package middleware

import (


// Hook abstracts the concept of anything that needs to interact with a
// BitTorrent client's request and response to a BitTorrent tracker.
// PreHooks and PostHooks both use the same interface.
// A Hook can implement stop.Stopper if clean shutdown is required.
type Hook interface {
	HandleAnnounce(context.Context, *bittorrent.AnnounceRequest, *bittorrent.AnnounceResponse) (context.Context, error)
	HandleScrape(context.Context, *bittorrent.ScrapeRequest, *bittorrent.ScrapeResponse) (context.Context, error)

type skipSwarmInteraction struct{}

// SkipSwarmInteractionKey is a key for the context of an Announce to control
// whether the swarm interaction middleware should run.
// Any non-nil value set for this key will cause the swarm interaction
// middleware to skip.
var SkipSwarmInteractionKey = skipSwarmInteraction{}

type swarmInteractionHook struct {
	store storage.PeerStore

func (h *swarmInteractionHook) HandleAnnounce(ctx context.Context, req *bittorrent.AnnounceRequest, resp *bittorrent.AnnounceResponse) (_ context.Context, err error) {
	if ctx.Value(SkipSwarmInteractionKey) != nil {
		return ctx, nil

	switch {
	case req.Event == bittorrent.Stopped:
		err =, req.Peer)
		if err != nil && err != storage.ErrResourceDoesNotExist {
			return ctx, err

		err =, req.Peer)
		if err != nil && err != storage.ErrResourceDoesNotExist {
			return ctx, err
	case req.Event == bittorrent.Completed:
		err =, req.Peer)
		return ctx, err
	case req.Left == 0:
		// Completed events will also have Left == 0, but by making this
		// an extra case we can treat "old" seeders differently from
		// graduating leechers. (Calling PutSeeder is probably faster
		// than calling GraduateLeecher.)
		err =, req.Peer)
		return ctx, err
		err =, req.Peer)
		return ctx, err

	return ctx, nil

func (h *swarmInteractionHook) HandleScrape(ctx context.Context, _ *bittorrent.ScrapeRequest, _ *bittorrent.ScrapeResponse) (context.Context, error) {
	// Scrapes have no effect on the swarm.
	return ctx, nil

type skipResponseHook struct{}

// SkipResponseHookKey is a key for the context of an Announce or Scrape to
// control whether the response middleware should run.
// Any non-nil value set for this key will cause the response middleware to
// skip.
var SkipResponseHookKey = skipResponseHook{}

type scrapeAddressType struct{}

// ScrapeIsIPv6Key is the key under which to store whether or not the
// address used to request a scrape was an IPv6 address.
// The value is expected to be of type bool.
// A missing value or a value that is not a bool for this key is equivalent to
// it being set to false.
var ScrapeIsIPv6Key = scrapeAddressType{}

type responseHook struct {
	store storage.PeerStore

func (h *responseHook) HandleAnnounce(ctx context.Context, req *bittorrent.AnnounceRequest, resp *bittorrent.AnnounceResponse) (_ context.Context, err error) {
	if ctx.Value(SkipResponseHookKey) != nil {
		return ctx, nil

	// Add the Scrape data to the response.
	s :=, req.IP.AddressFamily)
	resp.Incomplete = s.Incomplete
	resp.Complete = s.Complete

	err = h.appendPeers(req, resp)
	return ctx, err

func (h *responseHook) appendPeers(req *bittorrent.AnnounceRequest, resp *bittorrent.AnnounceResponse) error {
	seeding := req.Left == 0
	peers, err :=, seeding, int(req.NumWant), req.Peer)
	if err != nil && err != storage.ErrResourceDoesNotExist {
		return err

	// Some clients expect a minimum of their own peer representation returned to
	// them if they are the only peer in a swarm.
	if len(peers) == 0 {
		if seeding {
		} else {
		peers = append(peers, req.Peer)

	switch req.IP.AddressFamily {
	case bittorrent.IPv4:
		resp.IPv4Peers = peers
	case bittorrent.IPv6:
		resp.IPv6Peers = peers
		panic("attempted to append peer that is neither IPv4 nor IPv6")

	return nil

func (h *responseHook) HandleScrape(ctx context.Context, req *bittorrent.ScrapeRequest, resp *bittorrent.ScrapeResponse) (context.Context, error) {
	if ctx.Value(SkipResponseHookKey) != nil {
		return ctx, nil

	for _, infoHash := range req.InfoHashes {
		resp.Files = append(resp.Files,, req.AddressFamily))

	return ctx, nil