
# In order for Multiuser to function. VCStudio should have a process on the 
# background can access to all the data, that will talk to the Multiuser
# server.


##################### IMPLEMENTED FEATURES LIST ###############################

# [V] List of users     |   Important to know the usernames of all users
# [V] Assets            |   Important to have up to date assets everywhere
# [ ] Shots             |   Important to have up to date shots / and their assets
# [ ] Rendering         |   Ability to render on a separate machine.
# [ ] Story             |   Real time Sync of the story edito and the script writer
# [ ] Analytics         |   Real time Sync of History and Schedules.
# [ ] Messages          |   A little messaging system in the Multiuser window.


import os
import sys
import time
import json
import socket
import random
import hashlib
import datetime
import threading
import subprocess

from UI import UI_elements
from settings import talk
from network import insure

time_format = "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S"

def client(win):
    # This function is the thing that we need. It's going to run in it's own
    # thread. Separatelly from the rest of the program.
    while True:
            # So the first thing that we want to do is to listen for a server
            # broadcasting himself. And when found connect to that server.

            # Then it's going to ask us that project are we in and our username.
            server = win.multiuser["server"]
            # Then as soon as we are connected. We want to start the main loop. I know
            # that some stuff should be done early. But I guess it's better to do them
            # in the main loop. So basically the server will request a bunch of stuff. 
            # And when it sends no valid request. Or something like KEEP ALIVE then it's
            # a turn for as to send requests to server. Or nothing. The communication 
            # happens all the time.
            while win.multiuser["server"]:
                request = insure.recv(server)
                if request == "yours":
                    #                   WE REQUEST FROM SERVER                 #
                    if win.multiuser["curs"]:
                        # The get asset function
                        get(win, list(win.multiuser["curs"].keys())[0], 
                            del win.multiuser["curs"][list(win.multiuser["curs"].keys())[0]]
                    elif win.multiuser["request"]:
                        insure.send(server, win.multiuser["request"])
                        win.multiuser["request"] = []
                    elif not win.multiuser["users"]:
                        insure.send(server, "users")
                        win.multiuser["users"] = insure.recv(server)
                    elif win.cur and win.cur != win.multiuser["last_request"]:
                        win.multiuser["last_request"] = win.cur
                        # If we are currently at some asset or shot. We want to
                        # send to the server the current state of the folder
                        # if such exists. So if we have the latest one. Every
                        # body else could send us a give request. But if somebody
                        # has the latest and it's not us. We could send them
                        # the get request. 
                        # First step will be to check whitch cur are we in.
                        if win.url == "assets":
                            t = "/dev"
                            t = "/rnd"
                        # Then we need to see if there is a folder to begin 
                        # with. Some scenes and some shots have no folder.
                        if not os.path.exists(win.project+t+win.cur):
                            insure.send(server, "yours")
                            # If there is a folder let's get the timestamp.
                            timestamp = getfoldertime(win.project+t+win.cur)
                            insure.send(server, ["at", t+win.cur, timestamp])
                        insure.send(server, "yours")
                        if win.url not in ["assets", "script"]:
                            win.multiuser["last_request"] = ""
                            win.cur = ""
                    #                  SERVER REQUESTS FROM US                 #
                    if request == "story":
                        if not win.multiuser["story_check"]:
                            storytime = "1997/07/30-00:00:00"
                            win.multiuser["story_check"] = True
                            storytime = gettime(win.project+"/pln/story.vcss")
                        selectedtmp = win.story["selected"]
                        tmppointers = win.story["pointers"]
                        tmpcamera   = win.story["camera"]
                        insure.send(server, [win.story, storytime])
                        story = insure.recv(server)
                        win.story = story[1].copy()
                        win.story["selected"] = selectedtmp
                        win.story["camera"]   = tmpcamera
                        win.story["pointers"] = tmppointers
                        if story[0] in win.multiuser["users"]:
                            win.multiuser["users"][story[0]]["camera"] = story[1]["camera"]

