# THIS FILE IS A PART OF VCStudio # PYTHON 3 ############################################################################### # In order for Multiuser to function. VCStudio should have a process on the # background can access to all the data, that will talk to the Multiuser # server. ############################################################################### ##################### IMPLEMENTED FEATURES LIST ############################### # [V] List of users | Important to know the usernames of all users # [V] Assets | Important to have up to date assets everywhere # [ ] Shots | Important to have up to date shots / and their assets # [ ] Rendering | Ability to render on a separate machine. # [ ] Story | Real time Sync of the story edito and the script writer # [ ] Analytics | Real time Sync of History and Schedules. # [ ] Messages | A little messaging system in the Multiuser window. ############################################################################### import os import sys import time import json import socket import random import hashlib import datetime import threading import subprocess from UI import UI_elements from settings import talk from network import insure time_format = "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S" def client(win): ########################################################################### # This function is the thing that we need. It's going to run in it's own # thread. Separatelly from the rest of the program. ########################################################################### while True: try: # So the first thing that we want to do is to listen for a server # broadcasting himself. And when found connect to that server. connect(win) # Then it's going to ask us that project are we in and our username. server = win.multiuser["server"] # Then as soon as we are connected. We want to start the main loop. I know # that some stuff should be done early. But I guess it's better to do them # in the main loop. So basically the server will request a bunch of stuff. # And when it sends no valid request. Or something like KEEP ALIVE then it's # a turn for as to send requests to server. Or nothing. The communication # happens all the time. while win.multiuser["server"]: request = insure.recv(server) if request == "yours": ############################################################ # WE REQUEST FROM SERVER # ############################################################ if win.multiuser["curs"]: # The get asset function get(win, list(win.multiuser["curs"].keys())[0], win.multiuser["curs"][list(win.multiuser["curs"].keys())[0]]) try: del win.multiuser["curs"][list(win.multiuser["curs"].keys())[0]] except: pass elif win.multiuser["request"]: insure.send(server, win.multiuser["request"]) win.multiuser["request"] = [] elif not win.multiuser["users"]: insure.send(server, "users") win.multiuser["users"] = insure.recv(server) elif win.cur and win.cur != win.multiuser["last_request"]: win.multiuser["last_request"] = win.cur # If we are currently at some asset or shot. We want to # send to the server the current state of the folder # if such exists. So if we have the latest one. Every # body else could send us a give request. But if somebody # has the latest and it's not us. We could send them # the get request. # First step will be to check whitch cur are we in. if win.url == "assets": t = "/dev" elif win.url == "script": t = "/rnd" else: t = "" # Then we need to see if there is a folder to begin # with. Some scenes and some shots have no folder. if not os.path.exists(win.project+t+win.cur): insure.send(server, "yours") else: # If there is a folder let's get the timestamp. timestamp = getfoldertime(win.project+t+win.cur) insure.send(server, ["at", t+win.cur, timestamp]) else: insure.send(server, "yours") if win.url not in ["assets", "script", "analytics"]: win.multiuser["last_request"] = "" win.cur = "" else: ############################################################ # SERVER REQUESTS FROM US # ############################################################ if request == "story": if not win.multiuser["story_check"]: storytime = "1997/07/30-00:00:00" win.multiuser["story_check"] = True else: storytime = gettime(win.project+"/pln/story.vcss") selectedtmp = win.story["selected"] tmppointers = win.story["pointers"] tmpcamera = win.story["camera"] insure.send(server, [win.story, storytime]) story = insure.recv(server) win.story = story[1].copy() win.story["selected"] = selectedtmp win.story["camera"] = tmpcamera win.story["pointers"] = tmppointers