#Debug mode outputs specific information to the console #DEFAULT: false #debugmode= #DebugQueryMode outputs SQL Boiler queries to the console. #DEFAULT: false #debugquerymode= #LBRYcrd URL is required for chainquery to query the blockchain #DEFAULT: "rpc://lbry:lbry@localhost:9245" lbrycrdurl="rpc://lbry:lbry@lbrycrd:29245" #MySQL DSN is required for chainquery to store information. #DEFAULT: "lbry:lbry@tcp(localhost:3306)/chainquery" #SUGGESTED: "lbry:lbry@unix(/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock)/chainquery" mysqldsn="lbry:lbry@tcp(mysql:3306)/chainquery" #API MySQL DSN is required for chainquery to expose a SQL query service #DEFAULT: "lbry:lbry@tcp(localhost:3306)/chainquery" #SUGGESTED: "lbry:lbry@unix(/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock)/chainquery" apimysqldsn="lbry:lbry@tcp(mysql:3306)/chainquery" #API Host and Port is required for the API Server to bind and listen on. #DEFAULT: "" #apihostport= #Profile mode enables and disables the reporting of a profile for chainquery #DEFAULT: false #profilemode= #Daemon mode tells chainquery how hard it should work catch up processing the blockchain #deamonmode=0 #BeastMode it continuously process block after block until caughtup. #daemonmode=1 #SlowAndSteadyMode it will process block with a frequency of 1 block every 100ms #daemonmode=2 #DelayMode it will process a block with a configured delay frequency (set via 'processingdelay') #daemonmode=3 #DaemonMode it will process a block every iteration of the daemon. #DEFAULT: 0 #deamonmode= #Default client timeout is for communication with the api of chainquery #DEFAULT: 20 #Measured in seconds #defaultclienttimeout= #Processing delay is used to determine how frequently chainquery should process a block # It is only used if Daemon mode is set to delay mode #DEFAULT: 100 #Measured in milliseconds #processingdelay= #Daemon delay is the frequency at which chainquery checks for work to do. #DEFAULT: 1 #Measured in seconds #daemondelay= #Profiling options - will output the time take for certain opertions related to the below category #DEFAULT: false (for all 3 params) #daemonprofile= #lbrycrdprofile= #mysqlprofile= #Slack Hook URL allows slack integration. All logging info level and above is posted to a slack channel. #DEFAULT: "" #slackhookurl= #Slack Channel is the channel that you want the messages to appear. Works together with the hook url. #DEFAULT: "" #slackchannel= #Slack Log Level tells chainquery what level of logging will be sent to the slack channel. It will log all levels below # it as well. Panic=0,Fatal=1,Error=2,Warning=3,Info=4,Debug=5 #DEFAULT: 0 #slackloglevel= #The command that should be executed to trigger a self update of the software. For linux, for example, `.sh` #DEFAULT: "" #autoupdatecommand= #Twilio service of chainquery to send specifically important information to key users of the Chainquery install. #DEFAULT: ##twiliosid="" ##twilioauthtoken="" ##smsrecipients=["",""] ##smsfromphonenumber="" #twiliosid= #twilioauthtoken= #smsrecipients= #smsfromphonenumber= #API Keys - Disallowed by default unless keys are entered. #DEFAULT: [] #apikeys= #Max Failures - Specifies the number of failures that can happen in processing a transaction. This is for parallel #transaction processing which puts a transaction to the back of the processing queue if it fails. It can fail say if its #source output to spend is not already processed. #DEFAULT: 1000 #maxfailures= #Block Chain Name - Specifies the chain params for parsing blocks, transactions, claims, and addresses. valid choices are #lbrycrd_main, lbrycrd_testnet, and lbrycrd_regtest. #DEFAULT: "lbrycrd_main" blockchainname="lbrycrd_regtest"