// Package clientapproval implements a Hook that fails an Announce based on a
// whitelist or blacklist of BitTorrent client IDs.
package clientapproval

import (

	yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"


// Name is the name by which this middleware is registered with Chihaya.
const Name = "client approval"

func init() {
	middleware.RegisterDriver(Name, driver{})

var _ middleware.Driver = driver{}

type driver struct{}

func (d driver) NewHook(optionBytes []byte) (middleware.Hook, error) {
	var cfg Config
	err := yaml.Unmarshal(optionBytes, &cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid options for middleware %s: %s", Name, err)

	return NewHook(cfg)

// ErrClientUnapproved is the error returned when a client's PeerID is invalid.
var ErrClientUnapproved = bittorrent.ClientError("unapproved client")

// Config represents all the values required by this middleware to validate
// peers based on their BitTorrent client ID.
type Config struct {
	Whitelist []string `yaml:"whitelist"`
	Blacklist []string `yaml:"blacklist"`

type hook struct {
	approved   map[bittorrent.ClientID]struct{}
	unapproved map[bittorrent.ClientID]struct{}

// NewHook returns an instance of the client approval middleware.
func NewHook(cfg Config) (middleware.Hook, error) {
	h := &hook{
		approved:   make(map[bittorrent.ClientID]struct{}),
		unapproved: make(map[bittorrent.ClientID]struct{}),

	if len(cfg.Whitelist) > 0 && len(cfg.Blacklist) > 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("using both whitelist and blacklist is invalid")

	for _, cidString := range cfg.Whitelist {
		cidBytes := []byte(cidString)
		if len(cidBytes) != 6 {
			return nil, errors.New("client ID " + cidString + " must be 6 bytes")
		var cid bittorrent.ClientID
		copy(cid[:], cidBytes)
		h.approved[cid] = struct{}{}

	for _, cidString := range cfg.Blacklist {
		cidBytes := []byte(cidString)
		if len(cidBytes) != 6 {
			return nil, errors.New("client ID " + cidString + " must be 6 bytes")
		var cid bittorrent.ClientID
		copy(cid[:], cidBytes)
		h.unapproved[cid] = struct{}{}

	return h, nil

func (h *hook) HandleAnnounce(ctx context.Context, req *bittorrent.AnnounceRequest, resp *bittorrent.AnnounceResponse) (context.Context, error) {
	clientID := bittorrent.NewClientID(req.Peer.ID)

	if len(h.approved) > 0 {
		if _, found := h.approved[clientID]; !found {
			return ctx, ErrClientUnapproved

	if len(h.unapproved) > 0 {
		if _, found := h.unapproved[clientID]; found {
			return ctx, ErrClientUnapproved

	return ctx, nil

func (h *hook) HandleScrape(ctx context.Context, req *bittorrent.ScrapeRequest, resp *bittorrent.ScrapeResponse) (context.Context, error) {
	// Scrapes don't require any protection.
	return ctx, nil