From 0d8f9d4cf0ba4e81630daf774effb9c3cf172d60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aaack Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 11:30:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Eh... this was a mistake that's corrected. --- settings/languages/ | 417 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 207 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-) diff --git a/settings/languages/ b/settings/languages/ index fa90ee6..907053f 100644 --- a/settings/languages/ +++ b/settings/languages/ @@ -1,76 +1,77 @@ [] -checkingpythonmodules = [Comprobando módulos PYTHON...] -checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Comprobando VCStudio...] -desktopcreated = [ La configuración de VCStudio ha terminado. Busque VCStudio en el menú de inicio.] +checkingpythonmodules = [Checking PYTHON modules...] +checkingpartsoftheprogramm = [Checking VCStudio...] +desktopcreated = [ VCStudio configuration Complite. Look for VCStudio in the Launcher.] checked = [Okay] -cancel = [Cancelar] -failed = [Error] -missingmoduleserror = [Se han encontrado errores. Escriba Fix para intentar corregirlos.] -missingmodulenotification = [Error en un módulo. Mire la consola para más detalles.] -imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) Hola de nuevo.] +cancel = [Cancel] +failed = [Failed] +missingmoduleserror = [Errors found. Type Fix to attempt fixing.] +missingmodulenotification = [Module error. Look into the console for details.] +imissedyouwelcommessage = [:) I'm happy to see you.] PMConsoleExplanation = [ - Esto es VCStudio Project-Manager para consolas. + This is a console version of the VCStudio's Project-Manager. - Tenga en cuenta que el modo de consola tiene límites en su funcionalidad - y es pensado para usarse en casos muy específicos. + Keep in mind that console mode is limited in functionality and is used only +for most notoroius reasons. - Escriba help para ver las funciones disponibles.] + Type help to get available functions.] pm_console_help = [ -help - Muestra éste texto. -set_language - Cambia el idioma. -projects_list - Muestra la lista de proyectos. -set_folder - Define una carpeta donde crear un nuevo proyecto. -new_project - Crea un nuevo proyecto. -project - Abre un proyecto. -scan - Busca en el sistema por proyectos de VCStudio o Blender-Organizer. -convert - Convierte un proyecto de Blender-Organizer a VCStudio, (haga una copia de respaldo antes de usar esta opción). -exit - Sale. +help - This help dialogue. +set_language - changes language settings. +projects_list - see projects list. +set_folder - set a folder where a new project is created. +new_project - creates a new project. +project - launch a given project. +scan - scans systems for VCStudio or Blender-Organizer projects. +convert - convert Blender-Organizer project to VCStudio project. (Please have a back up when using this one.) +exit - exits. ] -pm-do-new-project-error = [No ha definido una carpeta para su proyecto. -Use set_folder para definir la carpeta.] -Current = [Actual] -Name = [Nombre] -Wait = [Aguarde] -project-manager = [Administrador de proyectos] -createnewproject_tooltip = [Crear un nuevo proyecto] -scanforprojects_tooltip = [Buscar proyectos existentes -en VCStudio y Blender-Organizer] -convertoldproject_tooltip = [Convertir el proyecto de Blender-Organizer -existente en un proyecto de VCStudio.] -pm_internet_tooltip = [Documentación] -Update = [Actualizar] -Settings = [Configuración] -UI_testing_tooltip = [Cambiar a modo de "UI Testing"] -pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [Elegir donde crear una carpeta -para el nuevo proyecto.] -new_project_name = [Nombre del nuevo proyecto] -duringscanningforprojects = [Buscando en el SO, espere...] -Developer = [Desarrollador] -help_movies_done_title = [Películas hechas con VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):] -In_Production = [En producción] -help_tutorial_title = [tutoriales en video:] -ClickToWatch = [Haz click para