if story[0] in win.multiuser["users"]: win.multiuser["users"][story[0]]["camera"] = story[1]["camera"] elif request == "users": win.multiuser["users"] = {} elif request == "analytics": if not win.multiuser["analytics_check"]: analyticstime = "1997/07/30-00:00:00" win.multiuser["analytics_check"] = True else: analyticstime = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), time_format) insure.send(server, [win.analytics, analyticstime]) win.analytics = insure.recv(server) elif request == "assets": assets = list_all_assets(win) insure.send(server, assets) new_assets = insure.recv(server) for asset in new_assets: if asset not in assets or assets[asset][1] < new_assets[asset][1]: # If a given asset is not on our system or # being updated on another system. We want to # call for get() function. To get the new # and up to date version of the asset. And if # doesn't exist get the asset. # But it's better to do one by one. try: win.multiuser["curs"]["/dev"+asset] = new_assets[asset][0] except: pass elif request[0] == "give": give(win, request[1], server) elif request[1] == "at": print(request) try: # If we need an update let's update if getfoldertime(win.project+request[2]) < request[3]: win.multiuser["curs"][request[2]] = request[0] # Else tell the world that we are the newest ones elif getfoldertime(win.project+request[2]) > request[3]: insure.send(server, ["at", request[2], getfoldertime(win.project+request[2])]) insure.recv(server) except: pass elif request[0] == "messages": win.multiuser["messages"] = request[1] win.multiuser["unread"] += 1 win.scroll["multiuser_messages"] = 0-500*len(request[1]) insure.send(server, "yours") except Exception as e: #raise() win.multiuser["server"] = False print("Connection Multiuser Error | "+str(e)+" | Line: "+str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) def getfoldertime(path): # I noticed a problem with getting a last modification time for a directory. # It is not nearly the same time as the contents inside that directory. And # when for example I have /dev/chr/Moria folder. And I want to check is this # asset is newer here or somebody has a more up to date version. It checks # for only the time of the folder /dev/chr/Moria and not the contents of # that folder. Which is not cool. I want to get the newest time from all the # files and folders inside it. Including in the case of assets the # /ast/chr/Moria.blend files. So this is why you see this function here. if os.path.isdir(path): # So basically we are doing it only if it's actually a directory. In # case there is an error. I didn't check. But who knows. # We need to get the full list of subdirectories and files. allstuff = [] if "/dev/" in path and os.path.exists(path[:path.find("/dev")]+"/ast"+path[path.find("/dev")+4:]+".blend"): allstuff.append(gettime(path[:path.find("/dev")]+"/ast"+path[path.find("/dev")+4:]+".blend")) for i in os.walk(path): if i[-1]: for b in i[-1]: allstuff.append(gettime(i[0]+"/"+b)) else: allstuff.append(gettime(i[0])) # Now let's find the biggest one biggest = allstuff[0] for i in allstuff: if i > biggest: biggest = i return biggest else: return gettime(path) def gettime(path): # This function will get a pretty time for a given path. The last change # to the file or the folder recorded by the os. time_format = "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S" timestamp = os.path.getmtime(path) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) timestamp = datetime.datetime.strftime(timestamp, time_format) return timestamp def connect(win): # This is going to be a function that connects to the server and makes a # handshake while not win.multiuser["server"]: # So the first step will be to listen for multiuser. data = "" try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(("", 54545)) data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) data = data.decode('utf8') sock.close() except: pass # If any data revieved. It's not nessesarily the server. So let's read it if data.startswith("VCStudio MULTIUSER SERVER"): try: data, ip, project = data.split(" | ") except: continue # So now we know the ip of the server. And the name of a project # that it's hosting. We need to check that our name is the same # and if yes. Connect to the server. if win.analytics["name"] == project: server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server.connect((ip, 64646)) win.multiuser["server"] = server