diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index be2b461..2a792d9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,13 +1,101 @@
-# YT Sync Process
+# YTSync Tool
+This tool serves lbry to parse youtube channels that want their content mirrored on LBRY.
-- make sure you don't have a `.lbryum/wallets/default_wallet` 
-  - delete existing wallet if there's nothing you need there, or better yet, move it somewhere else in case you need it later
-- make sure daemon is stopped and can be controlled with `systemctl`
-- after sync is complete, daemon will be stopped and wallet will be moved to `~/wallets/`
-- now mark content as synced in doc
+The tool downloads the entire set of public videos from a given channel, publishes them to LBRY and populates our private database in order to keep track of what's publishes.
+With the support of said database, the tool is also able to keep all the channels updated.
-Running the sync command for a channel that was already started will resume the sync. This can also be used to update a channel with new
-content that was put on Youtube since the last sync.
+# Requirements
+- lbrynet SDK https://github.com/lbryio/lbry/releases (We strive to keep the latest release of ytsync compatible with the latest major release of the SDK)
+- a lbrycrd node running (localhost or on a remote machine) with credits in it
+# Setup
+- make sure daemon is stopped and can be controlled through `systemctl` (find example below)
+- extract the ytsync binary anywhere
+- add the environment variables necessary to the tool
+  - export SLACK_TOKEN="a-token-to-spam-your-slack"
+  - export SLACK_CHANNEL="youtube-status"
+  - export YOUTUBE_API_KEY="youtube-api-key"
+  - export LBRY_WEB_API="https://lbry-api-url-here"
+  - export LBRY_API_TOKEN="internal-apis-token-for-ytsync-user"
+  - export LBRYCRD_STRING="tcp://user:password@host:5429"
+  - export AWS_S3_ID="THE-ID-LIES-HERE"
+  - export AWS_S3_REGION="us-east-1"
+  - export AWS_S3_BUCKET="ytsync-wallets"
+## systemd script example
+Description="LBRYnet daemon"
+ExecStart=/opt/lbry/lbrynet start
+# Instructions
+Publish youtube channels into LBRY network automatically.
+  ytsync [flags]
+      --after int                   Specify from when to pull jobs [Unix time](Default: 0)
+      --before int                  Specify until when to pull jobs [Unix time](Default: current Unix time) (default 1582834707)
+      --channelID string            If specified, only this channel will be synced.
+      --concurrent-jobs int         how many jobs to process concurrently (default 1)
+  -h, --help                        help for ytsync
+      --limit int                   limit the amount of channels to sync
+      --max-length float            Maximum video length to process (in hours) (default 2)
+      --max-size int                Maximum video size to process (in MB) (default 2048)
+      --max-tries int               Number of times to try a publish that fails (default 3)
+      --run-once                    Whether the process should be stopped after one cycle or not
+      --skip-space-check            Do not perform free space check on startup
+      --status string               Specify which queue to pull from. Overrides --update
+      --stop-on-error               If a publish fails, stop all publishing and exit
+      --takeover-existing-channel   If channel exists and we don't own it, take over the channel
+      --update                      Update previously synced channels instead of syncing new ones
+      --videos-limit int            how many videos to process per channel (default 1000)
+## Running from Source
+Clone the repository and run `make` 
+## License
+This project is MIT licensed. For the full license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE).
+## Contributing
+Contributions to this project are welcome, encouraged, and compensated. For more details, see [CONTRIBUTING](https://lbry.tech/contribute).
+## Security
+We take security seriously. Please contact [security@lbry.io](mailto:security@lbry.io) regarding any security issues. Our PGP key is [here](https://keybase.io/lbry/key.asc) if you need it.
+## Contact
+The primary contact for this project is [Niko Storni](https://github.com/nikooo777) (niko@lbry.io).
+## Additional Info and Links
+- [https://lbry.io](https://lbry.io) - The live LBRY website
+- [Discord Chat](https://chat.lbry.io) - A chat room for the LBRYians
+- [Email us](mailto:hello@lbry.io) - LBRY Support email
+- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/@lbryio) - LBRY Twitter page
+- [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/lbryio/) - LBRY Facebook page
+- [Reddit](https://reddit.com/r/lbry) - LBRY Reddit page
+- [Telegram](https://t.me/lbryofficial) - Telegram group