// Copyright 2013 The Chihaya Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the BSD 2-Clause license, // which can be found in the LICENSE file. package gazelle import ( "bytes" "log" "time" ) func (c *Conn) flushTorrents() { var query bytes.Buffer c.waitGroup.Add(1) defer c.waitGroup.Done() var count int for { length := len(c.torrentChannel) query.Reset() query.WriteString("INSERT INTO torrents (ID, Snatched, Seeders, Leechers, last_action) VALUES\n") for count = 0; count < length; count++ { s := <-c.torrentChannel if s == "" { break } query.WriteString(s) if count != length-1 { query.WriteRune(',') } } if !c.terminate { log.Printf("[torrents] Flushing %d\n", count) } if count > 0 { query.WriteString("\nON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Snatched = Snatched + VALUES(Snatched), " + "Seeders = VALUES(Seeders), Leechers = VALUES(Leechers), " + "last_action = IF(last_action < VALUES(last_action), VALUES(last_action), last_action);") c.Exec(query.String()) if length < cap(c.torrentChannel)/2 { time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond) } } else if c.terminate { break } else { time.Sleep(time.Second) } } } func (c *Conn) flushUsers() {} func (c *Conn) flushTransferHistory() {} func (c *Conn) flushTransferIps() {} func (c *Conn) flushSnatches() {}