# AGPL 3 or any later version
# (C) J.Y.Amihud ( Blender Dumbass )

# Basic sys to get through to different modules
import os
import sys

from modules.Common import *

if len(sys.argv) < 2 or "--help" in sys.argv:
    from modules import Help

elif "--set" in sys.argv:
    from modules import Set

elif "--account" in sys.argv:
    from modules import Account

elif "--config" in sys.argv:
    from modules import Set
    data = Set.Load() # Making sure
    Set.Save(data)    # that config.json exists
    os.system(Set.Load().get("editor", "nano")+" "+Set.Folder()+"/config.json")

elif "--run" in sys.argv:
    from modules import Run

elif "--folder" in sys.argv:
    from modules import Set
    os.system("xdg-open "+Set.Folder())

elif "--transfer" in sys.argv:
        folder = sys.argv[ sys.argv.index("--transfer") + 1]
        if "--" in folder: 1/0 # Failing this for the error message.
        from modules import Legacy
    except Exception as e:
        print(clr["bold"]+clr["tdrd"]+"Error:"+clr["norm"]+" Folder Wasn't Specified!", e)
        print('Use: $ python3 run.py --transfer ~/Software/blenderdumbass_site/')

elif "--create" in sys.argv:
        name = sys.argv[ sys.argv.index("--create") + 1]
        if "--" in name: 1/0 # Failing this for the error message.
        from modules import Create
    except Exception as e:
        print(clr["bold"]+clr["tdrd"]+"Error:"+clr["norm"]+" Name Wasn't Specified!", e)
        print('Use: $ python3 run.py --create article/My_Article')

elif "--write" in sys.argv:
        name = sys.argv[ sys.argv.index("--write") + 1]
        if "--" in name: 1/0 # Failing this for the error message.
        from modules import Create
    except Exception as e:
        print(clr["bold"]+clr["tdrd"]+"Error:"+clr["norm"]+" Name Wasn't Specified!", e)
        print('Use: $ python3 run.py --write article/My_Article')

elif "--metadata" in sys.argv:
        name = sys.argv[ sys.argv.index("--metadata") + 1]
        if "--" in name: 1/0 # Failing this for the error message.
        from modules import Create
    except Exception as e:
        print(clr["bold"]+clr["tdrd"]+"Error:"+clr["norm"]+" Name Wasn't Specified!", e)
        print('Use: $ python3 run.py --metadata article/My_Article')

elif "--publish" in sys.argv:
        name = sys.argv[ sys.argv.index("--publish") + 1]
        if "--" in name: 1/0 # Failing this for the error message.
        from modules import Create
    except Exception as e:
        print(clr["bold"]+clr["tdrd"]+"Error:"+clr["norm"]+" Name Wasn't Specified!", e)
        print('Use: $ python3 run.py --publish article/My_Article')