package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "os/user" "time" "" "" "" log "" ) var Version string const defaultMaxTries = 3 var ( stopOnError bool maxTries int takeOverExistingChannel bool refill int limit int skipSpaceCheck bool syncUpdate bool singleRun bool syncStatus string channelID string syncFrom int64 syncUntil int64 concurrentJobs int videosLimit int maxVideoSize int maxVideoLength float64 ) func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel) cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "ytsync", Short: "Publish youtube channels into LBRY network automatically.", Run: ytSync, Args: cobra.RangeArgs(0, 0), } cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&stopOnError, "stop-on-error", false, "If a publish fails, stop all publishing and exit") cmd.Flags().IntVar(&maxTries, "max-tries", defaultMaxTries, "Number of times to try a publish that fails") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&takeOverExistingChannel, "takeover-existing-channel", false, "If channel exists and we don't own it, take over the channel") cmd.Flags().IntVar(&limit, "limit", 0, "limit the amount of channels to sync") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&skipSpaceCheck, "skip-space-check", false, "Do not perform free space check on startup") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&syncUpdate, "update", false, "Update previously synced channels instead of syncing new ones") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&singleRun, "run-once", false, "Whether the process should be stopped after one cycle or not") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&syncStatus, "status", "", "Specify which queue to pull from. Overrides --update") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&channelID, "channelID", "", "If specified, only this channel will be synced.") cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&syncFrom, "after", time.Unix(0, 0).Unix(), "Specify from when to pull jobs [Unix time](Default: 0)") cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&syncUntil, "before", time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0).Unix(), "Specify until when to pull jobs [Unix time](Default: current Unix time)") cmd.Flags().IntVar(&concurrentJobs, "concurrent-jobs", 1, "how many jobs to process concurrently") cmd.Flags().IntVar(&videosLimit, "videos-limit", 1000, "how many videos to process per channel") cmd.Flags().IntVar(&maxVideoSize, "max-size", 2048, "Maximum video size to process (in MB)") cmd.Flags().Float64Var(&maxVideoLength, "max-length", 2.0, "Maximum video length to process (in hours)") if err := cmd.Execute(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } } func ytSync(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var hostname string slackToken := os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN") if slackToken == "" { log.Error("A slack token was not present in env vars! Slack messages disabled!") } else { var err error hostname, err = os.Hostname() if err != nil { log.Error("could not detect system hostname") hostname = "ytsync-unknown" } util.InitSlack(os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN"), os.Getenv("SLACK_CHANNEL"), hostname) } if syncStatus != "" && !util.InSlice(syncStatus, SyncStatuses) { log.Errorf("status must be one of the following: %v\n", SyncStatuses) return } if stopOnError && maxTries != defaultMaxTries { log.Errorln("--stop-on-error and --max-tries are mutually exclusive") return } if maxTries < 1 { log.Errorln("setting --max-tries less than 1 doesn't make sense") return } if limit < 0 { log.Errorln("setting --limit less than 0 (unlimited) doesn't make sense") return } apiURL := os.Getenv("LBRY_API") apiToken := os.Getenv("LBRY_API_TOKEN") youtubeAPIKey := os.Getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY") blobsDir := os.Getenv("BLOBS_DIRECTORY") lbrycrdString := os.Getenv("LBRYCRD_STRING") awsS3ID := os.Getenv("AWS_S3_ID") awsS3Secret := os.Getenv("AWS_S3_SECRET") awsS3Region := os.Getenv("AWS_S3_REGION") awsS3Bucket := os.Getenv("AWS_S3_BUCKET") if apiURL == "" { log.Errorln("An API URL was not defined. Please set the environment variable LBRY_API") return } if apiToken == "" { log.Errorln("An API Token was not defined. Please set the environment variable LBRY_API_TOKEN") return } if youtubeAPIKey == "" { log.Errorln("A Youtube API key was not defined. Please set the environment variable YOUTUBE_API_KEY") return } if awsS3ID == "" { log.Errorln("AWS S3 ID credentials were not defined. Please set the environment variable AWS_S3_ID") return } if awsS3Secret == "" { log.Errorln("AWS S3 Secret credentials were not defined. Please set the environment variable AWS_S3_SECRET") return } if awsS3Region == "" { log.Errorln("AWS S3 Region was not defined. Please set the environment variable AWS_S3_REGION") return } if awsS3Bucket == "" { log.Errorln("AWS S3 Bucket was not defined. Please set the environment variable AWS_S3_BUCKET") return } if lbrycrdString == "" { log.Infoln("Using default (local) lbrycrd instance. Set LBRYCRD_STRING if you want to use something else") } if blobsDir == "" { usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { log.Errorln(err.Error()) return } blobsDir = usr.HomeDir + "/.lbrynet/blobfiles/" } syncProperties := &sdk.SyncProperties{ SyncFrom: syncFrom, SyncUntil: syncUntil, YoutubeChannelID: channelID, } apiConfig := &sdk.APIConfig{ YoutubeAPIKey: youtubeAPIKey, ApiURL: apiURL, ApiToken: apiToken, HostName: hostname, } sm := NewSyncManager( stopOnError, maxTries, takeOverExistingChannel, refill, limit, skipSpaceCheck, syncUpdate, concurrentJobs, concurrentJobs, blobsDir, videosLimit, maxVideoSize, lbrycrdString, awsS3ID, awsS3Secret, awsS3Region, awsS3Bucket, syncStatus, singleRun, syncProperties, apiConfig, maxVideoLength, ) err := sm.Start() if err != nil { SendErrorToSlack(err.Error()) } SendInfoToSlack("Syncing process terminated!") }