package local import ( "database/sql" _ "" log "" ) type SyncDb struct { db *sql.DB } type SyncDbSummary struct { Total int CachedUnpublished int UncachedUnpublished int LatestKnown int64 LatestPublished int64 } func NewSyncDb(path string) (*SyncDb, error) { db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", path) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error opening cache DB at %s: %v", path, err) return nil, err } cache := SyncDb { db: db, } err = cache.ensureSchema() if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error while ensuring sync DB structure: %v", err) return nil, err } return &cache, nil } func (c *SyncDb) Close() error { return c.db.Close() } func (c *SyncDb) SaveKnownVideo(video SourceVideo) error { if video.ID == "" { log.Warnf("Trying to save a video with no ID: %v", video) } insertSql := ` INSERT INTO videos ( source, native_id, title, description, source_url, release_time, thumbnail_url, full_local_path ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (source, native_id) DO NOTHING; ` r := SyncRecordFromSourceVideo(video) _, err := c.db.Exec( insertSql, r.Source, r.NativeID, r.Title, r.Description, r.SourceURL, r.ReleaseTime, r.ThumbnailURL, r.FullLocalPath, ) return err } func (c *SyncDb) SavePublishableVideo(video PublishableVideo) error { upsertSql := ` INSERT INTO videos ( source, native_id, claim_name, title, description, source_url, release_time, thumbnail_url, full_local_path ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (source, native_id) DO UPDATE SET claim_name = excluded.claim_name, title = excluded.title, description = excluded.description, source_url = excluded.source_url, release_time = excluded.release_time, thumbnail_url = excluded.thumbnail_url, full_local_path = excluded.full_local_path; ` _, err := c.db.Exec( upsertSql, video.Source, video.ID, video.ClaimName, video.Title, video.Description, video.SourceURL, video.ReleaseTime, video.ThumbnailURL, video.FullLocalPath, ) if err != nil { return err } err = c.upsertTags(video.Source, video.ID, video.Tags) if err != nil { return err } err = c.upsertLanguages(video.Source, video.ID, video.Languages) return err } func (c *SyncDb) SavePublishedVideo(video PublishedVideo) error { upsertSql := ` INSERT INTO videos ( source, native_id, claim_id, claim_name, title, description, source_url, release_time, thumbnail_url, full_local_path ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (source, native_id) DO UPDATE SET claim_id = excluded.claim_id, claim_name = excluded.claim_name, title = excluded.title, description = excluded.description, source_url = excluded.source_url, release_time = excluded.release_time, thumbnail_url = excluded.thumbnail_url, full_local_path = excluded.full_local_path; ` _, err := c.db.Exec( upsertSql, video.Source, video.NativeID, video.ClaimID, video.ClaimName, video.Title, video.Description, video.SourceURL, video.ReleaseTime, video.ThumbnailURL, video.FullLocalPath, ) if err != nil { return err } err = c.upsertTags(video.Source, video.NativeID, video.Tags) if err != nil { return err } err = c.upsertLanguages(video.Source, video.NativeID, video.Languages) return err } func (c *SyncDb) MarkVideoUncached(source, id string) error { updateSql := ` UPDATE videos SET full_local_path = NULL WHERE source = ? AND native_id = ?; ` _, err := c.db.Exec( updateSql, source, id, ) return err } func (c *SyncDb) _SaveVideoData(video SourceVideo) error { upsertSql := ` INSERT INTO videos ( source, native_id, title, description, source_url, release_time, thumbnail_url, full_local_path ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (source, native_id) DO UPDATE SET title = excluded.title, description = excluded.description, source_url = excluded.source_url, release_time = excluded.release_time, thumbnail_url = excluded.thumbnail_url, full_local_path = excluded.full_local_path; ` _, err := c.db.Exec( upsertSql, video.Source, video.ID, video.Title, video.Description, video.SourceURL, video.ReleaseTime, video.ThumbnailURL, video.FullLocalPath, ) if err != nil { return err } err = c.upsertTags(video.Source, video.ID, video.Tags) if err != nil { return err } err = c.upsertLanguages(video.Source, video.ID, video.Languages) return err } func (c *SyncDb) SaveVideoPublication(video PublishableVideo, claimID string) error { upsertSql := ` INSERT INTO videos ( source, native_id, title, description, source_url, release_time, thumbnail_url, full_local_path, claim_id ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (source, native_id) DO