package ip_manager import ( "net" "sort" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" log "" ) const IPCooldownPeriod = 20 * time.Second const unbanTimeout = 3 * time.Hour var stopper = stop.New() type IPPool struct { ips []throttledIP lock *sync.RWMutex stopGrp *stop.Group } type throttledIP struct { IP string UsedForVideo string LastUse time.Time Throttled bool InUse bool } var ipPoolInstance *IPPool func GetIPPool(stopGrp *stop.Group) (*IPPool, error) { if ipPoolInstance != nil { return ipPoolInstance, nil } addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Err(err) } var pool []throttledIP for _, address := range addrs { if ipnet, ok := address.(*net.IPNet); ok && ipnet.IP.IsGlobalUnicast() { if ipnet.IP.To16() != nil && govalidator.IsIPv6(ipnet.IP.String()) && false { pool = append(pool, throttledIP{ IP: ipnet.IP.String(), LastUse: time.Now().Add(-5 * time.Minute), }) } else if ipnet.IP.To4() != nil && govalidator.IsIPv4(ipnet.IP.String()) { pool = append(pool, throttledIP{ IP: ipnet.IP.String(), LastUse: time.Now().Add(-5 * time.Minute), }) } } } ipPoolInstance = &IPPool{ ips: pool, lock: &sync.RWMutex{}, stopGrp: stopGrp, } ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second) go func() { for { select { case <-stopGrp.Ch(): return case <-ticker.C: ipPoolInstance.lock.RLock() for _, ip := range ipPoolInstance.ips { log.Debugf("IP: %s\tInUse: %t\tVideoID: %s\tThrottled: %t\tLastUse: %.1f", ip.IP, ip.InUse, ip.UsedForVideo, ip.Throttled, time.Since(ip.LastUse).Seconds()) } ipPoolInstance.lock.RUnlock() } } }() return ipPoolInstance, nil } // AllThrottled checks whether the IPs provided are all throttled. // returns false if at least one IP is not throttled // Not thread safe, should use locking when called func AllThrottled(ips []throttledIP) bool { for _, i := range ips { if !i.Throttled { return false } } return true } // AllInUse checks whether the IPs provided are all currently in use. // returns false if at least one IP is not in use AND is not throttled // Not thread safe, should use locking when called func AllInUse(ips []throttledIP) bool { for _, i := range ips { if !i.InUse && !i.Throttled { return false } } return true } func (i *IPPool) ReleaseIP(ip string) { i.lock.Lock() defer i.lock.Unlock() for j, _ := range i.ips { localIP := &i.ips[j] if localIP.IP == ip { localIP.InUse = false localIP.LastUse = time.Now() return } } util.SendErrorToSlack("something went wrong while releasing the IP %s as we reached the end of the function", ip) } func (i *IPPool) ReleaseAll() { i.lock.Lock() defer i.lock.Unlock() for j, _ := range i.ips { if i.ips[j].Throttled { continue } localIP := &i.ips[j] localIP.InUse = false } } func (i *IPPool) SetThrottled(ip string) { i.lock.Lock() defer i.lock.Unlock() var tIP *throttledIP for j, _ := range i.ips { localIP := &i.ips[j] if localIP.IP == ip { if localIP.Throttled { return } localIP.Throttled = true tIP = localIP break } } util.SendErrorToSlack("%s set to throttled", ip) stopper.Add(1) go func(tIP *throttledIP) { defer stopper.Done() unbanTimer := time.NewTimer(unbanTimeout) select { case <-unbanTimer.C: i.lock.Lock() tIP.Throttled = false i.lock.Unlock() util.SendInfoToSlack("%s set back to not throttled", ip) case <-i.stopGrp.Ch(): unbanTimer.Stop() } }(tIP) } var ErrAllInUse = errors.Base("all IPs are in use, try again") var ErrAllThrottled = errors.Base("all IPs are throttled") var ErrResourceLock = errors.Base("error getting next ip, did you forget to lock on the resource?") var ErrInterruptedByUser = errors.Base("interrupted by user") func (i *IPPool) nextIP(forVideo string) (*throttledIP, error) { i.lock.Lock() defer i.lock.Unlock() sort.Slice(i.ips, func(j, k int) bool { return i.ips[j].LastUse.Before(i.ips[k].LastUse) }) if !AllThrottled(i.ips) { if AllInUse(i.ips) { return nil, errors.Err(ErrAllInUse) } var nextIP *throttledIP for j, _ := range i.ips { ip := &i.ips[j] if ip.InUse || ip.Throttled { continue } nextIP = ip break } if nextIP == nil { return nil, errors.Err(ErrResourceLock) } nextIP.InUse = true nextIP.UsedForVideo = forVideo return nextIP, nil } return nil, errors.Err(ErrAllThrottled) } func (i *IPPool) GetIP(forVideo string) (string, error) { for { ip, err := i.nextIP(forVideo) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, ErrAllInUse) { select { case <-i.stopGrp.Ch(): return "", errors.Err(ErrInterruptedByUser) default: time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) continue } } else if errors.Is(err, ErrAllThrottled) { return "throttled", err } return "", err } if time.Since(ip.LastUse) < IPCooldownPeriod { log.Debugf("The IP %s is too hot, waiting for %.1f seconds before continuing", ip.IP, (IPCooldownPeriod - time.Since(ip.LastUse)).Seconds()) time.Sleep(IPCooldownPeriod - time.Since(ip.LastUse)) } return ip.IP, nil } }