `docker-compose up -d` Logs can be read with: `docker-compose logs` To stop: `docker-compose down` ## Building the containter A Dockerfile is provided within the repo. To build the container locally, run this command on the same directory the repo was cloned: `sudo docker build -f Dockerfile . -t some_name/tracker:latest` It will produce an image called `some_name/tracker`, which can be used in the Docker Compose section. # Running from source as a service For ease of maintenance, it is recommended to run the tracker as a service. This is an example for running it under as the current user using `systemd`: ``` [Unit] Description=Chihaya BT tracker After=network.target [Service] Type=simple #User=chihaya #Group=chihaya WorkingDirectory=/home/user/github/tracker ExecStart=/home/user/github/tracker/chihaya --config dist/example_config.yaml Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` To try it, change `/home/user/github/tracker` to where the code was cloned and run: ```bash= mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user # PASTE FILE IN ~/.config/systemd/user/tracker.service systemctl --user enable tracker systemctl --user start tracker systemctl --user status tracker ``` ## Contributing Contributions to this project are welcome, encouraged, and compensated. For more details, please check [this](https://lbry.tech/contribute) link. ## License LBRY's code changes are MIT licensed, and the upstream Chihaya code is licensed under a BSD 2-Clause license. For the full license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE). ## Security We take security seriously. Please contact security@lbry.com regarding any security issues. [Our PGP key is here](https://lbry.com/faq/pgp-key) if you need it. ## Contact The primary contact for this project is [@shyba](mailto:vshyba@lbry.com).