diff --git a/studio/analytics.py b/studio/analytics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98300e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/studio/analytics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import os
+import datetime
+#from studio import checklist
+import checklist
+def get_legacy(project_location):
+    # This function will return analytics data about a project. This particular
+    # function is desinged to read old, Blender-Organizer projects. It's a first
+    # step of conversion. And used to display basic analitycs into the 
+    # project-manager.
+    data = {
+        "name"       : "",            # Name of the project (typed properly)
+        "director"   : "",            # Name of the project's director.
+        "status"     : "",            # Projects's comment / type
+        "donework"   : 0.0,           # Percentage of Assets and Scenes done
+        "fraction"   : 0.0,           # Project's completion percentage
+        "checklist"  : 0.0,           # Project's main checklist percentage
+        "startdate"  : "0000/00/00",  # Date of the start of the project
+        "deadline"   : "0000/00/00",  # Date when project's deadline is
+        "duration"   : 0,             # Amount in days between startdate and deadline
+        "timepassed" : 0.0,           # Percentage of how much time had passed
+        "dayspassed" : 0,             # Amount of days since the startdate
+        "chr_factor" : 1,             # Importance factor for Characters
+        "veh_factor" : 1,             # Importance factor for Vehicles
+        "loc_factor" : 1,             # Importance factor for Locations
+        "obj_factor" : 1,             # Importance factor for Objects (Other)
+        "rnd_factor" : 1,             # Importance factor for Scenes (Renders)
+        "chr"        : 0.0,           # Percentage of Characters done
+        "veh"        : 0.0,           # Percentage of Vehicles done
+        "loc"        : 0.0,           # Percentage of Locations done
+        "obj"        : 0.0,           # Percentage of Objects (Other) done
+        "rnd"        : 0.0,           # Percentage of Scenes (Renders) done
+        "dates"      : {}             # Per date, detailed data about the project  
+        }
+    # Okay let's get the name, director and status from the old file. Funny that
+    # it still survived from so far back. In the Organizer 1.0 you had to manually
+    # type in the number of assets that had to be done in each category.
+    # And so for this task was created a file called "project.data". Here is
+    # an example :
+    #    Project  :Moria's Race
+    #    Status   :Short Action Driving Film
+    #    Director :J.Y.Amihud
+    #    Character:1
+    #    Locations:1
+    #    Objects  :1
+    #    Vehicles :1
+    #    Scenes   :4
+    # So that's survived up to the last Blender-Organizer. But no longer the
+    # last 5 lines were utilized. I was using it mainly for the first 3 things.
+    # Tho from a version 4.85 of Blender-Organizer those last lines were used
+    # to controll the influence factor. Basically the number stored will multiply
+    # the number of times a given category is counted in the final percentage.
+    # For example animating scenes should take more then half the time of the
+    # project. More then 50% of the project then should be in the scenes. But
+    # previous / primitive algorythm was giving each category an even 20%. So
+    # of course I fixed it. LOL.
+    # I think for VCStudio I gonna make a more unified file format. That will 
+    # unite all "project.data", "percentage_hystory.data", "history.data" and
+    # "schedule.data". 
+    # I'm going to still have the main checklist separate tho. The checklist
+    # format is quite good.
+    projectdata = open(project_location+"/project.data")
+    projectdata = projectdata.read()
+    projectdata = projectdata.split("\n")
+    for line in projectdata:
+        if line.startswith("Project"):
+            data["name"] = line[line.find(":")+1:]
+        elif line.startswith("Status"):
+            data["status"] = line[line.find(":")+1:]
+        elif line.startswith("Director"):
+            data["director"] = line[line.find(":")+1:]
+        # Next up some integer conversions. So...
+        elif line.startswith("Character"):
+            try:
+                data["chr_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
+            except:
+                data["chr_factor"] = 1
+        elif line.startswith("Vehicles"):
+            try:
+                data["veh_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
+            except:
+                data["veh_factor"] = 1
+        elif line.startswith("Locations"):
+            try:
+                data["loc_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
+            except:
+                data["loc_factor"] = 1
+        elif line.startswith("Objects"):
+            try:
+                data["obj_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
+            except:
+                data["obj_factor"] = 1
+        elif line.startswith("Scenes"):
+            try:
+                data["rnd_factor"] = int(line[line.find(":")+1:])
+            except:
+                data["rnd_factor"] = 1
+    # Okay this first file was easy. Let's now parse the main checklist and
+    # get 5 more values. Funny thing is that for the old checklists and new
+    # checklists you can use the same function to read them. ( The main check-
+    # list data ). But old checklists had something else in there that was 
+    # making them a bit different from VCStudio checklists. It's the STR and FIN
+    # variables in the beginig. 