ver.] -tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analíticos - Tutorial] -tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Editor de historias - Tutorial] -tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Recursos - Tutorial] -Expand = [Expandir] -Compress = [Colapsar] -update_see_history = [Ver cambios en el archivo] -update_read_version_notes = [Vea notas acerca de esta versión] -update_available = [Disponible] -update_current = [Actual] -update_previous = [Anterior] -update_all = [Actualizar todo] -files = [Archivos] -update_install = [Instalar Actualizaciones] -update_all_tooltip = [En lugar de descargar sólo las actualizaciones actuales, -descargue todos los archivos. Por ejemplo puede usarlos para reparar otros archivos.] -update_installing = [Instalando las actualizaciones...] -change_language = [Seleccione un idioma] -set_language = [Seleccionar ] -Blur = [Desenfocar] -Auto_De-Blur = [Apagar desenfoque bajo 10 FPS] +pm-do-new-project-error = [You didn't specify folder where to create a project. +Use set_folder to specify it.] +Current = [Current] +Name = [Name] +Wait = [Wait] +project-manager = [Project - Manager] +createnewproject_tooltip = [Start a New Project] +scanforprojects_tooltip = [Scan the OS for existing projects +both VCStudio and the Blender-Organizer] +convertoldproject_tooltip = [Convert selected Blender-Organizer +project into a VCStudio project.] +pm_internet_tooltip = [Help / About / Tutorials / Forums +Other Internet links] +Update = [Update] +Settings = [Settings] +UI_testing_tooltip = [Tougle "UI Testing" Mode] +pm_new_project_folder_tooltip = [Choose where on the system to +create the project's folder.] +new_project_name = [New Project Name] +duringscanningforprojects = [Scanning the OS, wait...] +Developer = [Developer] +help_movies_done_title = [Movies done using VCStudio (Blender-Organizer):] +In_Production = [In Production] +help_tutorial_title = [Video Tutorials:] +ClickToWatch = [Click to watch.] +tutorial_legacy_analitycs = [Blender-Organizer: Analitycs - Tutorial] +tutorial_legacy_storyeditor = [Blender-Organizer: Story-Editor - Tutorial] +tutorial_legacy_assets = [Blender-Organizer: Assets - Tutorial] +Expand = [Expand] +Compress = [Compress] +update_see_history = [See changes to the file] +update_read_version_notes = [Read about this version] +update_available = [Available] +update_current = [Current] +update_previous = [Previous] +update_all = [Update all] +files = [files] +update_install = [Install Updates] +update_all_tooltip = [Instead of downloading only the current update. +Download all the files. You can use it to fix broken files, for example.] +update_installing = [Installing the Updates...] +change_language = [Select a Language] +set_language = [Set ] +Blur = [Blur] +Auto_De-Blur = [Deactivate Blur Below 10 FPS] help_stallman = [Richard Matthew Stallman The founder of GNU. Which stands for GNU's not Unix. This man made VCStudio @@ -112,163 +113,159 @@ Stallman. This ensures that Blender will always have the 4 basic freedoms. VCStudio (Blender-Organizer) would not exist if Blender would not exist. ] -help_indirect_credits = [Agradecimiento a las siguientes personas que han ayudado indirectamente:] -help_read_wiki = [VCStudio Wiki (Manuales y notas acerca de las versiones)] -Start = [Inicio] -End = [Fin] -analytics_tooltip = [Ver analíticos del proyecto / Historial / Agenda] -new_scene_tooltip = [Crear un nuevo nodo de escena] -link_asset_tooltip = [Vincular un recurso al espacio de la historia] -link_file_tooltip = [Vincular un archivo al espacio de la historia] -event_tooltip = [Crear un nuevo evento. Agrupa escenas en un cuadro, -(Similar a los cuadros de Blender)] -marker_tooltip = [Agregar un marcador en el espacio de la historia.] -render_lists_tooltip = [Renderizaciones actuales] -vse_tooltip = [Editores de Vídeo VSE -(archivos .blend para editar el video)] -multiuser_tooltip = [Multi usuario. Sincronizar el proyecto -entre varias computadorasprar projectos grupales] -chr = [Personajes] -veh = [Vehículos] -loc = [Lugares] -obj = [Otros recursos] -mus = [Música / Sonidos] -blend_files_folder = [Archivos .blend] -reference_folder = [Referencias] -tex_folder = [Texturas] -renders_folder = [Renderizaciones] -DeleteQuestion = [Está seguro que quiere borrar?] -OperationIrrevesable = [Esta operación no puede ser revertida!] -Scenes = [Escenas] -LinksToFiles = [Vínculos a archivos] -LinksToAssets = [Vínculos a recursos] -Markers = [Marcadores] -project_folder = [Carpeta de proyectos] -outside_folder = [Carpeta externa] -project_name = [Nombre del proyecto] -project_director = [Director del proyecto] -project_status = [Comentario acerca del proyecto] -project_banner = [Imagen de fondo] -project_startdate = [Fecha de inicio] -project_deadline = [Fecha límite] -username = [Su nombre de usuario] -create_new_asset = [Crear nuevo recurso:] -copy_file_as = [Copiar archivo como:] -create_new_blend_file = [Crear un nuevo archivo .blend:] -add_new_task = [Nueva tarea] -add_new_subtask = [Nueva sub tarea:] -user_schedules = [Usuario:] -add_phrase_tooltip = [Agregar un diálogo al libreto. +help_indirect_credits = [Special people who helped in-directly:] +help_read_wiki = [VCStudio Wiki (Text Manuals and Release Notes)] +Start = [Start] +End = [End] +analytics_tooltip = [See Project's Analytics / History / Scheduling] +new_scene_tooltip = [Create a new scene node.] +link_asset_tooltip = [Link asset to the story space.] +link_file_tooltip = [Link a file to the story space.] +event_tooltip = [Make an event. Group scenes into a frame. +(Similar to Blender's Frame)] +marker_tooltip = [Mark a place on the story space.] +render_lists_tooltip = [Current Renders] +vse_tooltip = [VSE Video Editors +(Blendfiles for editing the movie)] +multiuser_tooltip = [Multiuser. Sync of the project between +more then one computer. Used for groups projects.] +chr = [Characters] +veh = [Vehicles] +loc = [Locations] +obj = [Other Assets] +mus = [Music / Sounds] +blend_files_folder = [Blend Files] +reference_folder = [References] +tex_folder = [Textures] +renders_folder = [Renders] +DeleteQuestion = [Are you sure, you want to Delete?] +OperationIrrevesable = [Operation Non-Reversable!] +Scenes = [Scenes] +LinksToFiles = [Links To Files] +LinksToAssets = [Links To Assets] +Markers = [Markers] +project_folder = [Project's Folder] +outside_folder = [From outside the project] +project_name = [Project's Name] +project_director = [Project's Director] +project_status = [Project's Comment] +project_banner = [Background Image] +project_startdate = [Start Date] +project_deadline = [Deadline] +username = [Your Username] +create_new_asset = [Create New Asset:] +copy_file_as = [Copy a File As:] +create_new_blend_file = [Create a New Blend File:] +add_new_task = [New Task] +add_new_subtask = [New Sub-Task] +user_schedules = [User:] +add_phrase_tooltip = [Adding a Dialogue part to the script. -Por Ejemplo: +Example: James Hacker - Hola mundo. Cómo está - mi Gnomovision? + Hello World. How is my + Gnomovision doing? -Organizará el texto con márgenes -similar a un libreto real. Cuando -sea exportado tendrá un libreto -estéticamente agradable] -add_shot_tooltip = [Marcar una parte del libreto -como toma] -add_asset_tooltip = [Marcar un recurso. Personaje -u otro tipo de recurso] -add_image_script_tooltip = [Insertar imagen] -add_shot_live_checklist = [Toma de acción en vivo] -add_shot_anim_checklist = [Toma de animación] -add_shot_vfx_checklist = [Toma de efecto especial] -add_scene_checklist = [Crear una lista de comprobación] -link_shot_blend_tooltip = [Vincular recursos a ] -render_shot_blend_tooltip = [Renderizar VCStudio para ] -link_mode_link = [Sólo vincula los recursos en el archivo .blend] -link_mode_overrides = [Vincula y crea redefiniciones en la biblioteca para los recursos] -link_mode_proxy = [Vincula y crea un proxy para los rigs] -link_add_from_scene = [Agregar los recursos seleccionados a la escena] -link_asset_not_configured = [Recurso no configurado, por favor configúrelo. -Si permanece desconfigurado el recurso no podrá ser