                    elif request == "users":
                        win.multiuser["users"] = {}
                    elif request == "analytics":
                        if not win.multiuser["analytics_check"]:
                            analyticstime = "1997/07/30-00:00:00"
                            win.multiuser["analytics_check"] = True
                            analyticstime = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), time_format)
                        insure.send(server, [win.analytics, analyticstime])
                        win.analytics = insure.recv(server)

                    elif request == "assets":
                        assets = list_all_assets(win)
                        insure.send(server, assets)
                        new_assets = insure.recv(server)
                        for asset in new_assets:
                            if asset not in assets or assets[asset][1] < new_assets[asset][1]:
                                # If a given asset is not on our system or
                                # being updated on another system. We want to
                                # call for get() function. To get the new
                                # and up to date version of the asset. And if
                                # doesn't exist get the asset.
                                # But it's better to do one by one.
                                    win.multiuser["curs"]["/dev"+asset] = new_assets[asset][0]
                    elif request[0] == "give":
                        give(win, request[1], server)            
                    elif request[1] == "at":
                            # If we need an update let's update
                            if getfoldertime(win.project+request[2]) < request[3]:
                                win.multiuser["curs"][request[2]] = request[0]
                            # Else tell the world that we are the newest ones
                            elif getfoldertime(win.project+request[2]) > request[3]:
                                insure.send(server, ["at", request[2], getfoldertime(win.project+request[2])])
                    elif request[0] == "messages":
                        win.multiuser["messages"] = request[1]
                        win.multiuser["unread"] += 1 
                        win.scroll["multiuser_messages"] = 0-500*len(request[1])
                    insure.send(server, "yours")
        except Exception as e:
            win.multiuser["server"] = False
            print("Connection Multiuser Error | "+str(e)+" | Line: "+str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))

def getfoldertime(path):
    # I noticed a problem with getting a last modification time for a directory.
    # It is not nearly the same time as the contents inside that directory. And
    # when for example I have /dev/chr/Moria folder. And I want to check is this
    # asset is newer here or somebody has a more up to date version. It checks
    # for only the time of the folder /dev/chr/Moria and not the contents of
    # that folder. Which is not cool. I want to get the newest time from all the
    # files and folders inside it. Including in the case of assets the 
    # /ast/chr/Moria.blend files. So this is why you see this function here.
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        # So basically we are doing it only if it's actually a directory. In
        # case there is an error. I didn't check. But who knows.
        # We need to get the full list of subdirectories and files. 
        allstuff = []
        if "/dev/" in path and os.path.exists(path[:path.find("/dev")]+"/ast"+path[path.find("/dev")+4:]+".blend"):
        for i in os.walk(path):
            if i[-1]:
                for b in i[-1]:
        # Now let's find the biggest one
        biggest = allstuff[0]
        for i in allstuff:
            if i > biggest:
                biggest = i
        return biggest
        return gettime(path)

def gettime(path):
    # This function will get a pretty time for a given path. The last change
    # to the file or the folder recorded by the os.
    time_format = "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S"
    timestamp = os.path.getmtime(path)
    timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
    timestamp = datetime.datetime.strftime(timestamp, time_format)
    return timestamp
def connect(win):
    # This is going to be a function that connects to the server and makes a
    # handshake
    while not win.multiuser["server"]:
        # So the first step will be to listen for multiuser. 
        data = ""
            sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) 
            sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            sock.bind(("", 54545))
            data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
            data = data.decode('utf8')

        # If any data revieved. It's not nessesarily the server. So let's read it
        if data.startswith("VCStudio MULTIUSER SERVER"):
                data, ip, project = data.split(" | ")
            # So now we know the ip of the server. And the name of a project
            # that it's hosting. We need to check that our name is the same
            # and if yes. Connect to the server.
            if win.analytics["name"] == project:
                server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                server.connect((ip, 64646))
                win.multiuser["server"] = server
                win.multiuser["userid"] = str(server.getsockname()[0])+":"+str(server.getsockname()[1])
                insure.send(server, win.settings["Username"])
                insure.send(server, win.analytics["name"])
                print("Connected to Multiuser as: "+win.multiuser["userid"])
                # Adiing myself into the list of all users
                win.multiuser["users"][win.multiuser["userid"]] = {"username":win.settings["Username"], "camera":[0,0]}