+    # See in the Organizer 1.0 there was no scheduling system as there was in 
+    # Blender-Orgaznier 4.9. The scheduling was done per asset and not per
+    # action in the checklist. So STR and FIN were 2 dates between which you
+    # should have had working on the asset.
+    # But in the main checklists ("project.progress") those 2 survived to the
+    # late Blender-Organizer as a project startdate and deadline.
+    # One more rub that I have is that date format was 00/00/0000 and not the
+    # way better one 0000/00/00 which makes sorting easy. So yeah...
+    old_date_format = "%d/%m/%Y"
+    new_date_format = "%Y/%m/%d"
+    projectdata = open(project_location+"/project.progress")
+    projectdata = projectdata.read()
+    projectdata = projectdata.split("\n")
+    startdate = datetime.datetime.today()
+    deadline  = datetime.datetime.today()
+    for line in projectdata:
+        if line.startswith("STR"):
+            startdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(line[4:], old_date_format)
+            data["startdate"] = datetime.datetime.strftime(startdate, new_date_format)
+        elif line.startswith("FIN"):
+            deadline = datetime.datetime.strptime(line[4:], old_date_format)
+            data["deadline"] = datetime.datetime.strftime(deadline, new_date_format)
+    # So we've go the dates. Let's calculate time perventage I guess.
+    delta = deadline - startdate
+    data["duration"] = int(delta.days)
+    delta = datetime.datetime.today() - startdate
+    data["dayspassed"] = int(delta.days)
+    data["timepassed"] = data["dayspassed"] / data["duration"]
+    if data["timepassed"] > 1.0:
+        data["timepassed"] = 1.0
+    # Now let's lauch the main checklist and get the data from there. I mean
+    # the percentage. Btw It's just a hard thing. That I needed a separate
+    # function for it.
+    projectdata = checklist.get_list(project_location+"/project.progress")
+    data["checklist"] = projectdata["fraction"]
+    # NEXT THING. As I love to type it into place where people read me while I'm
+    # working. We've got data from 2 files. Now we need to get data from ALL the
+    # project. 
+    # First we going to get data about the assets. Because it's relativelly easy
+    # compared to the story. For which you need to parce a crazy complicated .bos
+    # file. Which is a complex database in it's own right.
+    # So let's go and quickly get data about the assets.
+    asstfols = ["chr", "veh", "loc", "obj"]
+    astlist = []
+    for n , f in enumerate(asstfols):        
+        flist = []
+        if len(os.listdir(project_location+"/dev/"+f)) > 0:
+            for asset in os.listdir(project_location+"/dev/"+f):
+                if asset+".blend" in os.listdir(project_location+"/ast/"+f):
+                    flist.append(1.0)
+                else:
+                    try:       
+                        fcheck = checklist.get_list(project_location+"/dev/"+f+"/"+asset+"/asset.progress")
+                        flist.append(fcheck["fraction"])
+                    except:
+                        flist.append(0.0)
+            # The multiplication thing that I was talking about earlier.
+            multiply = data[f+"_factor"]
+            for m in range(multiply):
+                astlist.append(sum(flist)/len(flist))
+            data[f] =  sum(flist)/len(flist)
+    # For the next step I need to have the story parsed and read. But it's going
+    # to be so hard. That I will need to write a separate function for it.
+    data["rnd"] = 0.0
+    # After all of it we need to get the final project percentage. 
+    multiply = data["rnd_factor"]
+    for m in range(multiply):
+        astlist.append(data["rnd"])
+    try:    
+        data["donework"] = sum(astlist) / len(astlist)
+    except:
+        data["donework"] = 0.0
+    data["fraction"] = (data["donework"] + data["checklist"]) / 2
+    # Next section of this data gathering will be about history, scheduling and
+    # similar things. I gonna create a dictionary of dates. And input data about
+    # those dates into the dates. 
+    return data
+this = get_legacy("/home/vcs/Projects/Films/Shorts/MoriasRace")
+for i in this:
+    print(i, " : " ,this[i])
diff --git a/studio/checklist.py b/studio/checklist.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfdcd64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/studio/checklist.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import os
+def get_list(filepath):
+    # This fucntion converts text documents. (.progress) into a more machine
+    # friendly recursive dict.
+    # In the original organizer evaluation of the checklist was done separatelly
+    # in a different function. Which made it very messy for recursive stuff.
+    # I will attemp to combine it. And make it more clean as a result.