win.multiuser["userid"] = str(server.getsockname()[0])+":"+str(server.getsockname()[1]) insure.recv(server) insure.send(server, win.settings["Username"]) insure.recv(server) insure.send(server, win.analytics["name"]) print("Connected to Multiuser as: "+win.multiuser["userid"]) # Adiing myself into the list of all users win.multiuser["users"][win.multiuser["userid"]] = {"username":win.settings["Username"], "camera":[0,0]} def hash_file(f): try: BLOCKSIZE = 65536 hasher = hashlib.md5() with open(f, 'rb') as afile: buf = afile.read(BLOCKSIZE) while len(buf) > 0: hasher.update(buf) buf = afile.read(BLOCKSIZE) return str(hasher.hexdigest()) except: return "FOLDER" def list_all_assets(win): # This function is listing all the asset CURs in the project. Not the shots # only the assets. Since we want to have what assets are being created. For # shots. It's done using the story editor file. So we don't really need it. allcurs = {} for c in ["chr", "veh", "loc", "obj"]: for i in os.listdir(win.project+"/dev/"+c): allcurs["/"+c+"/"+i] = [ win.multiuser["userid"], getfoldertime(win.project+"/dev/"+c+"/"+i) ] return allcurs def get_give_folder_list(project, folder): # This function will prepare our folder list for get and giv functions. path = folder astblend = path[:path.find("/dev")]+"/ast"+path[path.find("/dev")+4:]+".blend" fs = [] if os.path.exists(project+astblend): fs.append([astblend, hash_file(project+astblend)]) # There might not even be any folder as far as this function concerned # there is nothing in it if there is no folder. try: for f in os.walk(project+folder): # If files in the folder if f[2]: for i in f[2]: fs.append([f[0].replace(project, "")+"/"+i, hash_file(f[0]+"/"+i)]) # Else just put the folder in else: fs.append([f[0].replace(project, ""), "FOLDER"]) except Exception as e: print("get_give_folder_list(): "+str(e)) return fs def get(win, folder, userid): # This function will get any folder from any other user using the connection # to the server. print("Trying to get: [", folder, "] From: [", userid, "]") server = win.multiuser["server"] insure.send(server, ["get", userid, folder]) # Next we will recieve the list of file / folders in the directory # we are looking for. With the MD5 hash of each. We do not want to # download files that are identical between both machines. available = insure.recv(server) current = get_give_folder_list(win.project, folder) getlist = [] # Now we need to compare between them to get a list of files we want. # Also at this stange we can already make the folders for f in available: if f not in current: if f[1] == "FOLDER": # If it's a folder there is nothing I need to download, we # already have the name. So let's just make it. try: os.makedirs(win.project+f[0]) except: pass else: # If it's not a folder. And it does not exist. Let's actually # get it. getlist.append(f[0]) # Now we want to send to that other user the "getlist" so he would know. # which files to send back to us. This is a bit harder communication then # just sending a big object contaning all of the files in it. Because I'm # using Json for the complex data structures. It's just not going to be cool # because at best it will convert the bytes of the files into strings of # text. Which are like 4 to 8 times larger in sizes. And at worst it will # fail complitelly. So what I will do is ask the files one by one. The # insure script knows how to deal with bytes objects so we are fine. insure.send(server, getlist) # Now let's just recieve the files and save them. for f in getlist: # We also want the folder to be make just in case. try: os.makedirs(win.project+f[:f.rfind("/")]) except: pass data = open(win.project+f, "wb") data.write(insure.recv(server)) data.close() insure.send(server, "saved") # Refrashing peviews for the images and stuff win.checklists = {} UI_elements.reload_images(win) def give(win, folder, server): # This function will send to the server any folder that other users might # request. print("Someone wants: [", folder, "]") # We are going to send the list of files and folder and their hash values # to the other client. So it could choose what files does it wants. Not # all files will be changed. So there is no need to copy the entire folder. insure.send(server, get_give_folder_list(win.project, folder)) # The other user will select the files that he needs. Based on what's # changed. And will send us the short version of the same list. getlist = insure.recv(server) # Now let's send the actuall binaries of the files. for f in getlist: print("sending file:", f) data = open(win.project+f, "rb") data = data.read() insure.send(server, data) insure.recv(server)