def hash_file(f):
        BLOCKSIZE = 65536
        hasher = hashlib.md5()
        with open(f, 'rb') as afile:
            buf = afile.read(BLOCKSIZE)
            while len(buf) > 0:
                buf = afile.read(BLOCKSIZE)
        return str(hasher.hexdigest())
        return "FOLDER"

def list_all_assets(win):
    # This function is listing all the asset CURs in the project. Not the shots
    # only the assets. Since we want to have what assets are being created. For
    # shots. It's done using the story editor file. So we don't really need it.
    allcurs = {}
    for c in ["chr", "veh", "loc", "obj"]:
        for i in os.listdir(win.project+"/dev/"+c):
            allcurs["/"+c+"/"+i] = [
    return allcurs

def get_give_folder_list(project, folder):
    # This function will prepare our folder list for get and giv functions.
    path = folder
    astblend = path[:path.find("/dev")]+"/ast"+path[path.find("/dev")+4:]+".blend"
    fs = []
    if os.path.exists(project+astblend):
        fs.append([astblend, hash_file(project+astblend)])
    # There might not even be any folder as far as this function concerned
    # there is nothing in it if there is no folder. 
        for f in os.walk(project+folder):
            # If files in the folder
            if f[2]:
                for i in f[2]:  
                    fs.append([f[0].replace(project, "")+"/"+i, hash_file(f[0]+"/"+i)])
            # Else just put the folder in
                fs.append([f[0].replace(project, ""), "FOLDER"])
    except Exception as e:
        print("get_give_folder_list(): "+str(e))    
    return fs

def get(win, folder, userid):    
    # This function will get any folder from any other user using the connection
    # to the server.
    print("Trying to get: [", folder, "] From: [",  userid, "]")
    server = win.multiuser["server"]
    insure.send(server, ["get", userid, folder])
    # Next we will recieve the list of file / folders in the directory
    # we are looking for. With the MD5 hash of each. We do not want to 
    # download files that are identical between both machines.
    available = insure.recv(server)
    current   = get_give_folder_list(win.project, folder)
    getlist   = []
    # Now we need to compare between them to get a list of files we want.
    # Also at this stange we can already make the folders
    for f in available:
        if f not in current:
            if f[1] == "FOLDER":
                # If it's a folder there is nothing I need to download, we
                # already have the name. So let's just make it.
                # If it's not a folder. And it does not exist. Let's actually
                # get it.
    # Now we want to send to that other user the "getlist" so he would know.
    # which files to send back to us. This is a bit harder communication then
    # just sending a big object contaning all of the files in it. Because I'm
    # using Json for the complex data structures. It's just not going to be cool
    # because at best it will convert the bytes of the files into strings of
    # text. Which are like 4 to 8 times larger in sizes. And at worst it will
    # fail complitelly. So what I will do is ask the files one by one. The
    # insure script knows how to deal with bytes objects so we are fine.
    insure.send(server, getlist)
    # Now let's just recieve the files and save them.
    for f in getlist:
        # We also want the folder to be make just in case.
        data = open(win.project+f, "wb")
        insure.send(server, "saved")
    # Refrashing peviews for the images and stuff
    win.checklists = {}
def give(win, folder, server):
    # This function will send to the server any folder that other users might
    # request.
    print("Someone wants: [", folder, "]")
    # We are going to send the list of files and folder and their hash values
    # to the other client. So it could choose what files does it wants. Not 
    # all files will be changed. So there is no need to copy the entire folder.
    insure.send(server, get_give_folder_list(win.project, folder))
    # The other user will select the files that he needs. Based on what's
    # changed. And will send us the short version of the same list.
    getlist = insure.recv(server)
    # Now let's send the actuall binaries of the files.
    for f in getlist:
        print("sending file:", f)
        data = open(win.project+f, "rb")
        data = data.read()
        insure.send(server, data)