+    checklist = {
+        "fraction":0.0, # The percentage of a checklist. From 0.0 to 1.0
+        "string":filepath,     
+        "editing":False,# Whethere the string is during editing. UI.
+        "open":True,    # Whether to draw the suptasks. UI.
+        "subtasks":[]   # List of subtastks. (In the same format as the checklist)
+        }
+    data = open(filepath)
+    data = data.read()
+    data = data.split("\n")
+    # Let's filter out all the comments. Lines starting with #. For some reason
+    # in the old organizer. I just thought it wasn't important. LOL. And just
+    # started reading from the 10th line. 
+    # Here is an example of the first 9 lines.
+    #  1 #### Blender orgainizer checklist format
+    #  2 #### INDINTATION (4 SPACES LONG)
+    #  3 #### STR means Start date of the ASSET
+    #  4 #### FIN means Finish deadline of the asset
+    #  5 #### [ ] means that task is on list
+    #  6 #### [V] means that tast is finished
+    #  7 #### DO NOT USE EMPTY LINES
+    #  8 STR 24/02/2020
+    #  9 FIN 01/05/2021
+    # You can see a trace from a very long time ago. From the first versions
+    # of the blender organizer. The STR and FIN values. Which are start and
+    # deadline of the project.
+    # I guess we need to filter it out a bit differently. Checking whether a
+    # given line starts with a [ or with a number of spaces and [. This will
+    # make the file a little more open to editing by hand. Without too much
+    # worrying that something will break.
+    cleandata = []
+    for line in data:
+        # So not to mangle the line.
+        tmp = line
+        while tmp.startswith(" "):
+            tmp = tmp[1:]
+        # Checking
+        if tmp.startswith("[ ]") or tmp.startswith("[V]"):
+            cleandata.append(line)
+    # Now since we have the cleandata. We can try to parse it somehow into a
+    # checklist thing. For this we need a reqursion. I gonna use a method from
+    # the blender-organizer. By running the function with in itself. It's not
+    # very wise. I know. In python3 it will give you no more then 996 recursions
+    # untill it will declare an error. BUT. It's 996 layers of a subtaks.
+    # For now I don't see a need in so many subtasks. Let's think of layers of
+    # subtasks as of memory. This laptop has only 8 GB of RAM. I can't put more
+    # data into it even if I wanted.
+    def convert(part, indent=0):
+        # If a thing have subtasks it should not even be a checkbox. So trying
+        # To evaluate it's fraction by whether it's a [ ] or [V] shoun't be
+        # done.
+        subtask = []
+        for num, line in enumerate(part):
+            # Let's get the NEXT line. I'm not kidding. We gonna work with the
+            # next line to see whether to count this lines [V]
+            if line[indent:].startswith("["):
+                thisline = {
+                    "fraction":0.0, 
+                    "string":line[line.find("]")+2:],     
+                    "editing":False, 
+                    "open":False,    
+                    "subtasks":[]   
+                    }
+                try:
+                    nextline = part[num+1]
+                except:
+                    nextline = ""
+                if not line[line.find("]")+1] == ".":
+                    thisline["open"] = True
+                if nextline.find("[")-1 <= indent:
+                    if line[indent:].startswith("[V]"):
+                        thisline["fraction"] = 1.0
+                else:
+                    subpart = []
+                    subdent = indent
+                    for n, l in enumerate(part[num+1:]):
+                        if n == 0:
+                            subdent = l.find("[")
+                        if l.find("[")-1 <= indent:
+                            break
+                        else:
+                            subpart.append(l)
+                    #print(subpart)
+                    thisline["subtasks"] = convert(subpart, subdent)
+                    fracs = []
+                    for task in thisline["subtasks"]:
+                        if not task["string"].startswith("#"):
+                            fracs.append(task["fraction"])
+                    try:
+                        thisline["fraction"] = sum(fracs) / len(fracs)
+                    except:
+                        thisline["fraction"] = 0.0
+                    # Sometime it was showing 99% when infect it's 100%
+                    if thisline["fraction"] == 0.9999:
+                        thisline["fraction"] =  1.0
+                subtask.append(thisline)
+        return subtask
+    checklist["subtasks"] = convert(cleandata) 
+    fracs = []
+    for task in checklist["subtasks"]:
+        if not task["string"].startswith("#"):
+            fracs.append(task["fraction"])
+    try:
+        checklist["fraction"] = sum(fracs) / len(fracs)
+    except:
+        checklist["fraction"] = 0.0
+    # Sometime it was showing 99% when infect it's 100%
+    if checklist["fraction"] == 0.9999:
+        checklist["fraction"] =  1.0
+    return checklist 