UPDATE SET title = excluded.title, description = excluded.description, source_url = excluded.source_url, release_time = excluded.release_time, thumbnail_url = excluded.thumbnail_url, full_local_path = excluded.full_local_path, claim_id = excluded.claim_id; ` _, err := c.db.Exec( upsertSql, video.Source, video.ID, video.Title, video.Description, video.SourceURL, video.ReleaseTime, video.ThumbnailURL, video.FullLocalPath, claimID, ) if err != nil { return err } err = c.upsertTags(video.Source, video.ID, video.Tags) if err != nil { return err } err = c.upsertLanguages(video.Source, video.ID, video.Languages) return err } func (c *SyncDb) IsVideoPublished(source, id string) (bool, string, error) { selectSql := ` SELECT claim_id FROM videos WHERE source = ? AND native_id = ? ` row := c.db.QueryRow(selectSql, source, id) var claimID sql.NullString err := row.Scan(&claimID) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return false, "", nil } else if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error querying video publication for %s:%s from sync DB: %v", source, id, err) return false, "", err } if claimID.Valid { return true, claimID.String, nil } else { return false, "", nil } } func (c *SyncDb) IsVideoCached(source, id string) (bool, string, error) { selectSql := ` SELECT full_local_path FROM videos WHERE source = ? AND native_id = ? ` row := c.db.QueryRow(selectSql, source, id) var localPath sql.NullString err := row.Scan(&localPath) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return false, "", nil } else if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error querying video cache status for %s:%s from sync DB: %v", source, id, err) return false, "", err } if localPath.Valid { return true, localPath.String, nil } else { return false, "", nil } } func (c *SyncDb) GetVideoRecord(source, id string, includeTags, includeLanguages bool) (*SyncRecord, error) { selectSql := ` SELECT native_id, title, description, source_url, release_time, thumbnail_url, full_local_path, claim_id FROM videos WHERE source = ? AND native_id = ? ` row := c.db.QueryRow(selectSql, source, id) var record SyncRecord err := row.Scan( &record.NativeID, &record.Title, &record.Description, &record.SourceURL, &record.ReleaseTime, &record.ThumbnailURL, &record.FullLocalPath, &record.ClaimID, ) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { log.Debugf("Data for %s:%s is not in the sync DB", source, id) return nil, nil } else if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error querying video data for %s:%s from sync DB: %v", source, id, err) return nil, err } if includeTags { tags, err := c.getTags(source, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } record.Tags = &tags } if includeLanguages { languages, err := c.getLanguages(source, id) if err != nil { return nil, err } record.Languages = &languages } return &record, nil } func (c *SyncDb) GetUnpublishedIDs(source string) ([]string, error) { selectSql := ` SELECT native_id FROM videos WHERE source = ? AND claim_id IS NULL ` ids := []string{} rows, err := c.db.Query(selectSql, source) if err != nil { return ids, err } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var id string err = rows.Scan(&id) if err != nil { return ids, err } ids = append(ids, id) } return ids, nil } func (c *SyncDb) GetSummary() (*SyncDbSummary, error) { selectSql := ` SELECT COUNT() AS total, COUNT(v_unpub.full_local_path) AS cached_unpublished, COUNT(v_all.claim_id) - COUNT(v_unpub.full_local_path) AS uncached_unpublished, MAX(v_all.release_time) AS latest_known, MAX(v_pub.release_time) AS latest_published FROM videos v_all LEFT JOIN videos v_pub ON v_all.source = v_pub.source AND v_all.native_id = v_pub.native_id AND v_pub.claim_id IS NOT NULL LEFT JOIN videos v_unpub ON v_all.source = v_unpub.source AND v_all.native_id = v_unpub.native_id AND v_unpub.claim_id IS NULL ` row := c.db.QueryRow(selectSql) var summary SyncDbSummary var latestKnown, latestPublished sql.NullInt64 err := row.Scan( &summary.Total, &summary.CachedUnpublished, &summary.UncachedUnpublished, &latestKnown, &latestPublished, ) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error querying sync DB summary: %v", err) return nil, err } if latestKnown.Valid { summary.LatestKnown = latestKnown.Int64 } if latestPublished.Valid { summary.LatestPublished = latestPublished.Int64 } return &summary, nil } func (c *SyncDb) ensureSchema() error { createSql := ` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS videos ( source TEXT, native_id TEXT, title TEXT, description TEXT, source_url TEXT, release_time INT, thumbnail_url TEXT, full_local_path TEXT, claim_name TEXT, claim_id TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (source, native_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS video_tags ( source TEXT NOT NULL, native_id TEXT NOT NULL, tag TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (source, native_id, tag) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS video_languages ( source TEXT NOT NULL, native_id TEXT NOT NULL, language TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (source, native_id, language) ); ` _, err := c.db.Exec(createSql) return err } func (c *SyncDb) upsertTags(source, id string, tags []string) error { upsertSql := ` INSERT INTO video_tags ( source, native_id, tag ) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (source, native_id, tag) DO NOTHING; ` for _, tag := range tags { _, err := c.db.Exec( upsertSql, source, id, tag, ) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error inserting tag %s into sync DB for %s:%s: %v", tag, source, id, err) return err } } return nil } func (c *SyncDb) getTags(source, id string) ([]string, error) { selectSql := ` SELECT tag FROM video_tags WHERE source = ? AND native_id = ?; ` rows, err := c.db.Query(selectSql, source, id) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error getting tags from sync DB for %s:%s: %v", source, id, err) return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var tags []string for rows.Next() { var tag string err = rows.Scan(&tag) if err != nil { log.Error("Error deserializing tag from sync DB for %s:%s: %v", source, id, err) return nil, err } tags = append(tags, tag) } return tags, nil } func (c *SyncDb) upsertLanguages(source, id string, languages []string) error { upsertSql := ` INSERT INTO video_languages ( source, native_id, language ) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT (source, native_id, language) DO NOTHING; ` for _, language := range languages { _, err := c.db.Exec( upsertSql, source, id, language, ) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error inserting language %s into sync DB for %s:%s: %v", language, source, id, err) return err } } return nil } func (c *SyncDb) getLanguages(source, id string) ([]string, error) { selectSql := ` SELECT language FROM video_languages WHERE source = ? AND native_id = ?; ` rows, err := c.db.Query(selectSql, source, id) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error getting languages from sync DB for %s:%s: %v", source, id, err) return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var languages []string for rows.Next() { var language string err = rows.Scan(&language) if err != nil { log.Error("Error deserializing language from sync DB for %s:%s: %v", source, id, err) return nil, err } languages = append(languages, language) } return languages, nil } type SyncRecord struct { Source string NativeID string Title sql.NullString Description sql.NullString SourceURL sql.NullString ReleaseTime sql.NullInt64 ThumbnailURL sql.NullString FullLocalPath sql.NullString ClaimID sql.NullString Tags *[]string Languages *[]string } func SyncRecordFromSourceVideo(v SourceVideo) SyncRecord { r := SyncRecord { Source: v.Source, NativeID: v.ID, SourceURL: sql.NullString { String: v.SourceURL, Valid: true }, } if v.Title != nil { r.Title = sql.NullString { String: *v.Title, Valid: true } } if v.Description != nil { r.Description = sql.NullString { String: *v.Description, Valid: true } } if v.ThumbnailURL != nil { r.ThumbnailURL = sql.NullString { String: *v.ThumbnailURL, Valid: true } } if v.FullLocalPath != nil { r.FullLocalPath = sql.NullString { String: *v.FullLocalPath, Valid: true } } if v.ReleaseTime != nil { r.ReleaseTime = sql.NullInt64 { Int64: *v.ReleaseTime, Valid: true } } if len(v.Tags) > 0 { r.Tags = &v.Tags } if len(v.Languages) > 0 { r.Languages = &v.Languages } return r } func (r *SyncRecord) ToPublishableVideo() *PublishableVideo { if !(r.Title.Valid && r.Description.Valid && r.SourceURL.Valid && r.ReleaseTime.Valid && r.ThumbnailURL.Valid && r.FullLocalPath.Valid && r.Tags != nil && r.Languages != nil) { return nil } video := PublishableVideo { ID: r.NativeID, Source: r.Source, Description: r.Description.String, SourceURL: r.SourceURL.String, ReleaseTime: r.ReleaseTime.Int64, ThumbnailURL: r.ThumbnailURL.String, FullLocalPath: r.FullLocalPath.String, Tags: *r.Tags, Languages: *r.Languages, } return &video }