const winston = require('winston'), fs = require('fs'), yaml = require('js-yaml'), coind = require('node-gameunits'); const Twitter = require('twitter'); // check if the config file exists if (!fs.existsSync('./config/config.yml')) { winston.error("Configuration file doesn't exist! Please read the file first."); process.exit(1); } // load settings const settings = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('./config/config.yml', 'utf-8')); // load winston's cli defaults winston.cli(); // write logs to file if (settings.log.file) { winston.add(winston.transports.File, { filename: settings.log.file, level: 'debug' }); } // connect to coin json-rpc'Connecting to coind...'); let coin = coind({ host:, port: settings.rpc.port, user: settings.rpc.user, pass: settings.rpc.pass }); // checking if we are connected. coin.getBalance(function (err, balance) { if (err) { winston.error('Could not connect to %s RPC API! ', settings.coin.full_name, err); process.exit(1); return; } var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance;'Connected to JSON RPC API. Current total balance is %d' + settings.coin.short_name, balance); }); // connect to twitter'Connecting to Twitter'); var client = new Twitter({ consumer_key: settings.twitter.consumer_key, consumer_secret: settings.twitter.consumer_secret, access_token_key: settings.twitter.access_token_key, access_token_secret: settings.twitter.access_token_secret }); // client.get('followers/ids', function (error, tweets, response) { if (error) { console.log(error); }'Connected to Twitter. Followers:' + tweets.ids.length); }); // basic handlers var locks = []; function makeid() { var text = ''; var possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; } function replytweet(to, replyid, themessage) {'Preparing tweet' + '@' + to + ' :' + themessage); var newtweet = '@' + to + ' ' + themessage + ' \nMsg_ID:(' + makeid() + ')';'' + '@' + to + ' :' + newtweet);'statuses/update', { status: newtweet, in_reply_to_status_id: replyid }, function (error, params, response) { if (error) { console.log(error); //throw error; } console.log('Tweeting'); }); } function getAddress(nickname, callback) { winston.debug('Requesting address for %s', nickname); coin.send('getaccountaddress', settings.rpc.prefix + nickname.toLowerCase(), function (err, address) { if (err) { winston.error('Something went wrong while getting address. ' + err); callback(err); return false; } callback(false, address); }); } String.prototype.expand = function (values) { var global = { nick: settings.twitter.twittername }; return this.replace(/%([a-zA-Z_]+)%/g, function (str, variable) { return typeof values[variable] == 'undefined' ? (typeof settings.coin[variable] == 'undefined' ? (typeof global[variable] == 'undefined' ? str : global[variable]) : settings.coin[variable]) : values[variable]; }); };'statuses/filter', {track: settings.twitter.twitterkeyword}, function (stream) { stream.on('error', function (error) { winston.error('Something went wrong with the twitter streaming api.'); winston.error(error); }); stream.on('end', function (reason) { winston.error('Twitter streaming api failed with'); winston.error(reason); }); stream.on('data', function (tweet) { console.log('@' + tweet.user.screen_name + '|' + tweet.text); if (tweet.text.substring(0, 2) === 'RT') { console.log('Retweet Ingrored'); return; } var regex = new RegExp('(' + settings.twitter.twitterkeyword + ')(\\s)([a-zA-Z]+)', 'i'); var match = tweet.text.match(regex); if (match == null) return; var command = match[3]; var from = tweet.user.screen_name; var msg = tweet.txt; var message = tweet.text; var replyid = tweet.id_str; if (command == 'help' || command == 'terms') { for (var i = 0; i < settings.messages[command].length; i++) { replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages[command][i].expand({})); } return; } switch (command) { case 'tip': var regex = new RegExp('(' + settings.twitter.twitterkeyword + ')(\\s)([a-zA-Z]+)(\\s)(\\@)(.+)(\\s)(.+)', 'i'); //Uglyfix var match = tweet.text.match(regex); console.log('tip'); console.log(match[0] + ',' + match[1] + ',' + match[2] + ',' + match[3] + ',' + match[4] + ',' + match[5] + ',' + match[6] + ',' + match[7] + ',' + match[8]); if (match == null || match.length < 3) { replytweet(from, replyid, 'Usage: nameofbot tip '); return; } var to = match[6]; var amount = Number(match[8]); console.log('To:' + amount); // lock if (locks.hasOwnProperty(from.toLowerCase()) && locks[from.toLowerCase()]) return; locks[from.toLowerCase()] = true; if (isNaN(amount)) { locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null; replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.invalid_amount.expand({name: from, amount: match[8]})); return; } if (to.toLowerCase() == from.toLowerCase()) { locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null; replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.tip_self.expand({name: from})); return; } if (amount < settings.coin.min_tip) { locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null; replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.tip_too_small.expand({ from: from, to: to, amount: amount })); return; } // check balance with min. 5 confirmations coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), settings.coin.min_confirmations, function (err, balance) { if (err) { locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null; winston.error('Error in tip command.', err); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from})); return; } var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance; if (balance >= amount) { coin.send('move', settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), settings.rpc.prefix + to.toLowerCase(), amount, function (err, reply) { locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null; if (err || reply) { winston.error('Error in tip command', err); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from})); return; }'%s tipped %s %d%s', from, to, amount, settings.coin.short_name); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.tipped.expand({ from: from, to: to, amount: amount })); }); } else { locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null;'%s tried to tip %s %d, but has only %d', from, to, amount, balance); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.no_funds.expand({ name: from, balance: balance, short: amount - balance, amount: amount })); } }); break; case 'address': console.log('adress'); var user = from.toLowerCase(); getAddress(user, function (err, address) { if (err) { winston.error('Error in address command', err); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from})); return; } replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.deposit_address.expand({name: user, address: address})); }); break; case 'balance': console.log('balance'); var user = from.toLowerCase(); coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + user, settings.coin.min_confirmations, function (err, balance) { if (err) { winston.error('Error in balance command', err); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from})); return; } var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance; coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + user, 0, function (err, unconfirmed_balance) { if (err) { winston.error('Error in balance command', err); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.balance.expand({balance: balance, name: user})); return; } var unconfirmed_balance = typeof unconfirmed_balance == 'object' ? unconfirmed_balance.result : unconfirmed_balance; replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.balance_unconfirmed.expand({ balance: balance, name: user, unconfirmed: unconfirmed_balance - balance })); }); }); break; case 'withdraw': console.log('withdrawl'); var user = from.toLowerCase(); var match = message.match(/.?withdraw (\S+)$/); if (match == null) { replytweet(from, replyid, 'Usage: withdraw <' + settings.coin.full_name + ' address>'); return; } var address = match[1]; coin.validateAddress(address, function (err, reply) { if (err) { winston.error('Error in withdraw command', err); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from})); return; } if (reply.isvalid) { coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), settings.coin.min_confirmations, function (err, balance) { if (err) { winston.error('Error in withdraw command', err); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from})); return; } var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance; if (balance < settings.coin.min_withdraw) { winston.warn('%s tried to withdraw %d, but min is set to %d', from, balance, settings.coin.min_withdraw); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.withdraw_too_small.expand({ name: from, balance: balance })); return; } coin.sendFrom(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), address, balance - settings.coin.withdrawal_fee, function (err, reply) { if (err) { winston.error('Error in withdraw command', err); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from})); return; } var values = { name: from, address: address, balance: balance, amount: balance - settings.coin.withdrawal_fee, transaction: reply }; for (var i = 0; i < settings.messages.withdraw_success.length; i++) { var msg = settings.messages.withdraw_success[i]; replytweet(from, replyid, msg.expand(values)); } // transfer the rest (withdrawal fee - txfee) to bots wallet coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), function (err, balance) { if (err) { winston.error('Something went wrong while transferring fees', err); return; } var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance; // moves the rest to bot's wallet coin.move(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), settings.rpc.prefix + settings.twitter.twittername.toLowerCase(), balance); }); }); }); } else { winston.warn('%s tried to withdraw to an invalid address', from); replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.invalid_address.expand({ address: address, name: from })); } }); break; default: winston.warn('Invalid Command' + command); replytweet(from, replyid, 'Invalid command. Tweet "@LBC_TipBot lbryian help" for list of commands or see reply below'); break; } }); });