vinculado.] -asset_configuration_step_1 = [Paso 1: Cree el recurso.] -asset_configuration_step_2 = [Paso 2: Copie el archivo .blend a /ast/.] -asset_configuration_step_3 = [Paso 3: Seleccione la colección y el Rig.] -render_avarage_time = [Tiempo promedio:] -render_remaining_time = [Tiempo restante:] -clean_render_folder = [Borre todos los archivos de los cuadros de la carpeta antes de renderizar, -de lo contrario continuará a partir del último cuadro -que se encuentre en la carpeta.] -recommended_yes = [Recomendado] -recommended_not = [No recomendado] -readme = [Leame] -license = [Licencia] -documentation_installation = [Instalación] -documentation_project_manager = [Administrador del proyecto] -documentation_story_editor = [Editor de historias] -documentation_script_writer = [Escritor de libretos] -documentation_analytics = [Analíticos] -documentation_assets = [Recursos] -documentation_link_assets = [Vinculando recursos] -documentation_render = [Renderizar] -documentation_multiuser = [Múltiples usuarios] -documentation_type_scene = [Lea en línea] -documentation_type_update = [Actualizar información] -documentation_type_video = [Tutorial en vídeo] -notabug_markdown = [Aplicar cambios] -edit_markdown = [Editar texto] -multiuser_server_start = [Arrancar el server de múltiples usuarios en esta computadora.] -multiuser_server_stop = [Terminar el server de múltiple usuarios. -Cuidado! Puede perder datos] -change_theme = [Cambiar tema] -set_theme = [Cambiar tema a: ] -export_tooltip = [Exportar con formato ODT, -(formato de LibreOffice, legible por la mayoría de los programas de oficina.)] +It will give you a good margin like in +a real script. And as you export. You +will have a nice looking script frames.] +add_shot_tooltip = [Mark part of the script +as a shot.] +add_asset_tooltip = [Mark an asset. Character +or other type of asset.] +add_image_script_tooltip = [Insert Image] +add_shot_live_checklist = [Live Action Shot] +add_shot_anim_checklist = [Animation Shot] +add_shot_vfx_checklist = [VFX Shot] +add_scene_checklist = [Create Scene Checklist] +link_shot_blend_tooltip = [Link assets into ] +render_shot_blend_tooltip = [VCStudio Renderer for ] +link_mode_link = [Just link the assets into the Blend-File.] +link_mode_overrides = [Link and Make Library-Overrides to the assets.] +link_mode_proxy = [Link and Make Proxy to the Rigs.] +link_add_from_scene = [Add assets marked in the scene.] +link_asset_not_configured = [Asset not configured. Please configure the asset. +Without configuration the asset will not be linked.] +asset_configuration_step_1 = [Step 1: Make the Asset.] +asset_configuration_step_2 = [Step 2: Copy Blend file to /ast/.] +asset_configuration_step_3 = [Step 3: Choose Collection and Rig.] +render_avarage_time = [Average Time:] +render_remaining_time = [Time Left:] +clean_render_folder = [Delete all the frames in the folder before starting render. +Else it will continue from the last frame that exists in the folder.] +recommended_yes = [Recommeded] +recommended_not = [Not recommeded] +readme = [Readme] +license = [License] +documentation_installation = [Installation] +documentation_project_manager = [Project Manager] +documentation_story_editor = [Story Editor] +documentation_script_writer = [Script Writer] +documentation_analytics = [Analytics] +documentation_assets = [Assets] +documentation_link_assets = [Linking Assets] +documentation_render = [Render] +documentation_multiuser = [Multiuser] +documentation_type_scene = [Read Online] +documentation_type_update = [Update Information] +documentation_type_video = [Video Tutorial] +notabug_markdown = [Commit Changes] +edit_markdown = [Edit Text] +multiuser_server_start = [Start the Multiuser Server on this computer.] +multiuser_server_stop = [Kill the Multiuser Server. +Warning! Potential data loss could acur.] +change_theme = [Change Theme] +set_theme = [Change Theme to: ] +export_tooltip = [Export story to ODT. +(LibreOffice format. Readable by most office suits.)] sc_help = [ -help - Muestra esta ayuda. -asset - Elige un recurso. -assets - Muestra una lista de los recursos existentes. -scene - Muestra el texto de una escena. -scenes - Lista las escenas disponibles. -scenes_main_chain - Lista sólo las escenas de la rama principal. -shot - Elige una toma. -shots - Lista las tomas de una escena seleccionada. -file - Abre un archivo del recurso o toma seleccinada. -files - Lista todos los archivos de un recurso o toma seleccionada. -multiuser_start - Arranca el servidor de múltiples usuarios para este proyecto. -multiuser_stop - Detiene el servidor de múltiples usuarios. -multiuser_users - Lista los usuarios conectados al servidor. -multiuser_message - Envía un mensaje a los usuarios conectados. -vse - Arranca un archivo VSE. -vses - Lista todos los archivos VSE. -render - Renderiza un archivo .blend de una toma. -render_server - Crea un servidor de renderización para múltiples usuarios. -render_not_server - Detiene el servidor de renderización para múltiples usuarios. -eval - Corre una expresión en Python. -exit - Sale. +help - returns this help +asset - choose and asset +assets - list existsing assets +scene - read a scene +scenes - lists available scenes +scenes_main_chain - list only scenes from the main chain +shot - choose a shot +shots - list shots of a given scene +file - open a file from a given asset or shot +files - list all files from a given asset or shot +multiuser_start - starts multiuser server for this project +multiuser_stop - stops multiuser +multiuser_users - list of users connected to multiuser +multiuser_message - message users on multiuser +vse - starts a vse file +vses - lists all vse files +render - render a given file from a shot +render_server - become a render server for users on multiuser +render_not_server - stop being a render server for users +eval - run a python expression +exit - exit ] -press_to_continue = [PRESIONE INTRO PARA CONTINUAR] -contact_us_now = [Conferencia condesarrollador] +press_to_continue = [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE] +contact_us_now = [Video Call the Developer] contact_us_tip = [ -Crea una conferencia en Jitsi donde J.Y.Amihud, el desarrollador de -VCStudio trabaja continuamente para mejorar el programa u otros -proyectos. +Open a Jitsi Conference where J.Y.Amihud, the developer of VCStudio is +constantly working on improving the software or does any other project. -Jitsi no requiere que cree una cuenta. Solo ingrese su apodo, permita -el uso de su micrófono y ya puede hablar. Puede hablar en Inglés, -Ruso o Hebreo. No hay moderación de malas palabras, siéntase libre -de gritarme. +Jitsi does not require you to have a login. Just type your name, allow +access to your microphone and start talking. Talk freely in either +English, Russian or Hebrew. No moderation of curse words. So be free to +yell at me. -Si no respondo o si no hay nadie en la conferencia estoy lejos del -teclado o durmiendo. +If I don't respond or there is no-one in the conferense. I'm either away +from the computer or asleep. ] -report_bug_now = [Reporte un problema] +report_bug_now = [Report Bugs] report_bug_tip = [ -Abra la página de errores del repositorio de NotABug donde puede reportar su -problema. Por favor sea descriptivo y asegúrese que se pueda recrear el -problema, use capturas de pantalla y/o archivos que tengan el problema si -es aplicable. +Open the NotABug git repository issues page where you can post your problem. +Please be descriptive. And make sure that we can re-create the bug. Use screen +shots or files that have problems if needed. -Escriba en Inglés, Ruso o Hebreo. +Type freely using English, Russian or Hebrew. ] -tutorial_video_installation = [VCStudio: Tutorial de Instalación] -tutorial_video_project_manager = [VCStudio: Tutorial del Administrador de Proyectos] -auto_download_images = [Descarga automática de imágenes] +tutorial_video_installation = [VCStudio: Installation Tutorial] +tutorial_video_project_manager = [VCStudio: Project-Manager Tutorial] +auto_download_images = [Auto Download Images]